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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. My point is that Morton pulled out of quite a number of contests in his first season, and has also pulled out of a couple this year. And yes, he was sensational today and he also happens to be one of my favourite players. Kids, particularly very light-bodied ones, will sometimes not go as hard as you want them to. It happens, it's not acceptable if it happens consistently, but most learn from their mistakes and move on. To hang them for it is silly, particularly if they have never done it before. If Bennell becomes a serial offender, I'll be the first to point it out.
  2. No. They can end up with the wooden spoon, but if we finish on 4 wins and below West Coast (which going on percentage alone, we should), we still get pick 1. Whether we get pick 2, 3 or 4 will depend on whether Freo finish last, and if West Coast also finish on 4 wins. If the ladder after round 22 is: 14. West Coast 4-18 15. Melbourne 4-18 16. Freo 4-18 Then we get picks 1 & 4. If West Coast win one more (they could given they play Richmond and North at Subi), we get picks 1 & 3 at worst. I'd be happy to avoid the spoon and get picks 1 & 3, particularly if it looks like Freo will take a Western Australian with pick 2, meaning we end up with Scully, Tangrove and no spoon.
  3. The big problem is Sylvia. Eligible to play this week, but if we're tanking, he shouldn't. In: Bail/Buckley Out: Jurrah (inj) If we must bring in Sylvia, then we have to drop Davey. Those two in the midfield means we might break even.
  4. In that case Miller also had a good game. He took better marks, had more shots on goal, and led better. But in reality, both had ordinary games. At least Miller provides us with a moving target. The issue with Newton, kicking aside, is that he lacks football smarts and just has no idea what to do most of the time. Couple that with horrendous kicking skills, and you got yourself someone who IMO is beyond salvation.
  5. He is in his first season and is seriously undersized. Cut him some slack FFS!
  6. 7. Scully 6. Warnock 5. Davey 4. Morton 3. Moloney 2. Rivers 1. Jurrah (excitement votes) Bartram and McKenzie honorable mentions. Juice, Miller and Bate get special tanking credits.
  7. Shame he can't do much else. That forward line was comical. That Bailey threw PJ in there as well, just topped it off. Jurrah vs. 6 Sydney defenders > Miller + Newton + Bate + PJ A respectable loss in the end, and very well executed by Bailey and co. We need to look to rest Jurrah (shin?) next week and maybe Davey. Morton is also performing dangerously well when given new tasks. We have to hold on for just two more weeks, then we can unleash a mighty smashing on Freo and finish the year off with two loses to Carlton and St. Kilda. It's a small sacrifice in the big scheme of things. On the positive side, I like McKenzie. He is much better than Valenti, has decent kicking skills and very good hands. Potential rookie elevation for next year IMO.
  8. Jurrah mysteriously on the bench for big periods of time in this quarter. Thank god! 9 inside 50's, or thereabouts, with Jurrah in there, is at least a 2-3 goal return. Remove Jurrah, and it's a 1 goal return. Bate, Newton and Miller is the worst tall-forward combo I have ever seen. Two can't kick, one can't bend over, and all three lack smarts. Comical stuff. McKenzie has been OK. I like his hands in close.
  9. I am suspicious that perhaps the Morton-Goodes match up was meant to be an experiment that will prove costly, with the idea being that Morton gets taught a real lesson by Goodes, who runs wild and helps them win the game. If we were serious about winning, surely Bruce would have been given the job. Morton is a real pain. Last week we chucked him up forward and he kicked 3. This week we put him on Goodes and he's beating him. Gotta drop this kid, seriously! Edit: Cheney on Micky O is also working out far too well.
  10. If it wasn't for Jurrah, I'd poke both my eyes out with a stick. Worst game I have seen since we played Adelaide. Thank god I want us to lose, because honestly we are just so bad when we go forward. Newton is horrendous. Absolutely horrendous. Jurrah can take the rest of the year off if he's not right. He is the only one who might win us a game at the moment. Although you gotta give Morton credit; he's doing well on Goodes (I think that experiment has backfired!)
  11. 5 point win to Freo. I just watched the last 10 minutes and they are seriously the two worst teams in the AFL at the moment. It's turnover galore. Bloody West Coast, they could have drawn, but when they got the ball free on the wing with 40 seconds left on the clock, some idiot had his kick smothered. It was the sort of kick that Freak could write a whole essay about. Flawed action and all that.
  12. Ummm because West Coast are the only other team that can get a PP before Round 1! I want them out of contention, so that even if we finish above Freo, we can still get picks 1 & 3. If West Coast win less than four, than best case scenario for us will likely be 1 & 4.
  13. I'm not watching, but West Coast were behind in the first half, and clawed their way back. On the other hand, I don't think they are tagging Pavlich, because he's already on 30 possessions.
  14. Come on West Coast!!! 1 point up, 10 minutes into the last quarter...
  15. I think most, if not all of us agree that Robbo's career is fast coming to an end. That doesn't mean that it gives armchair supporters the right to write-off and tarnish the name of a great player and ambassador of the Melbourne Football Club. He has given all of us a lot of joy and excitement over the years, he has performed well in big games and finals, and has stood up when required to play as the number one forward, despite obvious size limitations. When offered a tempting 3 year deal from the Dogs, he chose to stay with us, despite the knowledge that he'll retire without a premiership or even another finals appearance. He is an old-school forward, the type that has never been big on the defensive pressure, and has struggled to adapt to the change. That's a shame, because he could have played on for another 2-3 seasons otherwise, and in the end, he has only himself to blame. I love Robbo, always have, and I dearly hope that he doesn't play his last few matches with Casey. He is better than that.
  16. Yeah exactly. I have no issues with them tanking, although they did it for far too long which was a disgrace. What I have a problem with is that for years, they have tried to buy success. They cheat the system and they think they are above the laws of the game, and the laws of our community at large. They are a disgraceful club, operated by crooks and cheats and if there is any karmic justice in this world, they will not see any success, ever!
  17. I'll remind you of that on Sunday. It's going to be a great concept, and much like the 3 word analysis will catch on. Bring your visual aids! :D
  18. Good to see you finally balancing some of that wisdom out!
  19. For a rookie pick up, he has had a magnificent career and is one of the better small forwards of the past decade. Hatred may have been too strong a word, but there is definitely a lot of contempt shown towards someone who has given us nothing but good service over the years. He, along with Whelan, Junior and Wheatley all deserve to go out on a good note.
  20. There is no greater evil than the Carlton Football Club. Their pain, misery and despair should bring joy to the rest of us. Glad they lost!
  21. I agree. Robbo has given us many years of excitement and pleasure, he won a B&F, led our goal kicking more than once and was an integral part in many of our wins over the journey (finals included). Not many other players currently on our list can boast these credentials, so while I think he needs to retire, let's not sit here and spit on him, because he has given his all to this club and we should be thanking him for his contribution. I realise that not everyone is a Robbo fan, certainly not to the degree that I am, but the sheer hatred towards him this season seems in poor taste. Hopefully all the guys who hang up the boots at season's end will get the send off they deserve, regardless of their recent form.
  22. Well done Melbourne. Doing what is right for our future!
  23. [censored] news if true. Hopefully the back fractures haven't returned!
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