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Tom Scully and GWS


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I think the carrot of GWS won't be as appealing to players as that of the Gold Coast. Both offering big bucks but to go to GWS will be career suicide as it is an experiment that will be a basket case for quite a few years as opposed to the Gold Coast which can mould a culture and attract supporters fairly quickly

Bingo. Lifestyles between Gold Coast and Western Sydney are world's apart. GC would be a great lifestyle for someone between 20-30, WS not so much. The allure of WS would be nothing to that of the GC, the only thing that WS can offer is a heap of cash. Sure money talks, but it sounds better when it is coming from your yacht/apartment in Surfer's rather than the rugby league heartland of Blacktown.

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Bingo. Lifestyles between Gold Coast and Western Sydney are world's apart. GC would be a great lifestyle for someone between 20 -30, WS not so much. The allure of WS would be nothing to that of the GC, the only thing that WS can offer is a heap of cash. Sure money talks, but it sound better when it is coming from your yacht/apartment in Surfer's rather than the rugby league heartland of Blacktown.

Being originally from the Western Suburbs of Sydney, I can fully support this argument. Blacktown is pretty much the pits. Except for some of the nieghboring suburbs such as Doonside (as in: no oop-side) or Rooty Hill (no comment).

But if Tom talks to his manager, the message he should be getting is something like: "If MFC make a reasonable offer for 2-3 more years, take it. You will be worth far more at 22-24 than you are now." It behoves us to make a reasonable offer and then achieve so well that he won't want to move at the end of the extension.

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Not a concern at all.

He won't go anywhere. Just like with all the GC17 talk last year and fear of losing MFC players, it just won't happen (at least not with any of the 'flag core' players).

Hutchy just needed to fill space...

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Not overly worried.

Realistically, GWS are not only looking at Scully, but Trengove, Martin, Jetta, Rowan and probably every other first round pick in the last two years. If they can get their hands on one of the really good young players it will be quite a coup. However, the main purpose of the player-poaching powers they have been granted is to get some experience into the side to balance all of the young talent they are stockpiling. While they will no doubt make a play for some of the young guns, they will be more focused on signing some high-profile experienced players. Look for them to target Bartel, Selwood, Hodge, Judd etc. I doubt most of those names would even think about it, although Judd is a well-known mercenary, but that's the direction they are going to be looking.

Not overly stressed.

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Hopefully there are plenty more they come after too. Simply indicates to me what we all know, that we have a star on our hands.

Can't be concerned about those things. He is a driven kid in any case and seems to be one that has the drive to achieve success in a football sense rather than anything else.

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Guest hangon007

You'd be more worried about the Tigers..?

I wouldn't.

I 100% sure they will have a massive crack at him. B) Scully is perfect for them and they will leave no stone un-turned to get him. You can bet your house on that one.

We will just have to sit back wait and watch how their (Tigers) season unfolds, which will determine their ability to get the job done.

I'm just hoping he is prepared to "stick fat" with us for less money. However, only time will tell on that one.

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I 100% sure they will have a massive crack at him. B) Scully is perfect for them and they will leave no stone un-turned to get him. You can bet your house on that one.

We will just have to sit back wait and watch how their (Tigers) season unfolds, which will determine their ability to get the job done.

I'm just hoping he is prepared to "stick fat" with us for less money. However, only time will tell on that one.

How would the Tigers be able to offer more money than us?

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Guest Jackadee

His mates and family are here, we're (hopefully) going to have a good year, and I imagine the club has been good to him.

It only says GWS want him. I'd be amazed if he wasn't on their radar, he's a young number 1 draft pick yet to be signed.

Can't see him leaving, but I guess you never know.

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Guest hangon007

How would the Tigers be able to offer more money than us?

If I told you the answer to that I would have to shot you. So sorry you will never get the answer from me.

If you want an opinion on everything sorry I'm the wrong poster to read. They are far better qualified than me around here... so if I was you, I would just listen to all those wise posters saying - "she will be right mate, we have no worries, this team or that team are no threat" Ultimately, they might be right but that would have more to do with the character of Tom than what they are writing.

All I'm saying is there is more than one team in the AFL lining up to have a crack at Tom. Obviously, I'm praying it wont happen. I'm also saying dont rule out Sheedy getting involved or "trying" to get involved, we are not exactly on his Christmas card list.

Ever consider Hutchy might only have half of the story right? B) Under estimate your opposition at your own peril in AFL football, both on & off the field.

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If I told you the answer to that I would have to shot you. So sorry you will never get the answer from me.

