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Demon Dynasty

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Everything posted by Demon Dynasty

  1. The most dissapointing appointment since Andy Goodwin and that's saying something Goodnight MFC
  2. I would probably agree here if it was a standard deal we had with Mitch, but this was probably our biggest money ball in the Club's history. He deserves to be pot shotted at every opp if the rumours and chatter are close to the thruth. In many ways the club should look at any opportunity for compensation both from the AFL and also the player's management group as well for spinning the "i'm depressed i need to retire for now" BS.
  3. I think the Toump over whines selection is just a continuation of nearly a decade's worth of choosing "the wrong option" at the MFC up until PJ came in and appointed Roos anyway. We've paid a massive price for many years of sub par decision making both off and on the field. After so many dumbass deceisions, appointments and selction mistakes It will take twice as long to try and resurect this club. I would advise any member who hasn't already done so to go out and buy yourself about 100 cases of your fav WHINE. I reckn by the time you're onto the 100th case you might finally start to see some light. In the meantime you won't remember any of the crap being dished up on the field.
  4. Oh the other thing lacking at this club...a big obvious i realise, is depth. We have absolutely no serious quality pushing up to put pressure on anyone's place in the 22. Hence all Roos can do is try and turn the list over every week with an injection of 3 to 4 randoms (who might be showing a little form downstairs) and hope for the best. The decision to run with Casey as a potential breeding ground is a poor one IMO. We need to align ourselves with a strong successful culture at VFL level that produces hard nosed footballers who can run hard and finish off good work around the ground. At this stage i haven't seen any of that coming out of Casey. Time to seriously rethink this direction. A huge fail to this point. I would look to link up with Ayres at Port Melbourne if that's at all possible.
  5. I would guess he was testing which of the talls are really worth keeping jack. In the sense that is there any that can maybe play forward and not just ruck? Ie., we have a few talls in the list. May as well only keep those worth keeping who can actually do some damage when resting/pushing up forward. He might not keep any other than possibly the big Russian for one more year until we find a replacement. Probably sees the bulk of them as list cloggers, along with plenty of others in the team.
  6. Guys i really think this is the outcome we needed. The list is crap and Roos now knows this (and would have many weeks ago), apart from a core group of 6 to 8 players max. He's told them you need to show something before the end of the year or your careers are on the line pretty much after the match against the Pies (or thereabouts). So....this is the result we had to have i'm afraid if we are ever to get back to being competitive once more on a consistant basis ...and have some respect from our competitors. Those who really want it and are capable of playing reasonable footy are out there giving it their all AND...showing a little. The rest have been shown up for what they are....nowhere near AFL standard. And those who argued against a major turnover of this list earlier in the season and even just a month or so ago, now have egg on their face. This list is basically shot and would never do anything other than bounce along the bottom holding up the ladder in its present form. We need genuine footballers who can play, pass the ball accurately by foot and hand and who can take overhead marks, stick tackles, keep their feet, run like hell both ways and finish off good work up the ground by hitting targets/goals. We also need some mongrel/animals in the team. Other than Viney/N Jones, i can't think of any i would take with me into the trenches from this lot who can also play. At present we have very few real AFL footballers. For the club to become competitive once more, Roos now needs to completely rebuild this list (outside of the core 6 to 8) from scratch. Wake me up in 3 to 5 years or more once we've won our first "3 games in a row" against quality opposition (which will be post Roos). For only then will we know "something" is finally "in the air". That's if i'm still alive and kicking by the time that happens. Those who still think otherwise.... well.... i feel sorry for ya. You're truly stuck in some sort of warped deluded world of the weird and wacky.
  7. Following their pathetic effort at the MCG against arguably the worst team in the competition, who lost 3 players to injury through the match....Melbourne decided to rename itself the Melbourne Jokers in honour of all players who played this day..... Well done all
  8. We should link up with Port Melbourne somehow. Our name is there....almost same colours....same song. Solid winning culture!!
