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Roger Mellie

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Everything posted by Roger Mellie

  1. Would Carlton do Pick 1 for McGovern and Adelaide's Pick 7, or whatever it is?
  2. I think the intimidating guts help with the overall look too.
  3. Spargo will benefit the most from a week off, so he stays in. JKH made a few critical errors and it was painfully obvious most players were looking for options other than him, even when he was the open player. Other than that he was ok. For me it's Tyson and Kent out for: Viney and Hannan. Would also look at JKH for Garlett but JKH applies way more pressure and covers the ground. Garlett, on song, kicks goals. Tough one. Do not want Bugg
  4. He's coming on in leaps and bounds. He's making less errors, hitting targets and backing himself. Go Frosty!
  5. 55 - Get on board everyone. Time to fly the flag, get excited! We're playing finals! Response - No 55 and others - It's been 12 years. We're on the cusp of something great. Time to support the club and the boys. They're giving their all. Response - No! I have every right to wallow in my negativity after all this club has put me through. Leave me and my veil alone! Great post (the first one). I hope everyone can get excited about this group and where we're heading. Go Dees!
  6. I loved the celebration of Jones after the win. I would have been more worried to see no reaction. Judd was suggesting we walk off the ground with game faces still on, in full finals focus - nah. Let them celebrate for a whole 30 minutes FFS. If we win against GWS, I would expect to see more of a finals focus, not after breaking a 12 year hoodoo, against the odds, in hostile territory. Go you good things
  7. On the subject of his son, as of late last year, he was more into basketball. Hoping like hell that changes soon.
  8. 6 Harmes 5 Gawn 4 Melksham 3 Brayshaw (inspite of regulation shocking kicks) 2 Hannan 1 Salem Stiff - Can't even explain why Oliver isn't in there. Also stiff - Jetta, Jones and good onya Frosty - hit targets. Lewis started horribly , but great in the second half.
  9. Just No I would rather Garlett who did sweet fa on the weekend. If you want someone to reliably deliver the pill to the opposition, then Bugg is your man.
  10. Interestingly, Jim Plunkett, who is now at the club, came from Leading Teams
  11. ✔️✔️✔️
  12. The number of times he got in the way and/or spoilt the work of our mids at the contest (Oliver in particular) was astounding. Get out of the way Alex and take your fumbly mitts with you. This was on top of all the turnovers.
  13. It would be silly to read anything into that interview.
  14. Capitulated to a club that was programmed to work us over. We need to learn how to deliver rather than fall to this crud. Interestingly, when it all started to go pear-shaped (again), I was looking at which players showed composure, resilience or ffs something! 1 - Hogan. Nope didn't see much. Probably carrying an injury or two but FFS, you had your chances. 2 - Jones. Just horrible. Tried to stand up in the last to undo three quarters of delivering straight to the Swans. I'm hoping he's carrying an injury (not literally) , otherwise there's no explanation other than just being past it. 3 - Salem - showed plenty of composure in my book, not to mention skill 4 - Harmes - Stood up big time BOG 5 - Petracca - Hit and miss on the composure front all year, but his latent gun status is enough for me 6 - Lewis - Plenty of composure when he had the ball. When he didn't, he went to ground like he was shot 9 - Spargo - Back yourself mate. You have the skills and composure. Don't be hand-balling off when it counts. Will be a gun but maybe running out of puff 10 - Brayshaw - Had the odd turnover, but competed hard all day and is a gun 11 - Gawn - A little off today but managed to still tap to advantage. Unfortunately, the swans read this too and very well. 12 - Tyson - showed plenty of composure and was able to spot up targets away from the contest (when not plodding) 13 - Oliver - I thought he struggled a bit today (tag) but willed himself to produce in the last quarter. Was able to turn it around 17 - Frost - Gave his all and competed well against a legend 21 - Pedo - Asking a lot to expect him to save the day. Better composure later in the game. 22 - VDB - Showed composure later in the game, when it counted. Not sure pitching him against Alir was ever going to be fruitful and it showed. 24 - JKH - Not the worst. I thought there was more composure as the game went on. Showed a few nice tricks and a good work ethic apart from some costly mistakes. 25 - T-Mac - Stood up as the game went on. Not much composure when the ball hit the ground, but if he can mark and kick goals when it counts, who gives a flying 28 - O- Mac - Not expecting it, but with Frosty shouldering all the responsibility with Franklin, he seemed to show plenty of composure and has been hitting targets all year. 29 - Hunt - Not sure why selected. Missed most of the year with injury and rubbish form. Has plenty of dash but did, in no way justify selection. 30 - ANB - Been in red hot form the last few weeks but was just horrible today. I'm sure he covered a shitload of ground, but if all your efforts (except maybe 1) end in turnovers, then what's the effing point............. just sooo frustrating 31 - Fritsch - Composure personified 36 - Garlett - Has composure in spades but has devoted this year to NOT tackling. Come on Jeffy! 39 - Jetta - Jet. Indisputable
  15. I agree with all of that, but you left out 'spoil each other at the contest," whether it's a ground ball or flying for a mark.
  16. Those keen on Aaron Hall should play close attention to where his kicks finish up. More often than not it's either straight to the opposition or OOF. That and his age and flakiness gets a big no from me. Also - Armitage - No FFS, Miles - No unless we want to pick up someone for Casey.
  17. I watched a bit of the Cats-Crows game. I'd be shocked if Menzel got a game after that effort. It was pathetic.
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