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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. I've locked all the old threads that have been bumped. Don't want them flooding the boards, especially during gameday when we have better, more current things to discuss. I'm off to the game soon, but hopefully whoever keeps bumping up the threads gets the message. DON'T DO IT!
  2. That we got pick 15 for him and that we used that pick on Dunn are two separate issues. We did well out of that trade. We also scored out of the Woey trade (Bell's form aside) and pulled off a massive victory in the TJ trade. I know this will upset a few people on here, but I'd seriously look at trading Bruce to a club that wants to top up their list. If we got pick 14 for TJ, I'm sure we can get something decent for Bruce, who is still at peak fitness. He is the only senior player on our list who has some currency and who we can afford to lose (we're not going to trade Green or Davey). Now is the time to act, because this off-season could really make or break our future success. We have to draft extremely well, manage our list carefully in preparation for the GC attack, and see what we can do during trade week.
  3. That's good list management! Article here
  4. LOL. I love you Dean Bailey! :D Well done to both Rohan Bail and Tommy Mac, looking forward to seeing what they can do. Definitely the only interesting thing about Sunday (apart from possibly seeing Jetta ruck ).
  5. "Killing the club" That is not concerned, that's bitter. And even if he is concerned (what the hell would he know?), surely there are better places to express this opinion than on Twitter.
  6. He is, just wish he'd shut the hell up and not say those things in a public arena. It is very very poor form. I know he is no longer an official part of the MFC, but as a past player I'd wish he would have more sense than to rubbish our senior coach on a website like Twitter, where every moron and his dog can have a look. Especially when his views on Bailey are skewed because of his own personal experience. What sort of negative message is that sending? Sure he is probably in the minority (going on what has been said here, he definitely is), but as an ex-player his opinion would carry some weight and you only need it to end up in one set of vulture hands (hello Hutchy) and the next thing you know, an avalanche of bad publicity. Also, if he wants to remain part of the club, an attitude change may be in order. If you're not with us, you're against us. Make a choice and don't let the door hit you on your way out!
  7. I'm very tempted to stay home and watch it live on Foxtel, seeing as it's not our home game, but North are up [censored] creek too, so I'll do my bit for their finances and go. 22,140.
  8. Good. On paper this is a better team than last week's. Granted we're playing a slightly better opponent at Etihad, but I'm still nervous. We can tank all we like, but we saw last week what happens when you come up against rubbish. Don't want another heart stopper thanks. A nice 5-6 goal lead at all times will do me just fine. Just need to hold on for one more week, then it's back to cheering mode (until we win another, and then it's back to panic mode )
  9. That's why coaching isn't for Jeff White... His mates at the club are the senior players who will not benefit from our priority picks, unfortunate for them, but that's the cyclical nature of football. Not sure why he chooses to publicly broadcast his disdain, then goes on about 'club killing'. How ironical :D
  10. Pay for his own promotion onto the senior list? It's a waste of money forking out however many thousands of dollars it is to promote someone off the rookie list for the sake of 3 or 4 games.
  11. Any guesses on who the late drop-outs will be? Hopefully Davey.
  12. Absolutely. I am extremely please and proud to be a Melbourne supporter. We are doing everything right at the moment, so well done to the administration and to Bailey for putting the club ahead of their own win-loss record. Hopefully they know that the large majority of us are with them all the way, because we can see the bigger picture and the bright future that is ahead of us. On a side note, well done to the players, particularly the young ones, for stepping up since the 3 weeks of disgrace that we had mid-season and putting in admirable efforts each and every week. Many of them have put their best foot forward and earnt themselves a position in the side.
  13. Having watched the replay, both Warnock and Frawley were actually pretty good up forward (their output was better than what I would expect from a Juice-PJ combo for example), and Dunn did well on Morton at FB. Valenti also played well in defense. All these moves stopped us from winning by 6-8 goals, but they didn't stop us from being in front when the siren went. We're just lucky that the umpire paid that mark to McMahon because the siren went while the ball was still in mid-air. Thank our lucky stars for that!