  9. I don't think it'll ever happen as long as Jack is happy with his present sub par efforts when he isn't handed the ball on a platter. Some of his chasing and tackling/falling over efforts are laughable at this level. His ball use is nice when he has a bit of time but he still doesn't take his opponents or the game on very often. Always looking for the quick give, mostly lateral or sideways. Hoping for better, preparing for the same or worse. Needs an AFL bod as well. Still looks like a 2nd year draftee. Top bloke off the field though and really hope he can do what needs to be done to take it to real AFL level standards...both ways.
  10. WYL this is going to continue until we recruit 2 or 3 stars into the team and fill out the mid field/solve the forward line situation which has nothing dangerous about it whatsoever from a goal kicking point of view. We all hope Hulk comes good to alleviate this a little obviously. But we need speed, skill and class up forward as well (ie., crumbers/mid field goal kicking danger players). This might be organically from current list ie., Tyson/Hulk... or into the future. But until this happens we will never be more than a bottom feeding filler on the AFL's pre determined/managed Foxtel driven fixture/ladder. Just enjoy your Hols mate and make the most of it. If Roos can't turn it around we'll probably be pushing up daisies before this club threatens for finals or wonder of wonders, ever becomes a power house once more.
  11. Lions are a rubbish team....that's why i was furious with last week's effort. We are still miles away from getting ourselves off the bottom and into "average" competitive territory. Having said that, i was expecting a route yesterday of up to 120 points or more IF we didn't put our best effort on the park. 10 goals if we did. 50 wasn't a bad effort (compared to last week's only though) given how many non AFL level players are on our list atm. Hawthorn never drop off from giving their all pretty much every week year in and out. Hopefully we will get there one season, preferably this side of 2020.
  12. Thanks for that Beats I truly hope he gets a run in the last few games if on the cusp of going. Not saying he's a world beater but you don't know if you don't give someone this opp. Seen worse inclusions over the decades.
  13. MFC can hardly be choosy.... i would go hard after him and Garlett at seasons end in a swap for Frawley and picks etc. We could do much worse than having these two running around. Miles ahead of many in our current list in terms of competitive animal attack (Robinson) and pure speed and damage on the run and kicking goals (Garlett). I can't recall "niceness" on a footy field winning too many big matches or finals. One of the nastiest dirtiest a'holes i ever saw grace a footy field is now considered and venerated by many critics and experts to be one of the greats in the game....and by some to be the greatest ever. And he led his mob to a few premierships. Robinson certainly doesn't have that ability but like i said, a fair way ahead of many on our present list.... and we can't be all that choosy. I don't see a conga line of amazing players beating our door down anytime soon to select from as replacements for the many who aren't even close to being AFL competetive.
  14. Chook when was the last time an MFC player smashed an opponent in any contest apart from the bump Neiter put on that Hawks player a decade or so ago which was pretty much in play? Balls or Jacko maybe yes? When was the last time the MFC had a hit man? No one fears us in any manor whatsoever, both in terms of skills, goal kicking and/or physicality. We are a weaponless club and the only shining lights in terms of a highlights reel in the last decade was Neiter, Jurrah and Robbo (Howe in today's team is about it).
  15. Unforturtunately apart from Dawesy's 2nd and 3rd efforts when he loses the contest (which is most of the time), he's had a shocking year. We really are placing alot of hope in the Hulk coming on and at this stage just getting himself onto the park. Need another big marking star player up forward IMO. Dawes is just a structural fill in.
  16. Frankie i would like to have your positivity on the physical front but honestly, i haven't seen an MFC team who go hard at the man and pill consistantly for 4 quarters without fear or favour since Swooper was in charge. And that's a mighty long time ago now. We are miles away from being a bruising team. One of the reasons i'd love to see us go after Robinson very hard at year's end, along with Garlett for some run and carry and super speed off HB and through the middle, decent delivery i50 as well and can kick a goal...something we desperately need more of!
