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Older demon

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Everything posted by Older demon

  1. Getting on the scoreboard and kicking goals is one way to focus attention and step up to the next level. Increasing his kick to handball ratio as well will get more notice but if he is performing to the team instructions and game plan then I am content that he is doing his job.
  2. This is a fair comment of what was happening but I think another factor was our totally ineffective half forward line. Give credit to Weitering, Docherty and Petrevski-Seton even Simpson every time we went forward we hit a brick wall and it rebounded. Be it turn over or contested mark they won convincingly. The small forward line didn't work and they showed the extra marking tall is essential. Hunt was the only effective forward. We need a lot more out of ANB, Melksham, McDonald and Fritch and Jones when up forward. You cannot expect Jackson to dominate or Picket to light things up in his second game. I sincerely hope Bennel stays on the park and Hannaan or AVB comes up because they add something extra
  3. Don't get me wrong I wasn't knocking him. I would like them to have another key forward maybe Weid and ease Jackson into the team in a pocket of the bench. I thought it was a big ask to play the role they wanted from him today and I acknowledge he has enormous upside. We have a history of burning youngsters
  4. I liked the Rivers interview post match and want to give a shout out to the draft team. The gun half back we were gunna take debuted for Freo today but we took Jackson and then snatched Rivers out of the clutches of the Eagles. The selection makes sense as Rivers pointed out they are best mates, share accomodation now and have been playing footy together since they were 14.Rivers showed he has some special skill, runs hard and kicks well and having the two together is great in the future if the go home factor ever rears its ugly head.
  5. I was amazed how well the first quarter went and then Carlton came to play and made it a contest. I don't like our structure and it showed today that we don't have a leadings tall forward and Fritsch is not a key position player. The Carlton talls started to dominate as the game progressed cos they don't get shorter. Seriously at one stage Nev was minding McKay. At the other end we continually got out marked in the contest by Weitering and co and then the run off half back to a leading tall forward made us look ordinary. There were a lot of skill errors and Smith has to learn NOT to fly for everything down back. Rivers was a revelation and I love his run and balance. We cannot expect Jackson to be a marking target up forward and T Mac os the only tall key forward looked out of sorts and chasing tail. At one stage Hunt was playing full forward. The positives are Max was dominant and in a good contest with Pittonet. Trac was everything we had hope he would be, strong clean and polished. Rivers was impressive, Bennel showed poise and class on limited minutes, Clarry is still a ball magnet and the wingmen in Langdon and Tomlinson show what was desperately missing from last years midfield. A very ugly, heart attack inducing win
  6. 6 votes Gawn 5 Petracca 4 Oliver 3 Salem 2 Langdon 1 Rivers
  7. Well said Rjay as a member of a closed bowls club with pokies I can tell you they are a liability. The machines aren't turned off because of difficulties and cost starting them up. So they are still chewing up electricity. Then when clubs open how do you keep the buttons clean and social distancing. getting rid of the pokies is the best thing we have done.
  8. Go easy! He is separated and his ex and child live in East Brighton, published in newspapers. Jack was in Melbourne returning his daughter home to East Brighton with his new girlfriend, again written in papers. Don't believe half of what you hear or assumptions
  9. Someone mentioned memorabilia and I can attest to the fact that MFC has one of the finest collections you can imagine. It like Richmond, Fitzoy and Collingwood is a history lesson on the wedge that extends out from the G through this suburbs. Most is in storage and it is crying out for somewhere to house and display permanently. IN Manchester they have a magnificent museum at Old Trafford but there is an equally impressive museum in the heart of Manchester dedicated to football An inner city location is a must as visitors to the city would be attracted, then your coffee shop could pay its way.
  10. Viney has a moustache the likes of which I haven't seen since a certain mR Carrol wore long ago. Now all Jack needs is the eccentric haircut and we have Deja Vu. Salem's hair is ...different. Jackson leaping over the pack is sensational and a special mention for the video of Harley Bennel honestly he looked so balanced and poised and if he gets going watch out world.
  11. The video was just one instance but he made time stand still. His balance and poise were amazing I hope for his career and our football enjoyment he can play and thrill us all.
  12. My kids are split and don't all barrack for Melbourne
  13. I have seen and spoken to Paul as he still attends MFC games and at the golf club for grand final week pennant he is in melbourne colours.
