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Alcho Dee

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Everything posted by Alcho Dee

  1. http://adhitsbgja.blogspot.com/2013/03/candiru-fish-creepier-than-piranha.html Maybe a Candiru fish had something to do with it.
  2. About 1minute in again shows great reading of the play and pace away from the contest. Great to watchhttp://youtu.be/ODrqV-1j-PU
  3. Its the part of his game that I think is elite, he hits the contest at pace and is out the other side in space so he can deliver a pass not under pressure. http://youtu.be/Z4XuP3Z6qGo 1:10
  4. Even the thought of it excites me.
  5. I can definitely tell you they don't make them soft where Fyfe comes from, Lake Grace, WA. Everyone I know from there I would consider pretty tough compared to the average.
  6. Everybody has a role in the team, but their is a difference between being able to play their natural game compared to an emphasis on role playing. Look at Trengove's first and second year he was given freedom to play how he was drafted ie. be tagged instead of tagging. But over the last couple of years he has been concentrating on a role for the team and his defensive side of his game, which definitely affected him negatively. There is fine line between getting people to play a role for the team and letting them play naturally....
  7. Well said WJ, just a shame for all the Melbourne supporters who due to all the hype travelled over to Casey to support the lads only to watch a performance all to similar to the 2013 season. Yes it was a practice match and the result didn't mean anything as there were no premiership points available, but the supporters have to be factored into the situation at some point. Otherwise for future practice matches the crowd might be 5000 instead of 10000!!!!!!!
  8. He is not quick over a distance, but he shows a great burst of speed out of the contest. I think this is what D26 means, and as Viney is an inside mid a quick burst of speed is generally more necessary than speed over a longer distance which would be more advantageous for an outside mid, such as Toumpas.
  9. Wines has also had a taste of finals, which is invaluable to a first year player. Not only did he play, but he played well and contributed to their victory over Collingwood. Just wanted to throw the names of pick no2 Plowman and Pick no3 O'Rourke the two drafted before Toumpas, I think Plowman has played a few games and O'Rourke yet to debut.
  10. And if Gawn and Jamar have bad years for whatever reasons we should be looking to draft a ruck man at the end of the year. Jack Hannath is a perfect example of the depth that we need and we should of drafted him, when Sandilands, Clarke were out he did the job for a number of rounds to cover them.
  11. Jack Trengove was a 'role' player last year. And guess what IT DIDN'T FKN WORK!!!
  12. Yes Numbers!!!! you moron. Jimmy av 12 disposals a game with 0 goals. Wines av 19 disposals with 8 goals. I know that it was their first year and Jim had hip surgery, but all I said was Toumpas needs to start racking up numbers. Why we have him at half forward when we drafted him as a outside mid or wing I beyond me. It is because he isn't ready to play that position in the AFL yet so we put him on the half forward line. Hey really....do we need a mix of players....well well you learn something new everyday genius. Guarantee you Wines could play the high half forward role just as well as Toumpas and stay on the outside of packs. It's about having an impact on games. It doesn't matter if you are an inside player or outside player. Being an outside player doesn't mean you can get less of the pill or lay less tackles or kick less goals. Being a role player doesn't mean you impact a game less.
  13. Fitzpatrick is the perfect example. The only reason why he was given opportunity last year was because we had no one else. The only way it will work for Fitzpatrick is if he turns into a Justin Kosintsckhe type, because he isn't a natural footballer. For example, let's compare Jesse Hogan to Jack Fitzpatrick. One is a natural footballer with a natural kicking style, agile, strong hands and a thinking footballer.. Fitzpatrick is a bulldozing forward who is uncoordinated and when we need him to kick that goal for us to get into the Grand Final in the year 201...? Guess what, it will probably go out on the full off the side of his boot.
  14. I don't think he is blinded at all.1.5 for an experienced professional from Geeong, who's experience playing in grand finals was going to drive the boys to success.... Would have lost me too if I saw the game.
  15. i liked the way he played, he was very clean with the ball and had the skills for AFL. I wondered why he wasn't selected a number of times and let's be honest it's not easy playing the half forward role in a very bad team, much easier to be a defender some what. I think Bennel was quite similar to where Toumpas is now. I think we need to put Toumpas on the half back line or back pocket and get him out of that half forward role which hasn't work for similar players like Watts, Bennell and Tapscott. It's a very tough position in a bad team.
  16. Wines would fit into anyone's game plan, because he goes hard and gets the ball. Inside or outside WGAF Toumpas needs to start racking up numbers.
  17. One thing I like about the people we drafted this year is they are hungry, you can see how hungry Cross and Vince are, I have never seen that from Byrnes.
  18. Terrible forward line, wouldn't expect Toumpas and JkH to have much impact.
  19. plans were to have Hogan FP Dawes CHF and Clark @ FF
  20. To be honest I have never seen Kelly or Jack Martin play, apparently both very good players, but surely we would have taken Martin instead of Kelly. I'm pretty confident Dawesy will come good for us.
  21. When comparing someone who goes and gets the ball by putting their head over it compared to one who get bowled out of the way.....how is that ridiculous?
  22. Not a convincing looking team, with big question marks on the ability of the big men Spencer, Fitzpatrick and Pederson and with 2 debutants in Georgiou and JkH, we would need a lot of goals from our mid fielders in Jones, Vince etc I will be making the interstate trip to watch the boys and must say I am not full of confidence.
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