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Wells 11

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Everything posted by Wells 11

  1. I like him and he at least gives us something to look forward to in 2020. ....but when you kick 1.4 it’s a frikn disgrace. No way bog
  2. Sure we may not be able to pay him the most but he would get the chance to train in the best facilities, with the best medicos, in a team that consistently makes the finals and plays numerous blockbusters in front of big crowds.
  3. Thanks Nudge. IF this pans out it would do wonders for the membership next year. We almost need an off field coup like this. Anyway....may you or your sources be right , a bit of hope is sorely needed.
  4. Demons to lead at half time! Does the second half really matter anyway.
  5. Interesting. Clearly SOMETHING happened as the team morale has looked low for some time. McCartney does have a history of getting the senior players offside so it wouldn’t surprise. It’s his big failing. If thats correct then I’m SO glad they acted the way they did and didn’t circle the wagons around him as they did w Schwab after 186. This is a team in terrible need of a summer reset, a big change in on and off field personal and a change in captaincy.
  6. Preuss looks like a liability out there in general play. Sooo slow. Good pressure by the dees and, as mistake ridden as it is, I like the style better when we’re focused on attacking like this.n
  7. Think that would be brilliant personally. Whatever you say about JH, he united that team thru incredible diversity and they were playing for him despite it all. Seems like the side is fractured atm...maybe someone like him could help restore unity.
  8. Yes and no. Yes disposal is crap but we’re not really setting up fr easy movement of the ball either. Everything looks hard. We’re SO [censored] ... structures, skills. So hard to believe we’re back here again so fast.
  9. Interesting. There’s clearly some kind of disharmony down there.
  10. Are our fwd entries only as bad as the fwds capacity to create space? The fact that we sacked our fwd coach mid season might answer that. However there’s ALSO been an obvious and alarming drop off in skills. Obvious all over the field, in our fwd 50, and in front of goal. So being fair , Vineys shocking efficiency rate may be a mix of his own poor skill, our set ups and the situations he’s getting the ball in. . But In someways he’s become symptomatic of the whole team... win the hard ball , turn it over and watch the opposition run riot with us on the rebound. The big question that’s raised here imo is should he remain captain or co captain next year? For mine he can’t keep the position. Maybe you have him co captain with someone else next year. But, whether it’s a chronic foot, or low skills he just isn’t an onfield leader in any other dept except guts. I, as do many, love him fr that ... but this team is crying out for structural awareness on field and I don’t see him as a leader here.
  11. It’s really poor isn’t it. We didn’t look like this last year tho. I can’t believe they suddenly don’t seem to know what to do w the ball... or if it they do 50% of the time they miscue the execution. It’s hard to watch...and if they do win it will come as a big surprise. As it has done all year.
  12. Well it’s only the dogs today who we’ll easily beat. Our minds are on bigger things. After this it’s into a top 4 clash w WC.. sigh. I miss 2018.
  13. Although I share some of this sentiment, great backlines with smooth movement out of the back half can make average fwd lines look v good. They’re way underdone back there right now and haven’t played together much as a group, but I’ll be looking for glimpses of what we might see and how we set up in the fwd half.
  14. Which would be fabulous prep for 2020 and getting them all to start gelling together as teammates. 4 of that back 6 could play tall or small also. Could be exciting IF the footy gods smile on us, because 2019 is a clear example of what happens when they don’t!
  15. Honestly... prob not. But I do think he’ll have one more big crack to try to get right in the pre season.
  16. he’s been carrying a foot injury too... so time off legs could b helpful for a number of reasons. Hoping we’ve focused all our bad luck and bad kicking fr goal into one year ! So the footy curse can move on to another team in 2020 and leave us free fr one big crack it’ll at it. already looking forward to having him back ready fr a big pre season alongside lever, melksham, May, Joel Smith, VDB ( if he plays again) Hannon and Jetta..
  17. Agreed. There was something in the air in the second half last week. Mids getting frikn reamed at the centre bounces, 2 tackles or something like that in one of the quarters. The stats were alarming and It spoke of a collective lowering of heads. perhaps it was an expression of a collective disappointment that the season is over so soon? Perhaps a collective expression / realisation that goodys plan no longer works? Whatever it was, it was glaring and as an attitude that’s been building for weeks it’s not something that will disappear in a week. Dees to open up an early 5 goal lead then get roped back in and over run in the last. Blues by 5 goals.
  18. Yep agreed. I’m getting concerned we also need a tall forward as weird and tmac and smith define the word mediocrity this year. Do they get better? Who knows. We also desperately need outside run. Suddenly it looks like a real list overhaul.
  19. Well, it’s a positive slant....and one of the v few I’ve read. You were at least there and I wasnt at the game. So I thank u fr that. I can only say that on the tv we looked very casual in approach. Casual in terms of pressure applied, casual in our ball use and , most painfully to me, full of really simple errors. Despite what some say I this forum, I don’t think afl players ever really approach a game casually. But that they gave off that appearance does indicate something. They just seem really out of sorts. something is going on at the club....lord only knows what.
  20. any updates on Dunkleys game? is he approaching ready ? or maybe we just play him in the twos for the rest of the year?.
  21. I have neither legal or medical qualifications but I sat with my mouth open ( when I wasn’t swearing at the tv) in some shock as we let Joel run around fr a half hardly able to move. Forget about all else, that gave us the look of an amateur club . It also revealed our sports medicos as amateur. We’ve done some dumb things as a club w injuries in the past but this was up there w the best of them. Hope he gets a new contract and returns to full fitness. I’m amazed how angry this still makes me tbh.
  22. An interesting stat re cameron. If we put frost on him maybe he can, with his height advantage, knock the ball right out of his area and out of that danger zone if he’s isolated there. I remember eons ago steve Smith was played on Leigh Mathews with a similar role. Smith was thrashing him. That was Up until Mathews king hit him behind play and put him out of the game. But it was working until then!
  23. I agree. Frosty has the pace, agility and stamina to go with him . I’m Remembering his ragdolling of petrocelle a few weeks back. Seems like a strange choice given their different sizes but I can’t even think of who our second choice would be. Jetta is still leaving a hole in this side.
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