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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. Play your accounts right this year around/after M Cup Day there is quite a reasonable free money amount to outlay on early/sometimes better Footy betting odds that doesn't cost a cent. People who know will agree with me, but i'm not going to put it out......
  3. Perhaps new Insurers of Melbourne Cricket Ground
  4. The word on the streets up in "rainy Dainee" is that for the second year running the messiah at TWSNBN has cocked up their pick ups....
  5. Dill gone,beauty........................
  6. Go back to what i said before, if we start ready to kill, we will be five spots up at year's end......
  7. ... and that's just the AFL.
  8. Yep, it's a bit of a racquet, isn't it................
  9. A lovely worded request "56
  10. Could be the biggest deck of cards fallover in Footy History if there is pressure brought to talk, but five day awkward pause would seem to have killed this happening.
  11. If he's playing in Finals that could be 13. I'll take it.
  12. My better side would be hoping that not only football identities pay the price of indiscretions that slug you in the mouth, in life, from time to time. Bigger fish have been hanging around Footy Clubs that i know of since the sixties. They need to go down as well. They cost and flavoured a lot of good people.
  13. Barring injury, stick my neck out and say he will play half the season. Nothing to lose for this bloke and he's a goer too.
  14. Safety on ALL Mining Sites is a red hot issue. Nothing gets out. Especially the accident stats. Conversely on privatised Port sites like Freo and Darwin a fair amount of stuff gets in. Like Unknown drugs etc. God, those bloody Unions were a nuisance.......
  15. His real quandary would be having to tolerate fools (and you could see it on his face) in one studio, and not in the other.....
  16. ....and so dies all meaningful employment with the demise of Unions. Loyalty of course will always stay a two way street.....
  17. In 1970 i was in the Bayview with a TWSNBN mate of mine and a bloke came up to us with a couple of tickets that he was giving away to some GF with Blues vrs Pies, for a donation to the army, and we grabbed some large cans in a box to stand on, and walked to the ground. Not a bad game that.......
  18. Totally agree, and what i liked was that he plays in front, takes marks in front and runs away..........
  19. I would contribute to a plan to make the MCG roof into one big self sufficient solar panel roof and reap the ample rewards in return.
  20. Really agree with Lever on the backline for the simple reason he will need a look the way things operate first.
  21. I think rainbow would be a festive look
  22. Yep, but he was drinking......
  23. Dual citizen too........
  24. Doesn't look like we're expecting more from this bloke than Watts so lets get him......
  25. All the Melb Clubs were standing around for the first four days of the draft waiting for the biggest transfer of the year to fall over, and it didn't, even with the inordinate amount of pressure put on by the rabble. Cool heads prevailed same as last year........ Forget the write ups about who won, they all picked up replacement crumbs. We built onto our side.....
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