  14. Former Melbourne player and test cricketer Graeme Watson passed away yesterday from cancer at the age of 75 . Recruited from the Ormond amateurs, where he had been a star full-forward, Watson was tried as a wing, centre and rover in his first season debuting in round 3 1964 with the Demons. He was named as an emergency for both the Semi Final and Grand Final sides in his debut year. Watson played just five matches in his second year after suffering two broken jaws and retired to focus on his cricket. I believe he was one of 3 sportsmen who played for MFC and and MCC as well as for Victoria in cricket. The others were Peter Bedford and Harry Graham with Watson and Graham also playing test cricket for Australia. There is a wonderful article and tribute to "Beatle" as he was known by Ian Chappell the link is here https://wwos.nine.com.au/cricket/ian-chappells-heartfelt-tribute-to-graeme-watson-after-former-aussie-cricketer-loses-cancer-battle/2b520db5-fa9f-45d9-ad4c-7394129b97be
  15. What a huge disappointment and so frustrating that nothing much has changed from last year. The turnovers were appalling, I cannot believe the game plan is to bomb it to the best intercept marking backline in the league but every time we kicked a point ( 1goal 5 behinds from set shots) the ball would slingshot down the ground to the Eagles forward line. Precision kicking, short kicks to advantage and end to end without our guys getting a touch. What are we teaching them? I also think we practised social distancing from our opponents because no-one went near Gaff (30 touches) no one wanted to tackle and no-one would go near Liam Ryan. Shocker start to the season and thank god we don't play GWS next week. Don't care if the footy does come back after that error riddled waste of 2 hours.
  16. Not just games being cancelled. Midweek meeting for club volunteers orientation cancelled and today at the Coterie Golf day coaches, players and staff not allowed to play. The club has been instructed to quarantine itself from any unnecessary contact with non staff who may harbour the virus. As soon as a player or coach tests positive then you have no team for 14 days and game/season over.
  17. Is it possible that MFC will reside itself at Casey away from the G? It keeps the playing group of both teams together ie isolates them far from the fans
  18. A very good point. Jetta is just the best mentor around and a relative (correct me if wrong) of the Picket clan. max is very personable and his story and 6 years for the penny to drop was pertinent. maybe Viney is just too full on or max & new had a specific message to share.
  19. Seriously!! You should be ashamed for accusing Max of shirking an issue. He was in hospital all week with sepsis, prior to round 1 and should not have played. Can you site any other time Max has taken a short step? Just because Viney likes to bump bodies does not make him captain material. How did the bump on Stack work out? The kid fixed Viney up and cost him 2 weeks. There is a fine line between courage and stupidity. Max is a leader, articulate and has the playing group behind him. Max is just as driven and trains harder than anyone else at the club. He leads by example in all facets of the game. I have no complaint with Viney but he is too one dimensional in his leadership which may come with time. No, it isn't a popularity contest but a reflection on the role Jones played filling in the areas of captaincy where Jack was lacking. Not having Jones as co-captain is another factor in the change. As for honesty I quote the great Leigh Mathews who is a great corporate speaker when he warns "Brutal honesty leaves scars and isn't always the best avenue to set standards or achieve your goal". Don't question how high Max sets the bar or his courage!
  20. The inaugural Bulldogs AFWL coach mentioned this 2 years ago as guest speaker at a lunch. There was an awareness that many of the ligament injuries occurred coinciding with the monthly cycle but there was no direct correlation. It was assumed that hormonal changes may be a contributing factor but also mentioned the different pelvis structure and running gait may contribute. The complication for a club is would you not select someone because of their cycle. Equally many players don't get injured when they play at that time of the month. Certainly there are lots of knee redo's performed on netballer and one orthopaedic surgeon I know said he did way more redo's on net ballers than footballers. If there is a direct correlation what will the clubs do about it?
  21. My mates theory from the team photo is that the captain always sits on the right of the coach. Gawn has pole position with Viney either co captain or vice captain. Nev in the group with TMac & Lever and it would be no surprise to see Jones in their too.
  22. Thanks again you have captured training for this of us who cannot get there.
  23. This is good news. At this time last year one commentator (I cannot remember who) from S.A. likened him to Dangerfield at the same age. Explosive pace and hard at it. Let us hope he gets a good run at it this season
  24. Jordan lewis on SEN late afternoon was asked about Smith and stated that he had a cut on his foot that kept him off the track today.
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