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Everything posted by puntkick

  1. Yeah sweet . But someone in the deep dark ages must have called it FOOTBALL for a reason !
  2. I'll give you Goody at this early stage Name me one other ?
  3. Jeeze their 30 second input to the players' like at afl level must have had a an outstanding contribution !
  4. Maybe we could give his " business adviser " a job at the strengthening and tattooing department too !
  5. Very very recent rumour says we've just reappointed our 2017 coaches for 2018 Reckon there's a cuppla toige's with photos and we've got no $s Lets just let Lewey transition into coaching first. Although based on Friday night I'd bring Ooze back as the goal kicking coach !
  6. Jack Watts ?
  7. Not sure anyone on our coaching panel has a coaching ability at Hobart !
  8. yeah I was there on a flight back in memory you coulda taken any seconds 18 coach and team from SA ,VIC, or TAS and won that game kicking with the wind !
  9. You get your opinion on here for almost nothing if you choose. Take it up with PJ and the MFC who give us no recognition of our opinions or $'s on here. Best you pull your new shirt and Beanie up over your avatar head if you want too be taken seriously though !
  10. Age doesn't necessarily bring in wisdom Lets throw in 4 !
  11. Ya shoulda watched Blundstone , that'd sit ya back on ya rear quarters !
  12. No matter what we do only the date and time changes !
  13. I think we've only got a couple left who've been playing since 1964 !
  14. Ya gotta get it and compete first
  15. Trade em all !
  16. Yeah but lets forget we've only got 2nd rate assistants !
  17. Yo bin drinkun boyoh ?
  18. Whose the 3rd on the left ?
  19. Whist I admire Nasher's work input to this site I often wonder the validity of his input from such a short perspective of experience. Many of us have MFC experience way beyond his short life . Give me another penalty point and take me out for a month if you wish for expressing an opinion But I wouldn't listen to your podcast.
  20. Just for traction Like your index finger Anyone heading up ?
  21. The ex MRP rep should be a barrel of interesting laughs too !
  22. Looking forward to OD's input !
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