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Bluey's Dad

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Everything posted by Bluey's Dad

  1. Good article by masters, very different to Connolly's from yesterday. It's almost hard to believe they're writing about the same case. "Nor does ASADA believe the AFL tribunal will be influenced by a concerted media campaign to have the case quashed." "Despite front-page headlines in a Melbourne newspaper, declaring "Dons Dudded" – where Charter said ASADA manipulated his evidence – the anti-doping agency is confident AFL tribunal chairman David Jones will not be swayed by media commentary."
  2. I just hope she doesn't have a heart attack and die before she squeaks out her first note OD.
  3. Yeah, easiest way since I don't know java and I don't need a high res original for an avatar Gonna play with some headshots now... Edit: Hmm, not enough neck. Gonna try again. Edit 2: There we go.
  4. That's ok, I can get the image, just need to know if you're happy for me to use it is all.
  5. Consulting chicken entrails will give you no insight. Everybody knows that reading tea leaves is how to get the real facts. I expected a doctor to know better. You are rocking my faith in medical science.
  6. These two are required on here because if you don't use them, people will attack you for positing baseless facts. Just my opinion.
  7. Hey 666, I'd like to use one of those images for a new avatar but it's saying you've restricted the rights on it. Is that just for commercial stuff or should I not use it?
  8. - wakes up - goes to work - loads up demonland - wants to read about training - training thread completely derailed Carry on, chaps.
  9. My reading of that is it only applies if the person being accused chooses not to answer questions. Charter is not the one being accused of the violation, the players are.
  10. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-supplements-saga-losers-all-round-as-asada-saga-set-to-end-with-whimper-20141202-11ye5z.html
  11. I wanted so badly not to get my hopes up this pre-season, but that interview with Brayshaw and Petracca has put a smile on my face that isn't going to fade for days. I can't believe how happy they both are, so positive. I suppose it will also help to keep the young group together through free agency if they have attitudes like that.
  12. I for one probably wouldn't be able to talk to them. I'd be too nervous. I know they are real people like anyone else, but the thing is I feel like I have a personal relationship with them because I watch them every week during the season and watch their interviews. They obviously don't know squat about me. It feels lopsided and I'd just feel awkward talking to them. Honestly if Jack Viney came up to me and said "G'day, thanks for supporting the MFC", I'd be so shell shocked I'd just stare at him. I mean, I'm 10 years older than Jack, but I admire his guts (and guns, lol) and would probably giggle like a school girl if I spoke to him. I name all my Geodudes "Viney" (pokemon reference for the younger ones out there). How weird is that? This is a Geodude for those who don't know. Basically a rock with arms. That's Viney!
  13. Good luck with that
  14. This is what's wrong with the system. The winner is the one we think will [censored] up the least. I hate politics.
  15. At least he admits he has no idea. One step up from a lot of his fellow politicians....
  16. Would have thought would be increased performance. As mentioned by a previous poster, the muscle mass and strength gained from peptides doesn't just go away. The players will get a lasting benefit, likely beyond the time span of any sanctions.
  17. I think they were granted an exemption for that game.
  18. This is a fantastic idea and as such has no chance of being implemented.
  19. Apparently Dustin Fletcher is old and might reach 400 games. I know because I was told every 3 minutes for the entire game.
  20. If there was one thing I could change it'd be this. The creeping on off betting adds everywhere ruins the atmosphere for me, including when I watch on TV and listen on the radio. I've had a gutfull. I hate it. If people want to bet, they have apps (as the adds keep reminding me). edit: spelling
  21. I don't know about you I for one would love to visit Olisikland. Just once, mind you. I'm not sure I could take more than one visit.
  22. There's a difference between being negligent in a workplace and acting illegally. Surely malpractice wouldn't cover wilfully illegal behaviour.
  23. And Port post a $2m loss. I struggle to understand this funny old world sometimes.
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