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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. Could it come to pass because his credentials stack up quite well against all others including Roos.
  2. In response to this post and your previous one. No one wants to play for us - Mitch, Dawes , Watts, Col (not fussed about) first two came largely for money, who cares , now they're here they want to make a difference. No one wants to coach us - I think there would be a couple of people - Choco, maybe a Scotty Burns. But everyone has kept their mouth shut because lately it's all about PAUL BLOODY ROOS. Without Lyon and Longmire(the brains behind the rujuvination of the current swans) you have an A grade motivator and how good of a tactical coach, we may never know. Choco would install a culture into our players giving them a hard edge, has and continues to work with young players (GWS, young Vlaustin at Richmond, good tactically, dismembered the all conquering Lions and has won a flag. Same no as Roos. As I said in an earlier post Richmond will make the finals but won't do any damage. Next year is Hardwicks last year, if they continue to beat the rabble below them but continually fail against real opposition that translates into no progress. Knowing Richmond that might be enough to warrant an extension but if not Choco slots straight in at Punt Rd. We can't let that happen.
  3. The knowledge that I stuck fat through these years so when we rise again it will be even sweeter.
  4. Exactly, I've read most posts on this topic, it reminds me of the Scully threads. Every word getting over anylised. It seems many want Roos purely to create a culture. Has Roos got a gameplan/tactics to suit our list. I don't have any sources, just mates that love this game as much as I do. We are all of the same thinking. Roos drove culture into the swans list. Lyon, Longmire drove the gameplan. The Geelong players were behind their culture change. Choco installed culture into Port, yes it went missing there for a while. His fault or the players? Would supporters be happy if Roos took over and every game we refused to use the corridor. The argument then becomes he didn't have the cattle to play attacking footy with the Swans list as it was. Not that it will ever happen but would love to hear answers to questions from both Roos and Choco such as- What happens to Col? What gameplan are you bringing to this club? What do you do with the captain/captains in 2014 Regardless of who coaches next year the PLAYERS MUST CREATE THEIR OWN CULTURE. The coach can assist in this but can't/shouldn't be there to hold their hands every bloody second. It's only a matter of time before the tiger faithfull turn on Hardwick. 4 years into a 5 year plan. So they play finals this year. Big deal, anyone who has seen them the last two weeks knows they are stagnant. If Choco is the next best , lets no get caught with our pants down.
  5. I hope he is not going to be coaching 'set shots on goal'
  6. Exactly, if Buddy goes its large because off the AFL's money, that seems to be the major difference between the two offers. Regardless of free agency status , pick 1 should be heading to the hawks.
  7. So Col had a blinder in 09, must of slipped my mind. Whilst he has improved this year , on the whole his career has been disappointing. Terlich lacks a bit of polish but that will come. He has guts, determination and puts in consistently every week. I live in Sydney(it's only temporary) but have seen him at the G three times this year, the last being Sunday. He is getting better every game and his confidence and willingness to back himself and take the game on stands out. I just read on another that he wants to stay, that great news, but you can't help but think what if. Before we blame the previous coach/coaches other players seem to be doing alright.
  8. Terlich has shown more this year than Col has his whole career. I'm not saying get rid of him, just pay what he is worth. He's coming off his big contract. Throw any so called overs at future stars, players who put in every week.
  9. You pay overs for a player like Mitch, Dawes got his worth. Sylvia cab take what he is given , pay him what he is worth, nothing more. Many will laugh but Flash should be given a year.
  10. Yes but also some bad decisions, comments coming from Swan supporters ' we look and play like a footy side should' . We learn tomorrow from the review and move on. Was really impressed how we though out way through coming out of the back half.
  11. As bad as today's umpiring was, I was there so I saw it first hand. The worst decision of the weekend has to be the deliberate out if bounds paid to hawthorn after a Geelong player(his name eludes me) kicked it 40+ metres whilst being bumped. The ball went past the MCC then bounced then rolled over the line. Bafoonery at its greatest.
  12. Not Richmond, they were made to understand yesterday.
  13. This charade must come to an end. Chances are he would of seen today's game. Do you want to coach our club YES OR NO. If no, fine we move on.
  14. Was really impressed by today's effort. We need to make our tackles stick , arms getting free to handball. For all you guys who say we paid to much for Dawes, Tippet couldn't hit the side of a barn. Managed to think our way out of a lot of situations rather than the panic style we played under MN. Exciting times ahead.
  15. Apparently at the start of the year the Bombers were contacted by a newspaper saying they were going to run the story. Their response was do it and we will sue. Their response to the 'guinea pig allegations' on the weekend was to simply release a press statement. How times have changed. If the players had been injected once, you might buy their story. Up to 30,40 times........strip the brownlow, strip the points and Bomber and Hird must go. Too many double standards.
  16. Sorry Nasher I have been meaning to reply to you , just had a hectic couple of days. With regards to making 'business sense' I didn't read/see in any great detail the pitch put forward by the Tassie consortium but listening to Tim Lane being interviewed at the time, he seemed confident that they had ticked many of the boxes the AFL was wanting to see filled. The Tasmanian government was going to be the major sponsor. I think he also realised that GWS was a done deal but it was important for them to have their say. If a team was to relocate/start fresh I think the AFL would be banking on the next generation of supporters following the new club. It's good to hear you say you wouldn't change allegiance, that's how it should be. I was born in Melbourne, spent a couple of years in Tassie playing footy at Burnie High School, before moving to Brisbane then back to Melbourne but now living in Sydney. My love for the Dees has never wavered. I think Tassie saying we want one team playing 8 games rather than 2 teams playing 4 is there way of saying 'give us our team' . In years to come it may be the only way for the Bulldogs to survive. Time will tell.
  17. Tassie deserves its own side, expansion was always on the cards. 18 clubs is the limit, can only stretch the talent so far. GC and GWS had to happen first in the eyes of the far controller due to other codes moving in. Tassie has always been an AFL state and has been pushing for its own team for years. If the western bulldogs were in our shoes now would they be given the North/GC treatment/offer?? Move now and all debts will be cleared ,$$$$ + picks + we will build you a new stadium. The MCG is our home and we need to put the dogs to the sword there this weekend. Hawthorns and Norths cameo appearances in the apple isle is appreciated but has probably only fuelled there want for a stand alone team. Its only a matter of time before there are nine clubs in Melbourne with the tenth relocating. We appear to be safe, the dogs or north may not be so lucky.
  18. Funny how he was happy to answer questions last night but couldn't today because its an ongoing investigation. Also weren't clubs/players given two options when the story first broke. Come clean now and cop this much or play your games , still get caught and cop extra.
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