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Everything posted by Diamond_Jim

  1. Wagner has had all year to take it and has not done so.Hunt is not a defensive back. Cannot really see either of them in the mix. I am tending to think we may need to trade/recruit at the fringe to find a candidate.
  2. For those who say Vince will retire who takes his place. The place has been available in reality all year but no one at VFL level has gotten within a bull's roar of displacing Vince on their own form. For that reason he will get another year and I hope by round 6 he is depth at Casey. Weideman is the conundrum. With Hogan and T Mac is there a regular place for him and if not will he ask to go elsewhere. I suspect he will be content to remain for 2019 but 2020 could be crunch time. Pederson stays unless we recruit a back up ruckman. As to all the other candidates they all have positives and negatives and will pose difficult decisions for the list committee. Unfortunately I think Bugg is gone.
  3. TBH he probably should have been rested against the Suns. I'm leaning towards recruiting a back up ruckman simply to give Max a strategic rest. If we are going to feature in September action over the next few years it is a bit unrealistic to expect Max to play 26 games straight with guys constantly jumping into your body. Have never been a ruckman but I expect it is a physically "painful pursuit".
  4. The GWS rehab report from a couple of days ago said 2-3 weeks. Perhaps MSF heard an update. Greene has had a horrible season injury wise. Probably worse than Jack Viney.
  5. perhaps a pre-recorded podcast that he could approve before broadcast might be possible. Oral history is so important.
  6. But we all know who really broke the story. On a separate note any chance of getting one of the '64 premiership players on the podcast. Time to grab those memories before .. well we know what! Wonderful job as always.
  7. Sounds like they are getting a few players back and Greene is likely to be back in 2-3 http://www.gwsgiants.com.au/news/2018-08-07/westfund-rehab-report-round-21 While the GIANTS will be forced to make at least four changes to their line-up for Saturday’s crunch clash with Adelaide; Tim Taranto, Dylan Shiel, Sam Reid and Ryan Griffen could all return.
  8. You have an interesting take on the dynamics of the modern workplace MS but let's wait and see
  9. It'll be covered by Freo as it's a workplace injury. Whether Freo goes after the Eagles could be interesting.. there would of course be insurers involved and it may well be the same insurer but even then due to reinsurers etc you might still see a case. At 100k though my guess is that it wouldn't really be worth pursuing. Going after Gaff would be highly unusual in a workplace environment.
  10. Have a think guys and gals.... even if he hugs the Brayshaw family I think he will upon further reflection go to a non Brayshaw club just to save everyone the uncomfortable nature of being team mates. The old clean slate theory. North may get their star after all.
  11. Interesting that it was at the low end of the penalty spectrum requested by the AFL. Cynicism prevents me from delving further
  12. you should be on the tribunal MSF?
  13. Trevor Nisbett Achievements: Football manager West Coast Eagles 1989-99; chief executive officer 1999-present; Service Award for 10 years’ service to West Coast 1999; Australian Sports Medal for service to Australian Football 2000; awarded inaugural AFL Graeme Samuel Scholarship 2003; life member West Coast Eagles Football Club 2004; West Coast Eagles board member 2002-present; AFL life member 2013 http://www.westcoasteagles.com.au/news/2014-08-09/trevor-nisbett
  14. and did you expect anything else. Young Saad gets done for 18 months for an energy drink on match day that is completely legal the day before and the day after (rules are rules say the media) and yet we have the Bomber victims. Unfortunately it won't change while the media is itself an extension of the good guy footballer club.
  15. Thought Hogan's game was good but not at that level. Brayshaw and Oliver far more dominant. Pleased to see Salem getting recognition.
  16. Ah the smell of double standards in the morning : "In 2015, Nisbett said any amateur player who engaged in thuggery should be deregistered, coming after an incident in Perth amateur ranks where a player had his jaw broken. Nisbett said the Gaff case was different. "This is probably different circumstances ... because we have a process in place the AFL will deal with it," he said." https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/highest-grading-you-can-get-gaff-sent-straight-to-tribunal-20180806-p4zvua.html Almost Trumpesque ?
  17. The ruck position will die out in time simply because clubs will not invest the time in development. Think about it you probably need four players at different stages of development. In a 40man list that is a significant investment in one position. You could sponsor players in other competitions a la the Academy system perhaps. Alternatively you can develop the two pronged player as we are doing perhaps with Weideman albeit slowly. The other problem is that with only one VFL team where do these up and coming ruckmen get any match practice.
  18. being down a player in soccer is an enormous loss as well but they manage for far lesser offences
  19. It would be 18 v 17 on the field
  20. out of interest would you then restrict the team to 17 players on the field (this is what happens in soccer) or would you allow substitution ie use of the bench.
  21. agree Jumbo as I posted a few weeks back the modern line breaker runs about 10 metres ...just enough to stretch the zone. Hunt really has to reinvent himself.Watched him at Casey several times and even at that level he rarely got any run going.
  22. So you and the media as well are going to stick the responsibility on an 18 year old kid. Can you imagine the pressure that will be brought to bear on him to achieve just the outcome you have posited. Judge the perpetrator ... not the victim
  23. ah ... we've won one game against a contender by a couple of points ... the rest were against the also rans....nothing special about our form as has been said all year. In recent games against the contenders we in one instance could not and in the other barely defended a significant last quarter lead.
  24. wow ... not improbable scenarios any of those six. Will be very hard to win 2 of the next three based on our post bye form. So it could be good night Irene if we lose to the Swans given the odds of winning both the remaining games is very low. We really have stuffed up this season. ?
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