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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Just came across another business disrupter that I had not heard of before. They are called Lemonade Inc and they are a peer to peer insurance agency. Basically it facilitates groups of like situated people or businesses to "insure each other." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer_insurance Fascinating concept and another example of the web driving new business models
  2. Weather for Saturday is max of 19.. possible light showers and medium (20-30klm) winds Great weather for footy (seriously ) Clouds should obscure the western sun which should make it even better
  3. disappointed.... I was so much enjoying the idea of the team developing a secret game plan at a top secret location.... sounded very exciting ! Last year we had the diamond... what will it be this year.... I like the idea of the shamrock... in honour of Jimmy and it is achieved by players going in every direction etc etc
  4. Which was the year where we were on top of the ladder at about the third last round of the season and then we did not win any games (or maybe we won one) after that. I can vaguely remember our players being interviewed when we hit the top but it was obvious that with the injuries we were going to stagger in the next few weeks.... and stagger we did.
  5. Just like the Dogs last year but never the chocolates for us
  6. Ask me when this team has made a grand final The 2000 team was not perfect but they had a will to win that was seemingly forgotten by the present team in the last two rounds of 2016
  7. You used to hear stories of good young players (under 14-15) exclusively using their non preferred foot for a season so as to develop that skill. Not sure if it still goes on.
  8. Prescient post on one of the Collingwood fan sites: Our opposition isn't too crash hot though, hopefully they can improve and make a game of it in the 2nd half. Oooh... I do love beating Collingwood
  9. There is always something sweet about winning against Collingwood !!!
  10. There is always something sweet about winning against Collingwood !!!
  11. My apologies..... I see the Carlton game is scheduled for 3:30pm so it should be well and truly over with the crowd dispersed before the Melbourne-Collingwood game begins at 7:35pm
  12. Sarah Palin as ambassador to Canada perhaps: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/feb/08/sarah-palin-touted-as-us-ambassador-to-canada Some of the comments on the possibility: The comments prompted Canadians to muse about the qualifications being sought in the position. “This is entirely because Sarah Palin can see Canada from Alaska, isn’t it?” read one tweet, while another said: “Just cus @SarahPalinUSA ‘probably’ knows the difference between a moose & a beaver shouldn’t make her a Canadian ambassador option.” Many of those who spoke out online rejected the idea. “Palin as ambassador is an insult. To any country.” Another added, “Dear Mr. Trump: Rather than appoint Sarah Palin as ambassador to Canada, please bomb us. Signed, all intelligent life in Canada.”
  13. Going to be an interesting crowd situation. I foresee a lock out on its way but more importantly I see a logistical nightmare as Carlton supporters leave but supporters of Collingwood and Melbourne are left outside due to an inability of ground staff to mange the transition. My question is ... if I can foresee the obvious why can't the AFL
  14. Great post.... now if someone could do a phantom ladder that sets off the three sets of six after round 18 against each other based on their most recent results it would be interesting. Of course 2016 was a bit of an unusual year with the top 8 being way out in front of the rest and only North collapsing towards the end. So we need a spread sheet genius to do it over a sample of say the last five years and see what happens.
  15. Interesting theory... On a related note I have always thought that the idea of the player coming on being able to immediately engage in the game is unfair. The player with the ball is entitled to assume he is only playing against the players on the ground and not one who suddenly emerges off the interchange bench. Bit like it is considered unsportsmanlike to move a fielder in cricket while the bowler is running in to bowl. Perhaps interchange players could be required to wait until there was a stoppage.
  16. You need to look at it four sections and then consider the overall pros and cons. They are the impact upon the comp caused by the 17 round uncompromised draw and then each group of six. Frankly I am still trying to work it out but I like the idea of the uncompromised draw which I assume would alternate year by year on a home and away basis. Ideally I would like to see no venue shifting... ie Geelong plays home at Kardinia Park against all teams and we play home at the MCG against all teams etc. (Yes I know it is unlikely with games in Darwin, Alice Springs Launceston etc but it would be good to aspire to such an outcome) As to the remaining pros and cons I'm still thinking
  17. that is radical but I can see the attraction .... would like to think some more and hear from others about scenarios before deciding.
  18. wait a minute ... that stinks So if I am seventh I can only go down in my last five games
  19. Brings a while new meaning to "ninthmond" !! We will all be aiming for seventhdom. Will be very interesting. Cannot see teams tanking (in giving up points) in order to gain position but if you were seventh on percentage a team might think twice before it went for a percentage boosting performance in round 17.
  20. Do I read correctly that the conferences are simply decided by ladder position at the end of 17 rounds. Boy that will make for some "easy wins" if at the end of 17 rounds you happen to top say the middle conference as distinct from the team at the bottom of the top conference who has five games against "better" teams I posted this as Clint was posting.... will certainly make for a helter skelter final five rounds
  21. Gil McLachlan has announced that they are likely to adopt a 17-5 season. This means that each team will play the other once and then the league will be divided into three "conferences" of six with the teams in each conference playing each other thus achieving the remaining five games. I like the idea of playing each other once and ideally the home and away should rotate on a year by year basis. Can anyone explain how the conferences are selected? Also not sure how it will fit with the various "blockbusters" but it should work. Here is an article on Gil McLachlan's press conference where the subject is discussed mid article (after the discussion re James Hird) https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2017/feb/09/james-hird-would-be-welcomed-back-by-the-game-says-afl-ceo-mclachlan
  22. Would a "no third person in" help to clear the congestion. It might make the other players stand back and act as receivers rather than just adding to the pack. I would be interested to see how many stoppages are caused by one on one tackles as distinct from group tackles. A radical change could be the third ball up rule... if there are two consecutive ball ups that go nowhere then on the third occasion the person getting caught with the ball is pinged for holding no questions asked.In a way this a;ready happens when the umpire "plucks" a free kick from nowhere
  23. The last single term presidents were Jimmy Carter and George Bush senior. Almost certain that Donald will join this team simply because of the third of the Americans who did not vote in the last election there will be enough that come out to vote for anyone but Trump. Frankly I cannot see him standing in 2020. If you follow this through the Republican leaders will be trying to distance themselves from Trump in time for the mid term elections due in November 2018. Unfortunately the Donald can do a lot of damage in the meantime but at least he ain't going to be around for long. Of course what replaces him is a fascinating question. The next biggie is the French elections with Marie Le Pen and the National Front. First round is on April 23 with the second round due two weeks later on 7 June.
  24. Depends a lot on what State they are in as to who gets the taxes and the amount of those taxes. According to this extract the taxes on lotteries are much higher than on bookmaking. " Lotteries are taxed more heavily than other forms of gambling, with tax rates on player loss ranging from 45 to 90 per cent (Australian Treasury 2008). Average tax rates for other forms of gambling range from 20 to 35 per cent of player loss (Productivity Commission 1999a)." https://taxreview.treasury.gov.au/content/FinalReport.aspx?doc=html/publications/Papers/Final_Report_Part_2/chapter_e7-2.htm Yep...who would have thought it........ and what will they come up with next !
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