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Everything posted by thaipantsman

  1. Hi D Drake, best way to shut these types up is to wallop Hawks on the Park. It's the only way. Have a really great friend and business associate who in his spare time runs AA meetings throughout Victoria and Indonesia. Hi Jim! Being a Hawk Supporter he's extremely unlikely to visit this site. Could not get a nicer bloke. Dees have some shocking supporters as do all teams. Lets hope we Whip the Hawkers this week!!
  2. Hi Demonlanders, For anyone that doesn't know don't miss Marngrook each and every Thursday night at 730. Refreshing viewing and DTE quality broadcast absolutely c raps on Footy Show Ch 9 Tripe. This Week on Marngrook, we'll speak with Hawthorn young gun Jack Gunston. Leila & Shelley headed out to take part in The Long Walk and spoke with those involved. We'll also have live music from Glenn Skuthorpe. Tune in this Thursday night, 7:30PM on NITV (free-to-air channel 34) and 11:25PM on SBS2. .
  3. You were savaged?How do you think I felt?Sunday was a disgrace! Worse than church! Man what have we become. A schizenhausen rabble. Neeld will be sacked after the Hawthorn match.IMO Craig should join him but my gut feeling is Craig will take over that is failing a major coupe starting with R. Good post.
  4. You'll be angry but I voted laidley then eade. Squirm at the thought of knights or another Neeld type faker. Roos if available thanks.
  5. Williams looks to be heart attack material. Just another silly gum chewer. Eade well worth a look.
  6. Please no. Enough of the untried.Roos, Eade, Thompson ( bomber) northey caretaker if we're lucky enough Neeld resigns immediately.
  7. You were savaged?How do you think I felt?Sunday was a disgrace! Worse than church! Man what have we become. A schizenhausen rabble. Neeld will be sacked after the Hawthorn match.IMO Craig should join him but my gut feeling is Craig will take over that is failing a major coupe starting with R.
  8. BELOW COMMENT BY WHY YOU LITTLE AND JNR MAC LAST YEAR. 'you cant understand why people don't join the dots" Please read comments below..... Question for WHY is what precisely did Jnr Mac mean by "join the dots"?  jnrmac, on 04 September 2012 - 09:02 AM, said: Really?? So we help a guy from a remote community fulfill a dream to play AFL. We support him endlessly and go out of our way to accommodate his cultural needs. We support him through injury and a major court trial AND THEN the guy spits in our face and drops a bombshell on us without a consideration that we might get a trade for him or a draft pick somewhere. And you don't understand why people are upset?? Sean Charles, Wonna, Lawrence and now Jurrah have all walked out on the club. You can't understand why people don't connect the dots??
  9. This is directed at Why you little...I do recall some comments directed at LJ. "brought on himself" WYL say's...If LJ was out there today he would be the only guy having a red hot crack.. The mere tone of your comment is sad for Liam. I still feel he'll play for PA next season. I was jumped on in this forum after describing my day at the footy Melb v Tigers a couple of years back when a Melbourne member situated behind me about 10 rows back in the members yelled out to LJ to "take your boots off next time" after LJ had missed one. Everyone around me laughed. Move on!
  10. No way Jumbo. They're pretending to play for the coach. Watch harder!! I know it's hard but watch harder.
  11. Tim.. it was coming. a young team. handpicked players by people with no idea. Half the Guys are running around pretending like they give a chi t. Mc K has no talent. Is not as good as Godfrey was. Continues running around like a chook pretending. Neeld and Craig with his gum rolling around in his mouth have f e d up big time. This is big time not Paddling about down at Ocean Grove. Neeld must fall on his sword tonight along with Craig. Both must go. Appoint a caretaker and take our medicine the rest of this year.
  12. Hyperbole prediction after todays game V Freo. Sack Neeld
  13. Watts should play FF or CHF and left there. "Watts" to lose"? Everybody popping corks cos Dawes kicked two from chest marks and for making a couple of swift dashes with his $200 haircut impressive No 6.. Yes agreed he looks the Part. He may even prove to be "the Man"..apologies to Anthony the real MAN. YES. Watts to ff and leave him there for remainder of the season instead a mere three Quarters.
  14. Blease and Tynan should be playing for A's
  15. MELBOURNE supporters were no better. Melbourne supporters are so Pathetic they don't even know a racist comment when they here it.
  16. Why is the comment "worthwhile" . The comment is an obvious racist slur. Jurrah copted it at Melbourne from the Melbourne Members area throughout his career. Fair Dinkum you Guys just wake up!!! It's not on. Whites have to release this notion they are superior because of being white. Probably the fault of Racist Parents...IMO...
  17. have you ever been bitten by a miniature poodle? these dogs have a lot more bite than Melbourne do right now.
  18. Melbourne FC will not exist in "5 years" if Neeld remains at the helm. While he seems a nice guy the obvious lack of charisma, appeal, coaching prowess, motivational skills will lead to a steady exodus of our better players. He can only attract players that are either plain and simple not good enough (Sellar, Pederson's) or players at the end of their careers (Rodan, Byrnes). Rivers, Maloney, Jurrah, Neeld's rubbish Coach. Face up to it and move on.
  19. Too right there are many reasons. Hogan Some very young gun draft selection in the system lead by Jimmy Toumpass. A chance to wear the red and blue-make us all cheer again. Lots more....just going for a coffee
  20. President: An high profile person that has a voice and is respected in the community,must attract attention to club, with a positive spin. How bout Johnny Farnham for Pres
  21. 1976 final round v magpies at Victoria Park. Won easily. Sadly missed the finals JUST. Hinged on result at Western oval Bulldogs v Blues. Dees were great in 76with guys like Wells and Flower leading the way.
  22. Styles, Wight, Lyon, Spalding,Dean, Alan Johnson, ahhhh
  23. 1976 final round v magpies at Victoria Park. Won easily. Sadly missed the finals JUST. Hinged on result at Western oval Bulldogs v Blues. Dees were great in 76with guys like Wells and Flower leading the way.
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