  14. Our secret weapon at FB? I don't think we'll waste our money elevating anymore rookies for the sake of a couple of games. There is still Bail and Buckley available for this week, and Robbo... although I don't want him out there trying to prove to us he can still go, kicking a bag against a weaker opponent. No thank you!
  15. If at some stage in the future we spend 3 whole seasons on the bottom, I would want to at least have the benefit of good picks. It is an unfortunate situation for fans, but the PP is there for a reason, and it will help us enormously. It's not the biggest evil in the AFL, and it is the only system that does not discriminate against us because we're poor or unpopular. Take Morton, Maric, Watts, Blease, Scully and pick 2/3 out of the team, and we're a further 4 years away from getting off the bottom. No thanks!
  16. Absolutely. The AFL never listens to fans, particularly Melbourne fans. So don't shoot ourselves in the foot by admitting that we're tanking. Love them or hate them, these priority picks might just be our ticket out of this premiership drought, so sit down, shut up and enjoy them.
  17. For the sake of 'list management': Brent Moloney (groin) – 1 week Brock McLean (knee) – season Jordie McKenize (calf) – in for Davey (flu) Liam Jurrah (ankle) – 1 week Jack Grimes (hip) – 1 week Stefan Martin (calf) – 1 week (Juice in the ruck?)
  18. Why did we select him with pick 1 and why did Rich drop so much on draft day then? Obviously two is better than one, but this year, pick one is very important because there is one standout guy who is clearly above the rest. He may not end up being the best of the lot, but he represents the least amount of risk and the most amount of star quality, which is what you want with your first pick. That is why tanking is so crucial to us this year, because it's not just about getting two very very good players to our club, it's also about getting THE top rated kid, of which there is only one this year. I'm sure the draft is not as shallow as what everyone would have you believe, but it's been a while since one kid was the absolute certain choice at pick one since the start of the year, until (presumably) draft day.
  19. Pretty serious stuff, but do police really waste their resources and time raiding homes for the sake of one ecstasy tablet? They must have been tipped off about drug activity or trafficking of a larger magnitude.
  20. So let me get this straight, Watts won't be a dominant player in the future (you saying the brilliant recruiting team of last year made a mistake? ) and we shouldn't believe the hype surrounding Scully even though you concede he'll go at 1, ahead of those other stars you're thinking of at pick 2,3,4,5 or 6?
  21. But because there is one standout player this year, who is ahead by an absolute mile from the rest of the pack, having pick one is equally as important as having two early picks, because it's possible that Tom Scully alone will end up a better player than picks 2 & 3 combined. Having said that, it is also about getting two of the best kids to the club, not just one, and because there is no clear pick at number two, whether we have pick 2 or 3 or even 4 doesn't really matter a whole lot. Of course having the first two picks gives us the luxury of getting exactly who we want. If we have picks 1 & 3, we might miss out on the guy we really wanted with pick 2, particularly if we want Morabito. However we'll end up with very good players regardless of whether we have pick 2 or 3.
  22. What, I don't understand? The discussion was the same one we've heard all year. Players don't tank, clubs tank, there is too much incentive to lose, Melbourne should lose, Melbourne should win, etc etc etc The only interesting bit of info to come out of tonight was that apparently some of our players weren't happy with what happened yesterday (according to Caro), and that Melbourne's recruiters rate Scully "as highly as you could rate a player". The words Chris and Judd were also mentioned. On a side note, I did not listen to SEN's game coverage (seeing the same live was painful enough), but they showed a snippet from the commentary yesterday where they were laughing when Rivers dropped that ball which resulted in a Richmond goal, insinuating that perhaps Rivers did that on purpose. Gary Lyon said that any accusation like that is extremely dangerous, and I have to agree. Rivers played well yesterday and worked his butt off. He has never ever been anything but 100% committed or dedicated and anyone who suggests otherwise is an idiot. It's because our players didn't tank and refused to lose, that we nearly won.
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