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Everything posted by Biffen

  1. I will back us to beat Richmond. We had plenty of excuses in round 1 and 2. This game will turn our season around. I am in my bomb shelter now and am waiting for the prophets of doom and their collection of bricks to descend.
  2. If they change the umpires and the venue for this game ,we at least have a hope. yesterday was an embarrassment for the umpiring fraternity . Watching the game again -we had no hope whatsoever after the first half . Jesus got off lightly . Our crucifiction began on Monday and ended yesterday when the siren blew.
  3. Before you all top yourselves I will say it again . The greatest team on the earth cannot win a game when the free kick count is 23-1 against . Football is a game of populated and run by complete dolts who run in packs mentally and physically . Crowds and umpires are the worst of these type of sheeple . The wheel turns. To quote Robert Zimmerman "The loser now will later to win"
  4. A poor start to the year for the Russian but you cant just dump the dude.He took ages to come good. Must be working with pain .
  5. No problem mate.I'm going next week .Would love to meet WYL as well. Glad you waved the flag for us over there in the West!
  6. We could get Miller from the Tigers ,MacDonald from GWS and hope Collingwood delists Jolly too. Ah the good old days......... Anyone know where I can but some acid?
  7. The ones that stay the course through thick and thin and continue to be positive .Knock the players if they are weak but 23 frees to 1 in a half makes it impossible to win a game .The result was decided by the umpires and the crowd by half time .I would give up if I had to play with those umpires.he players did well to keep chasing .
  8. 23-1 is absolutely out of control and is enough to ruin 2 games .Those guys were pathetic today .The Meth Coast didn't even have to try .They would half go for the ball and then look for a free(which they knew would be paid ) Completely disgraceful effort .Hopefully their last game ever.
  9. Actually . Our supporters base are weak ,short-sighted ,fickle and stupid.Our board is fine ,as are most of our picks .Our REAL fans are ,some of which are here ,are awesome ,loyal ,stuanch and maybe a bit masochistic .
  10. Choco is no good at all?Why did we keep him?
  11. Do you barrack for Melbourne or are you deriving some cheap pleasure from calling us weak pricks and wooden spooners?I encourage you to be constructive if you are really a Demon .
  12. Chased leather like all of them .The bathwater goes .The baby stays.
  13. He played TAC cup and won the grand final off his own boot.
  14. Can we stop the Nic Nat thing? He wanted to stay in Perth . Jack Watts is good . If you hate yourself for being a Demon either take lots of drugs like I do or quit and barrack for GWS. FFS cut out the "I give up" stuff.
  15. I think it's good that you are expressing yourself .Let it all out .
  16. This isn't the Donvale Panthers. There are contract and trading periods and things like that . We cant just sack guys who have a bad game or 7 . We have to develop them . The Captains being 20 and 22 should tell you that we really are 3 or four years off .
  17. We really need size . Bail ,Bartram ,Jordy Mac etc are just not going to get us there .Jmac is a battler at best .
  18. There are only so many crisis meetings you can have .We need weights and steroids .
  19. From the bizarre to the ridiculous and back to the bizarre.
  20. As I see it ,there are THREE major problems facing the team . The first one is that we are simply too small.(not strong enough) The second is that we can not tackle because of reason one as well as technique(we tackle around the chest instead of the hips) The third is that our disposal is hurried and ineffective. There is no problem with effort,guts trying or any of those things we like to beat ourselves up about . The umpires today should be tortured to death slowly(it would make me feel better)
  21. Settle down you panic merchants. We cant sack everyone at the beginning of each year .Makes it very hard to run the club .
  22. Got any better suggestions as to how you let someone attend a funeral?
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