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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. That about sums up the entire AFL & season Fork. Might even get my old nunchackus out from under the bed and knock myself out...
  2. Should've got 2 votes against Norf to match Daicos but this is the AFL circus and always wanting their pin ups to win. Gulden had a massive game against us .... he'll probably get at least 1 but he did have a huge game. Tracc might get 1 or 2 behind Viney
  3. I thought Gil declared Daicos the winner on the Front Bar. If so why are we having the count?
  4. Ashcroft's goal very similar, including where it was kicked from, to Langdon's last year. One was called a fluke, the other given goal of the year.
  5. Possibly Sydee. I recall alot more of Tim's play i think as he was pretty damaging but you may be right there.
  6. Yes Red but but i'd argue even earlier, from half time, which i called for in the game day thread. I think everyone at the ground (if they were being honest) new Macca was cooked by half time, bar Simon (and maybe the entire FD but find that hard to fathom). Relief ruck role with Max forward for a stint in the third. Possible assist from Max for the extra (potentially match winning) goal. Last quarter....Max back into the middle for significant minutes and behind the ball late to ice the game. Schache forward for a large part of the last, mostly for ruck duties again (wasn't bringing much else at Casey just prior). At the very least, would've freed up Tracc or tapped a ball or two to our advantage for a possible scoring opportunity to again potentially increase the buffer early in the last before parking the bus.
  7. No plausible reason. That and seemingly zero red time strategy when we were 9 points up with under a 2 minutes to go. The Schache incident is completely on Goodwin. The red time blunder is on all leaders both on and off the field. Both aspects played a significant part in us not making a Prelim imho. If the club doesn't look to get to the whys and address them then we're treading water at best in 24. Finals do this. They lay bare any major weaknesses in a club both in the FD and on the ground. Ignore them at your peril.
  8. He's just another in a konga line of AFL media sycophants. Most of the media (Hodgy one of the rare outspoken ones last night which was surprising, but he'll probably be asked for a "please explain" for that) are all on the gravy train. So they know that if thou doth protest too much they're at risk of losing their media position to someone else coming behind them who is willing to just tow the corporate line / speak and not rock the boat at all. So old mate Kane is in a fight between his sense of fairness (like us he isn't blind and is itching to have his say) and his love of the big AFL gravey train. He is obviously not alone here but very few, except in rare moments of weakness, ever allow what they truly believe / feel to escape their lips in fear of losing their AFL sourced privileges. And then there's those that are just completely one eyed regardless and just don't want to see the biases / injustices. We all witnessed many examples of the above first hand during the Maynard fiasco. As soon as a few heavy AFL media hitters got on the AFL preferred 'it's just a footy act' mantra, the majority of the rest of them all just fell in to line without a whimper. And almost everyone that even gave a hint of bucking the trend always prefaced their alternate line of thinking with "Yes he might get weeks but if not he should (or will) get off". Very few called that act out for what it was, without qualifying it with a fence sitting comtradiction such as ... "i'm not saying he should / i can see both side's of the argument but probably deserves a few weeks" etc
  9. I'm not sure why the academy picks etc should be pushing the others further down. Just let the clubs who have the priority stuff take their man in a separate allocated 'nominate your priority' partitioned draft about 2 weeks out and be done with it. Leave the standard draft picks alone FCS.
  10. Old Gil .... up to his tricks right to the deah knell. No doubt Clarko working on this behind the scenes as well
  11. He was immense last night and has been up there in a number of other matches as well. The ability to hit targets 40 odd meters away, especially out the back and on 45s shouldn't be underestimated. Even on the switch. Really stepped up, broke the game open on occasions and tore the Blues a new one last night. Salem at his best was not all that dissimilar for us a few yeats back, albeit his kicking never had the distance / penetration we are witnessing from Kiddy.
  12. Ditto on that. In a big final, the bigger bodies are also harder to nail in tackles. One of the keys to Brissvegas's turnaround last night was 'sticking' effective tackles in comgestion while a number of the Carlton smaller sized players weren't as effective. Then there's the marking aspect in general, especially late in a tight game/final. Sanders is a must get for mine. That's IF the AFL circus masters don't move the goal posts this week in order to hand him over to Norf. Looking like they will.
  13. The fact that Pickett hasn't been on to this by now is of huge concern. Hope he's ok! He's been vomiting his way across and over 'land' for many days now
  14. Mono too much binging on Big Bang Theory is not good for the eyes
  15. Bit of fresh blood needed on the field with some leg speed & skills skills (see Coleman tonight!). The dare will come if the boys can see the light and start playing that way, knowing it will often be rewarded. New mid & forward line coaches that have a slightly more attacking bias / background. Having said that, Goodwin will need to go away and review / rethink some aspects of our game and take the shackles off a little imv. Need some run & carry / overlap into the team which might come with the above. If Goodwin says "steady as she goes" with minimal changes then we may well be back here saying the same or similar things after next season with aspects of the game, and a few more clubs, possibly going past us.
  16. I doubt they even had a coach's box in those days Mono ....literally a level playing field!
  17. I'm upset McArthy marked that Wanted to see the 9th CarltARC hair/fingernail "touched ... no goal" in a row!
  18. For some reason it was over worked the last 2 weeks on here. Have no idea why!? Needs a spell on the bench.
  19. Amazing what the pressure of a final does. Cameron nails that snap 95 out of 100 in a H&A
  20. Just put a cooler on Walsh ... he's their hot finals play maker. Game over
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