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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. Watts still doing the usual when the heat is on it appears. Don't expect to win too many games while playing a guy of this calibre. Team deflator. Has had plenty of years to get this side right by now. Needs to be moved on.
  2. You are not alone SWYL!! I'm so mad... MAD i tell yeh! And Roosey will be too... this is him heading to the presser now! >>>>>
  3. Yes i wouldn't like to see another 186 which is what will happen if they play a whole game like they did in that 2nd half Be great if we can keep it to less than a 100 points
  4. Thx max. I'll be sending a time capsule to my great great great great grandson/daughter telling them to make the most of it!
  5. There was never a need to take a photo die. It's traditional to just wait a few rounds into the season when watching the Demons, then turn the ladder upside down. We will always be very close to the top after that!
  6. Yeh we should look to replace as many non AFL standard footballers (and we have plenty of em STILL) with more non AFL standard ones. That should see a huge improvement on the field
  7. Need to hit lead up targets more often not just bomb it in and hope Dawes/Hulk will clunk it or spill off for the snap. If this were happening we would be up by 6 or 7 goals and be more rewarded for effort
  8. 30 marks to 15 in favour of Demons... HULK! make that 31!
  9. Woot Kenty boy .... (i tipped this boy wld be awesum!! )
  10. Is there any coverage streaming on this via demonology?
  11. There's a road trip to a Demons Swans match at the SCG in 1983 (or 82), arranged by the club (or possibly the cheer squad) that i COULD elaborate on for that book
  12. I agree re Toump's poise and graceful (skills) side but today's game requires you to make some very quick decision making in terms of disposal or holding on to the ball and taking on opponents etc. While Toump looks great in space and is def nice by foot when given enough time/space, i feel his decision making and thinking is still a yard or 2 behind what is required at today's super quick level. Opponents also run at break neck speed for most of the match and are capable of closing down space much quicker than at VFL level where Toump has so far played alot of his footy. I also feel this lack of quickness in decision making and movement when in possession makes him a little easier to read than most allowing opponents to intercept or pressure him into turning the ball over a little more. Time will tell but i feel he will need to speed up his decision making, agility and disposals to make it at this level. I'm not saying he wont or that he can't either. Just think he has limitations at AFL level until this aspect is improved significantly. Maybe it's a chicken an egg thing and he just needs more time in the AFL rather than the VFL to improve in certain aspects although i'm not sure we are strong enough as a team (yet) to afford such a luxury other than against lowly rated opponents.
  13. We don't need any luck on the injury front. We've always had such a good run on that side eh... shhhhh
  14. I had exactly the same day OD. Spirit was dampened watching Essendrug well on top early....then the miracle result. What a relief on both counts and for very different reasons! I had actually given up ranting anymore about our woes after end of last season. I had accepted that it is what it is and that Roos is the best man for the job. And that if he couldn't turn this club around nobody would. 1 win isn't gonna convince me we've suddenly turned the corner and everything is rosey but it sure as hell feels better than losing the first round! I am tempted to use the Toyota catch cry here and leap into the air but after so many years of torture i'll keep that in reserve for a while yet.
  15. Nope Yep Don't tinker too much with a winning formula. Some minor fine tuning of the obvious is ok (Vince for Toump)
  16. Hard to believe after so many years OD You little ripper! I just looked at the AFL ladder and thought they had it the wrong way up
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