If you want an opinion on everything sorry I'm the wrong poster to read. They are far better qualified than me around here... so if I was you, I would just listen to all those wise posters saying - "she will be right mate, we have no worries, this team or that team are no threat" Ultimately, they might be right but that would have more to do with the character of Tom than what they are writing.

All I'm saying is there is more than one team in the AFL lining up to have a crack at Tom. Obviously, I'm praying it wont happen. I'm also saying dont rule out Sheedy getting involved or "trying" to get involved, we are not exactly on his Christmas card list.

Ever consider Hutchy might only have half of the story right? B) Under estimate your opposition at your own peril in AFL football, both on & off the field.


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If I told you the answer to that I would have to shot you. So sorry you will never get the answer from me.

If you want an opinion on everything sorry I'm the wrong poster to read. They are far better qualified than me around here... so if I was you, I would just listen to all those wise posters saying - "she will be right mate, we have no worries, this team or that team are no threat" Ultimately, they might be right but that would have more to do with the character of Tom than what they are writing.

All I'm saying is there is more than one team in the AFL lining up to have a crack at Tom. Obviously, I'm praying it wont happen. I'm also saying dont rule out Sheedy getting involved or "trying" to get involved, we are not exactly on his Christmas card list.

Ever consider Hutchy might only have half of the story right? B) Under estimate your opposition at your own peril in AFL football, both on & off the field.

Slight Paranoia i would suggest.

I am sure all clubs have looked closely at Tom, as we have looked at other clubs lists.

It is up to the MFC to make this club a place people want to be at. Simple really.

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Not overly worried.

Realistically, GWS are not only looking at Scully, but Trengove, Martin, Jetta, Rowan and probably every other first round pick in the last two years. If they can get their hands on one of the really good young players it will be quite a coup. However, the main purpose of the player-poaching powers they have been granted is to get some experience into the side to balance all of the young talent they are stockpiling. While they will no doubt make a play for some of the young guns, they will be more focused on signing some high-profile experienced players. Look for them to target Bartel, Selwood, Hodge, Judd etc. I doubt most of those names would even think about it, although Judd is a well-known mercenary, but that's the direction they are going to be looking.

Not overly stressed.

Good post Ralphius...

If I told you the answer to that I would have to shot you. So sorry you will never get the answer from me.

If you want an opinion on everything sorry I'm the wrong poster to read. They are far better qualified than me around here... so if I was you, I would just listen to all those wise posters saying - "she will be right mate, we have no worries, this team or that team are no threat" Ultimately, they might be right but that would have more to do with the character of Tom than what they are writing.

All I'm saying is there is more than one team in the AFL lining up to have a crack at Tom. Obviously, I'm praying it wont happen. I'm also saying dont rule out Sheedy getting involved or "trying" to get involved, we are not exactly on his Christmas card list.

Ever consider Hutchy might only have half of the story right? B) Under estimate your opposition at your own peril in AFL football, both on & off the field.

Smoking the reefer???

The posts aren't about underestimating anyone. I think everyone here knows and believes that MFC players will be on the wish list of many clubs. But like they did this year, the majority have the belief that MFC will sign all of the required players to keep them out of reach of GWS and other clubs. We also believe that the players WANT to play for the MFC because they can see where the club is trying to get too.

Your post about Richmond also makes no sense in the regard that you are suggesting they are going to throw huge money at a 19 year old who has played 1-2 seasons when they have a batch of young midfielders already and are trying to build a great culture (ie no mercenaries). As per Ralphius' post above, they'd be more likely to throw large money at a middle aged player to inject experience and hardness rather than a kid and risk unsettling the harmony of the group.

In line with Hutchy's article, you are offering no credible evidence that Richmond are even remotely interested or would be willing to go down that path for a young player...

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Your post about Richmond also makes no sense in the regard that you are suggesting they are going to throw huge money at a 19 year old who has played 1-2 seasons when they have a batch of young midfielders already and are trying to build a great culture (ie no mercenaries). As per Ralphius' post above, they'd be more likely to throw large money at a middle aged player to inject experience and hardness rather than a kid and risk unsettling the harmony of the group.

that is your totally uninformed gut feeling on what goes on in the minds of the Richmond recruiting dept! Regardless of their existing midfield stocks they would leap at the chance to pinch Scully as would every other club in the league. The same goes for Watts, Trengove, Morton, Grimes, McKenzie, Jurrah, Frawley etc. That's because we have an elite/premiership nucleus now.. so just get to used to the idea

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Guest hangon007

Slight Paranoia i would suggest.

No problems you can suggest all you want.

