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Bombay Airconditioning

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Everything posted by Bombay Airconditioning

  1. The only selective reading is yours. You are wrong. How's Scully going?
  2. Yes I am comparing them....And the reason I'm doing that is because it's valid. This crop has Roos and McCarthey. We are talking about the kids but just for a second let's look at our senior players. Most haven't responded under any of Bailey/Neeld/Roos. Why's that? Because some weren't that good to begin with, some are just plain dumb and just don't care enough and take playing AFL for granted. Let's look at the players you've thrown up Trengove - Natural competitor, of course he is but is his kicking elite? How are his footy smarts? Strauss - Great kick of the footy but was he a competitive beast? Footy smarts? Watts - Elite disposal and footy smarts. Watts is not a natural competitor, if he was he'd be in the top 10 players in the comp. I notice that you deliberately highlighted the one area they excelled at. Another example Nathan Jones - A competitive beast....yes, Elite disposal....no, Footy smarts.....no. That's if we're being honest. Up until George Stone arrived Jones was forever getting caught with the ball and taking bad options. By saying no to footy smarts, yes they have a base understanding of the game but it's not an area they excel in. Twice a year we someone starts a "how many A graders do we have" thread. Jones is always listed as an A grader. Yes we love Jones at Melbourne but he's nowhere near Ablett, Pendles, Fyfe, Danger etc. Not even close. Toumpas drafted 2012 Salem drafted 2013 Drafted with - Drafted with - Elite disposal - yes. Elite disposal - yes Footy smarts - average Footy smarts - yes Natural competitor- no Natural competitor yes Neeld - 1 season Neeld - 0 seasons Roos - 2 seasons Roos - 2 seasons McCartney - 1 season McCartney - 1 season One is currently struggling at VFL and one playing seniors. Don't even think about using Toumpas having hip surgery as an excuse, that was in the past. So based on your theory, we've set Toumpas back 5 years because of one year under Neeld. For all of Neelds faults he wasn't stupid. Pendles, Swan and Beams who are mids just like Toump, were a massive wrap for Neeld as midfield coach. Whilst he may not of had the makings of a senior coach he knew how a midfield should operate and set up, he knows a little about disposing of the footy. Do I think it's a coincidence that Toumpas is still struggling while Salem continues to grow....not really. We just got it wrong at the draft.
  3. Hawks still have to travel west. Crows are in good form and won't flirt with that. Eagles/Dockers will have to travel to Melbourne should they make the GF. Great teams can travel and win against quality opposition. North only have themselves fooled. Having said that I want them to knock Richmond out in the first week only to get knocked out themselves week two. Would love to see the Dogs rattle some cages.
  4. Ask them what? No ones doubting development is important what people are doubting is that we ruined the careers of above listed players and there's a difference. Salem and Brayshaw are still developing but they came to the club with footy smarts, a desire to compete and they know how to kick the bloody footy. The above listed may of had one or two of those attributes but they didn't have all three, hence they are no longer at our club and failed at other clubs with a better development history then ours. You don't just forget how to kick the footy. Salem and Brayshaw have the three main attributes coaches are looking for. They have been able to impact games from an early age. As stated we simply stuffed up the drafting.
  5. Theres another great example of a bloke who's been on our list for six years. Top two in the club for disposal, top three for footy smarts, he had both those traits when he was drafted. The one thing he lacks is the one thing you can't coach, and that's a killed competitive instinct.
  6. Garbage post Stuie. Example Salem. Example Angus.
  7. Did you hear there was a push to rename Blacktown is Sydney's west earlier this year.The place is out of control.
  8. Some great points, because North are currently on fire. Only defeating one team above them in their recent streak before coming unstuck last week. Arrogant flogs.
  9. Well it wouldn't be the first time. Anyway time will tell.
  10. Done like Buddy to the Giants?Hawks could match Geelong price wise. I think it's far from done.
  11. Roos and Goodwin aren't stupid. I think the Hawks are front runners over Geelong. The only way we would enter the picture is by insane amounts of money. Until he's signed with someone else we're a chance, all be it a small one.
  12. What happens when some of the players offered up for trade don't find new homes? Tact will count for nothing.The players are out of excuses. Some have failed to improve under 3 different coaches. But for some reason it's still the clubs fault or better still the supporters. Rd 11 - Saints, enough said. Rd 12 - Geelong at Geelong. Rd 15 - Essendon, rock bottom. Some of our senior players can't focus for four quarters, can't dispose of the footy and can't think for themselves. Not good enough. Jack Watts is an elite kick and has footy smarts in spades. But what good is it if the ball isn't in his hands. I don't think he works hard enough offensively or defensively. When he wants he can be a class act but those moments are too few and far between. We need players that possess the three qualities I have previously mentioned other wise we will continue to go nowhere. Watts being the perfect example why two out of three doesn't cut it. Key defenders possibly being the only exception.
  13. We should just tell them it's not their fault we're losing and offer them all extended contracts.
  14. Would it make any difference? The majority of senior players play on their terms anyway.Bailey - was the players coach, the players were his boys, built strong relationships with them....failed Neeld- the task master, gave them some home truths, cut the crap, called it as he saw it....failed Roos - the leader of men, team builder, advocate for players taking ownership....currently it's a fail Again, how many players that struggled with us went on to become better players at other clubs? Stef Martin. Let's be honest, we got the selections wrong. The majority of senior players aren't up to it, it's as simple as that. Perfect example - Salem. Did we radically develop him in two pre seasons or did already have 1 - a desire to compete, 2 - elite skills, 3 - footy smarts? For all of Watts skill and smarts he will never take us forward because he's not a natural competitor. It has to be on his terms. He's never going to tear a game apart. It's these half assed tackles(just stick an arm out) Garland, Howe and Dawes can also go. This has gone on for years. I would seriously doubt that Clarko could have done much better this year with our list. How do we play like we did against the Cats and serve up what we did against the Bombers and Carlton.
  15. We can only hope with this decision and the "we've offered Howe what we think he's worth decision" that the club is finally moving into a new phase. We can only hope this extends to the rest of the list.
  16. That would be s dream come true. But knowing our luck both clubs would agree the Dawes would say no.
  17. Im liking your thinking. If we are to give up our first round pick it has to be for a absolute jet of the game.
  18. Ive got wall rugs, hall rugs, floor rugs, they're walking out the door.
  19. Yeah, your right, I'm just pi##ed off a little. I hope he's offered a coaching role in some capacity.
  20. Young blokes yes, clearly not the senior players.
  21. People keep saying Grimes is a depth player, who would we rather? (Yes I'm aware Grimes is contracted)
  22. If he had raw talent we would be seeing it under the Roos/Goodwin/McCartney regime. He's not that good, time to go. And no, he's not alone. But while we continues to play them we can only expect more of the same. The club needs to put their names on the trade table and make the results public. - No club expressed any interest in you. - Or pick 74 was offered. Give them the reality check they need. I'm sick of them, and while they remain we will remain a mess.
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