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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. So what you're basically saying is we have pretty much no options coming through from Casey DoF other than Stretch maybe and he is a season or so away? Sounds like we've already reached our limits in terms of what we will get out of the current list this season. Gawn takes a few grabs but it appears he can't hit the side of a barn door when shooting for goal.
  2. Cross was ranked No.1 on stats yesterday and is ranked No.1 in the team averages for the year so far. He gets involved and i dissagree on the creativity, at least by hand. Maybe by foot he isn't as skilled or creative. But by hand he makes lessor or more junior players look good, setting up many plays and giving off critical handballs to players who are loose or on the run to "create" play and score (sometimes lol).
  3. Ranked 14th out of the 22 yesterday in key stat rankings.
  4. Correct moon. Jako's don't grow on trees though i'm afraid. Kent has a long way to go and will need to work hard if he is to become a solid contributor in the long haul. A long way from having a regular impact at this level right now.
  5. This is what the club's been lacking since the Northey years. Bring on more of the fight both for the ball and defending the club and fellow players in a mellee. Anyone calling for Kent's head after today needs a brain transplant. Haven't seen a Demon player ragdoll anyone since Jakovich
  6. Matt Jones > Jetta - Looked lost down back today... more work needed at VFL level. Jones isn't the greatest player of all time but at least he runs lines out of half back and makes his opponent work hard going the other way. Jetta rarely does this. Jones would need to clean up his disposal skills and choices coming off HB though as he was pretty horrid last year and will often undo his good work with some pretty bad clangers in mid field. I would rank Jones a fair margin above Jetta at this stage of their carreers in a team ranking sense. Michie > JKH - doesn't look ready for rigours of AFL right now week in and week out. Would only play him within a 40 meter arc of goal at this early stage of his career hovering around HULK in small stints for 10 minutes here and there IF he is in. Lost anywhere else. Loves to kick goals and knows where the goals are unlike most of our other forwards atm and worth persevering with in this role. However, at this stage of their careers i would also rank Michie well ahead of JKH in a total match (output) team ranking. Perderson > Watts - [Pedersen] for all day gut running/effort/attack on the ball/ball carrier and occasional overhead mark. Can kick occasional goal but not the most gifted player in general play. Watts the opposite of all this and probably about the same output on the scoreboard if Pedo played up forward. Pedo will at least bring more balls to the ground in a contest as well which might give our smalls a few more opportunites to goal. I don't expect Pedo will give all that much more in a scoreboard sense than Watts but at least he wont do as many of the moral sapping things that we see Watts do a little too often. I would only play Dawes through HB and Ruck (when resting the Russian). Useless up forward and will only get in the road of the Hulk's development. Replace with Howe for the X factor and ability to take an overhead keping the ball in OUR forward line for longer periods of time easing the pressure off our D a little.
  7. Agreed, we have no clear winner through the middle nor anyone capable of using the ball cleanly enough or often enough to finish the good work coming off half back and away from the contests/congestion. We are still 2 dangerous mid fielders away from making everyone look good around them, including Hulk & the scoreboard (this includes mid fielders kicking regular goals as well). If we don't fix this nothing will change (ie., winning regular games) and we will forever be lamenting loss after loss after loss.
  8. Best idea ive heard for sometime Gorg. If you cant finish when getting these opportunities you have no chance of winning. Roos & Co. back off the BS recovery/beach sessions and teach these boys how to kick for goal FFS!
  9. He rarely clunks a mark tyson. Only option is half back and taking on the ruck role when Jamar is resting. That way he rarely has to worry about marking but can use his strength and body to work opponent under/off the ball ...like Tex in this match.
  10. Rain rain and more rain please! Crows worst enemy at this point as it levels out the kicking skills a little
  11. jane i would give us no chance if is wasn't raining and it would be more like how far the crows (eg., 50 plus)
  12. They might only have half a game in them against quality opponents emerald. If that's the case it doesn't matter what you say. Groundhog day ....Crows 8 of the last 9 goals
  13. I just think we covered off skills by foot/running off half back through middle with Harry/Garlett dee. Hendersen yes, but then again there's many options that would be better i think dee IF we could snare the trade but highly unlikely
  14. Dawes to Tex...Howe up forward. Free up Tmac Common Roos & Co....wakey wakey
  15. Premiership quarter. True test of where a team is really at IMO especially away
  16. I would have taken Robinson just to crack skulls and the effort dee. Not the smartest tool in the shed or the most skillfull footballer i've seen. But his scrapping/pressure/tackles and general take no prisoners approach can do amazing things to team mates playing around you. Some grow an extra leg with a few tough nutz around like that. Could have shared the duties on Danger a little today as well. Cross Jones and Robinson would have be a real hard pack for anyone to deal with rotating through the middle.
  17. Still unable to capatilise on forward entries. Dawes to Half Back to add some grunt and take on tex. Frees up McDonald to run off even more and share it with Harry Garland etc. We bomb it in so often... Howe up forward to take some marks, keep the ball in our 50 a bit longer and ease pressure off our backline a tad. Not taking enough marks i50 is really hurting us.
  18. Song a No.1 draft pick in his 7th year shouldn't be a liability, producing such results in most matches (ie., having to play catch up for his poor efforts/dropped marks/lack of intensity etc) and only having the occasional fair to good match when the whole team is doing well (eg., Round 1)
  19. Lamash it's my opinion the interstate umps and those at Shytihad aim to have the home team up by about 4 to 5 goals by half time or just after. They then put the whistle away except for abosolute clanger frees that you can't ignore and would see them sent off to the country.
  20. Dawes doing nothing down forward this 2nd quarter. Would put him on Tex from now and move Howe up forward to provide some leap and the X factor we don't have up there at the moment.
  21. Watts is a VERY likeable guy. Off the field. Absolute champion bloke. But he's wearing the wrong type of sports shoes i'm afraid....
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