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Everything posted by Willmoy1947

  1. Wouldn't be surprised if he has already been designated to be tagged, good luck with that........
  2. Plato type post for me........... and ducks fly south for the winter, too.....
  3. That last paragraph ProDee says that i should have been getting much more money back in 1975. I shall take it up with the Club.....
  4. Yep, like Donald Trump and the world
  5. Instead of ringing up GWS(love in) all the time to see if they are right for players for the next few weeks, the umpires could could figure out how to get themselves in better visual positions during games!!!
  6. The things i noticed were the cuddles he got trying to soften his approach to the game from several TWSNBN players at different times during the game, but it didn't work, did it? Dare i say Bluey....fair bit of catching up obviously....
  7. Ted and Macca....they got caught out, that's all that's different. I can remember going to a Carlton do out at Donnybrook in the mid sixties. Stuff all over the place including rocks and all the players.
  8. Don't forget "swiss family Robinson"
  9. I read that report and with my limited command of Q's English it looked to have been maybe, possibly,slightly, minutely altered but i'm no QC.
  10. Hey, nothing like an 80% price hike to set the membership numbers flowing, i hope not. Time for these two troglodytes to get back in the shade, hopefully as the attendances testify....
  11. Pretty sad for TWSNBN really, because of the drugs.Their badge is Cheats Forever. Not even History can be changed for that one. Some pretty good T shirts floating around.
  12. I was thinking more about their derogatory remarks when we were "down and out", and i used to get into their rooms at that hole of a ground.Snobby little parasites. Then later at the MCG, bigger snobs....
  13. As long as we don't become like Hawthorn....
  14. The entertainment value of Trump/Newman aside, i really hope there is a more Nostradamus type future left for us all, perhaps without these creatures.Laying this to one side, Wallis certainly appears like a sturdy character, who has conviction, even though one would dispute his means justifying the end, however we shall see, or maybe we shall not What a cataclysmic start to the 2017 Season.....
  15. Speaking of footy show, err( no inference on footy), i wonder which watering hole in Bloods area, old Sam drinks at starting with B and ending in Y, where one would go for private chinwags now.
  16. Don't forget every second parish priest in Victoria, and papal blessings. The others support Pies
  17. Just to top it off, good to see half the TWSNBN players making it into the AFL Top Fifty for this year. Alright though if Melksham and Hibberd make it next year of course
  18. Just further to this, i read that Coates was trying to be moved as well, could be trouble brewing in Australian Sports officials Circles, and i don't mean for the better. All to do with Oz's recent performances me thinks.
  19. The only thing better than a 'plain fact" is a "downright lie"
  20. To be honest i thought in last two practice games Oliver just gave me impression he was making time for himself to kick rather than handball. Anyone else notice that?
  21. .....poor taste son, but you're forgiven in view of the love....
  22. The world is a better place because of all of us.....
  23. I'll bet 300 million people's lives, and that is just in US. The reason i do that bet, is to alert the betting agencies to, that people think he's a crazy "b", like Nixon, who should be gotten rid of, as everyone knows. I still have my Betting Acc but i only bet on footy. I stopped betting on everything else, when my beautiful German shepherd died, as a tribute to him, and self denial to me...
  24. Great sense of humour, you moderators!!!!
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