  17. I'm in general agreement D16 with the exception of the 2 highlighted. I'm not sure where Clisby is at injury or form wise as i haven't been following. But based on the 3 matches i have stats on from last year....his uncontested, effective disposal and effective disposal percentage is up there with the best in the team. He ranked No. 1 in uncontested. Equal 1st in Effective disposals alongside the Jones Boy He ranked 3rd in effective disposal %. 10 percentage points higher than the Jones boy, 8 percentage points higher than Howe, and 4 higher than Watts! 2nd in bounces (run and carry/breaking lines?... sadly lacking in our team and we are ranked pretty much bottom of table vs all other clubs in this area this season!) Was it injury or form that's prevented him from making an appearance this year? Maybe both? Others who watch Casey with interest might be able to enlighten me. With regard to Spencil, i really don't think we are short on Ruck options. I think both or at least one of the Maxs will provide us with enough alternatives here, at least until we find an alternative to the Russian if these dont' work out in the medium term. And i think Spencil has had many chances above those two without really putting his mark on the park in most of those matches.
  18. Best post i've read in quite a while. The Demons have been trailing and tagging the coat tails of opposition players for decades with no success We need star players, at least 2 and ideally 3. And i don't mean average/good players. I mean genuine superstars. I would trade 12 to 14 average to sub par players on our list (many of who have already been mentioned in the above threads multiple times) to get my hands on those 2 or 3. As we've seen with GCS, you can build a reasonably competitve team around 1 super star (until he went down anyway). Imagine if we had 2 or more. We need our opponents to be worrying about/chasing us through the mid and around stoppages for a change, and still be able to perform and break their tag/kick match winning goals etc. Not the other way around pretty much every match and even against dud teams/mediocre players. Bring this and we can build a winning team. Don't, and all we will get is more of the same for decades to come. That's if the club survives long enough to see more of the same BS for decades.
  19. Pretty good DA. Not sure i'm sold on Grimes tough. His decision making is woeful. As is Tmacs once. Both are "panic" players when it comes to running the ball out of our backline, especially Grimes. But i will say in Tmacs support he does get to alot of contests on opponents (and leaves to become 3rd man etc) and kills many a ball in defence. The problem is when he gets it he quite often sells the player he is giving off to into trouble. And after delivery proceeds to run towards/into the player he just gave it to...ensuring both players are toast when their opponents are on their tail. Seen it so many times. One thing he does give us also is some decent run off HB....but then there's the delivery/decision making by foot.....UGHH!
  20. I'll 2nd that. And the inclusion of McKenzie around the time that Cross was ommitted from injury really set us back. One of, if not the only, decent ball users in congestion and when under meaningful pressure. His handball is lightning as is his decision making. Mostly to our advantage and hitting targets, unlike many others who just seem lost in congestion with hands/decision making. McKenzie is all effort and occasionaly when in the open he'll hit a target with handballs but that's about his limit IMO.
  21. I think it's more The Jones Boy that is the above Ron. As much as i admire Grimes' effort....i also wouldn't put him even close to being on a par football ability wise with the likes of Jmac
  22. I think Toump is worth a few more pre seasons. I'm not sure we should be backing players just based on their desire to be the best they can. Otherwise we probably will be holding on to the likes of McKenzie, Tappy, Blease, Fitzy, Trenners, Nicho etc for a fair while yet.
  23. These are good points Jumbo. However, i think the questions that need to be asked are..... 1. Do we have anyone with AFL average or above average delivery skills when bringing the ball i50? 2. If the answer is yes, do the forwards (and those around them, including players pushing up from mid) have any idea how to play forward and play to the game style (mids spread away from designated leading zones or out wide of the hot spots instead running into those zones with defender in tow etc, forwards lead to those designated zones or lead back into space created by decoys, smalls run forward of drop zone to get front and square and take marks to kicks in under pressure or sweep up crumbs for snaps on goal etc) and to the strengths/weaknesses of those bringing it in?
  24. I've seen him play a few games in there SPR but mostly in a stopping role. Can't say i've seen him do any damage going the other way while doing so though. Has looked like a fish out of water when played through there so far from what i've seen. I'd like to believe your right. I just don't have that much faith in playing him in this role given what i've seen so far.
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