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Everything posted by puntkick

  1. " They know we're coming " On Marngrook was our well spoken Hibbo and our old mate Dunney. Congratulations also to our Howey on his elevation to VC. On the Bench had O Mac They can't get enough of us " What ever it takes " !
  2. I'll go out on a limb and predict July 29 2017 !
  3. Flat out preparing case against shinboner of the century !
  4. Where have you popped up from with your profound statements and 27 posts all of a sudden ?
  5. Yep lets stick fat where needed, we're in the frame !
  6. Can't wait for Lewy to go unsociably slap bang 'n whack in our premiership year !
  7. A good footballer to be sure Appears to be allowing himself to be manoeuvred into having too much to say by too many outlets whilst still playing. Reminds me of Hird and look where that ego ended !
  8. I'm speechless . I reckon he's still ahead of danger/wood and will get the last laugh !
  9. Have you noticed how Caracella's well credentialed input is ?
  10. Thanks for being one of the few to stick up for him. Seems to me eveyrones quick to condemn him without remotely knowing what transpired to pre-empt it !
  11. Buggy
  12. Just try to remember why you're on this forum ,its about footy , not God's forum !
  13. Name one ?
  14. I agree on your both points
  15. Odds on a Ramadan Fasting round next year ? Trunbull to toss the coin , 10 to televise.
  16. Actually its like a school of cygnets casually walking into the path of a steam roller. We've still got one steam roller driver co-captain still available. I want to save them but it's too late !
  17. Salems out too
  18. 'specially after he drops a telling mark !
  19. Gary Hope he's saying it after Friday night !
  20. Bold prediction Only Melbourne will do it against them in 2017 twice. August 5 & September 30
  21. All I'm saying.! One posters opinion ! GANDFD Do ya Trenners stolles into the side ?
  22. That's not my point .How many times did he look disinterestered today and have blown out hands on his hips ?
  23. Nope ,won'tget him in the 1sts. Very unconvicing !
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