I am sure all clubs have looked closely at Tom, as we have looked at other clubs lists.

There is a massive diffrence in having a look at a player, to - having the ways & means to get the job done.

All I'm telling you I would be more worried about a team like the Tigers. But as I said people around here know more than me.

However, as I said I'm hoping that Tom's character will shine thru and he sticks fat with us. However, that wont stop the Tigers if the season unfolds a certain way for them.

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No problems you can suggest all you want.

There is a massive diffrence in having a look at a player, to - having the ways & means to get the job done.

All I'm telling you I would be more worried about a team like the Tigers. But as I said people around here know more than me.

However, as I said I'm hoping that Tom's character will shine thru and he sticks fat with us. However, that wont stop the Tigers if the season unfolds a certain way for them.

i aint worried at all. If Tom Scully wants to play for Melbourne he will. If he accepts a different offer well then we recruit another player. That saId i would expect Tom to stay with the MFC.

But he did barrack for the Toigs as a kid......

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Guest hangon007

If Tom Scully wants to play for Melbourne he will. That saId i would expect Tom to stay with the MFC.

I 100% agree. But that said, it wont be because we put the best offer on the table.

All I'm suggesting is IMHO our major "genuine" concern will not be GWS, I would look elswhere.

But he did barrack for the Toigs as a kid......

Tigers dont give a [censored] about who players barrack for.

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I 100% agree. But that said, it wont be because we put the best offer on the table.

All I'm suggesting is IMHO our major "genuine" concern will not be GWS, I would look elswhere.

Tigers dont give a [censored] about who players barrack for.

Interesting that as i am reading this, i am watching "The Fan" for the first time, it's on one HD right now

Tom Scully will play for us if his heart is with the club, hopefully for his entire career....

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Sculls is a Victorian boy who wants to win. The GWS could be the AFL's riskiest expansion team being that it is a very heavy populated NRL area. If I wanted a career at the top level, I would be staying the hell away from the GWS.

Sculls name is going to be tossed up every year he is out of contract for the rest of his career. All clubs have to put up with it. When a young gun is available, I would expect our guys to be chased.

Sculls is not going anywhere, and if he does we will cry bloody murder and be given some tasty compensation.

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Guest hangon007

Sculls is a Victorian boy who wants to win. The GWS could be the AFL's riskiest expansion team being that it is a very heavy populated NRL area. If I wanted a career at the top level, I would be staying the hell away from the GWS.

Makes perfect sense. Exactly why IMHO they are not our major concern.

However, if it was in their interest to get involved I wouldn't put it past them. Now not playing for them just get involved in the "deal".

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There is a massive diffrence in having a look at a player, to - having the ways & means to get the job done.

All I'm telling you I would be more worried about a team like the Tigers. But as I said people around here know more than me.

If you've actually got something to say, then go ahead and say it. Don't make outlandish claims and then act pissy and indignant when people question you on them, and say "fine, don't listen to me then, clearly you blokes know better".

You've basically come out and said that Richmond are a huge worry and that they have the "ways and means" of securing Scully, moreso than any other club. And then when asked why you think Richmond are in such a good position, you've refused to even remotely try to substantiate your claims, instead just repeating that Richmond are definitely the club to worry about, and that we have our fingers in our ears if we dont realise this.

Why waste everybodies time by posting cryptic and inane crap? Why not either just write a post saying that Richmond are the club you're most worried about, and saying why, or just write nothing at all? Either would have been a hell of a lot better than what you've done.

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If you've actually got something to say, then go ahead and say it. Don't make outlandish claims and then act pissy and indignant when people question you on them, and say "fine, don't listen to me then, clearly you blokes know better".

You've basically come out and said that Richmond are a huge worry and that they have the "ways and means" of securing Scully, moreso than any other club. And then when asked why you think Richmond are in such a good position, you've refused to even remotely try to substantiate your claims, instead just repeating that Richmond are definitely the club to worry about, and that we have our fingers in our ears if we dont realise this.

Why waste everybodies time by posting cryptic and inane crap? Why not either just write a post saying that Richmond are the club you're most worried about, and saying why, or just write nothing at all? Either would have been a hell of a lot better than what you've done.

Well said mate

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Guest hangon007

Tom Scully will play for us if his heart is with the club, hopefully for his entire career....

Somewhat romantic notation. However, I also hope you are correct.

However, that said that wont stop other clubs that have the will & the ways to have a crack ... if they have the goods to get the job done.

Sometimes certain windows of opportunities only open up for a short-period of time. AFL football is a business for all parties involved.

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