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Everything posted by jane02

  1. I like the Irish bloke as well. At the beginning I had a soft spot for the Jackel but since he has been delisted, I hope Padraig wins. All three seem like decent guys.
  2. It's all getting a bit complicated and murky. I tend to agree now.
  3. I agree with everything you said. Glad they lost.
  4. North are starting to look a bit unhinged.
  5. I have a lot of love for Nathan Jones. Tries his heart out week in, week out,
  6. No it's what I was drinking before the tea! I should have skipped the tea and stuck to the wine.
  7. My husband is a Collingwood supporter and cannot stand him either - never has and says he will be very happy to offload him.
  8. I wish I hadn't read this before I go to sleep - guaranteed nightmares.I do wish I had read it at lunchtime because I would have kept drinking.
  9. It was a deep and meaningful conversation. When I started to try reading my tea leaves re MC, I thought it was time to stop drinking.
  10. Ha ha - I found this out at my school reunion. Brunettes rule!!
  11. I spent a two hour lunch today with an old friend discussing the MC situation instead of talking about the usual stuff. Lots of hand wringing and "why us". We go back a long way and both agreed ( over a glass of wine) we feel like the jilted girlfriend who has been dumped for the perky blonde cheerleader type. Life's not fair.
  12. I am even less confident now about seeing MC back at the Demons next season.
  13. I wish they would cut to the chase. Who cares about the finals. I want to know what's happening with MC.
  14. We are definitely a bunch of survivors here at the MFC. Made of tough stuff. The staff that I work with jump on and off the bandwagon of which ever club they support depending on how well they are positioned on the ladder. They all smirk as I religiously tip Melbourne each week, sign up immediately for my new membership and still have the MFC ring tone on my phone. I am as gutted as the next person if all of these MC rumours are true. I will be sulky and cranky but quickly move on (I think so anyway....). There will be another MC in the wings somewhere waiting to get drafted by us.
  15. Exactly. They won't get any further. I just couldn't have coped with Essendon getting through.
  16. I don't really like North but I was barracking so hard for them tonight!!! Fantastic stuff. Get lost Essendon.
  17. Glad to see those drug cheats get exactly what they deserve. Boo hoo.
  18. C'mon North - I cannot stomach those drug cheats.
  19. I cannot get this song out of my head now I've read this thread...... Having flashbacks of my year 11 choral competition..... Very painful.
  20. I have just been to see the new Woody Allen movie - "Magic in the Moonlight". I really enjoyed it. Was witty, kind of cute and I enjoyed Colin Firth and Emma Stone's bantering. Whilst the age difference seemed a bit much from a romantic point of view, It was quite OK. Jackie Weaver also has a small role. I was not a fan of Woody Allen's earlier movies but I did like "Midnight in Paris" and "Blue Jasmine" so I am warming to him.
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