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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Soft holding but how not 50???
  2. Where’s the damn support through the middle? They are destroying us with our stupid decisions and turnovers. Should be 3 goals up.
  3. Trac always nails them from that distance. Killer.
  4. Jesus Christ. Nothing changes with this rubbish club.
  5. Oh [censored] surprise surprise it’s Membrey ?‍♀️
  6. In theory, communism works too. Look, we absolutely can win this. Surely Oliver and Trac won't have 2 poor games in a row. Gawn back at least means we can get some first use in the ruck, and you'd think May should ensure that Membery doesn't kick his usual bag. But, all things being equal, I expect them to kill us on the spread, make our turnovers really hurt, and drive a lot of play off their half backline with speed. Ratten is a very smart coach. My confidence in our coaching team is not strong. Will I be shocked if we win? No. Will I be shocked if we lose? Also no.
  7. It's my birthday this week... which means nothing is surer than a loss. Saints by 40 points or one point after the siren.
  8. I don’t want to ruin your rant, but Tmac has been dropped... please carry on
  9. Don’t think the number of changes is the problem and nobody seems to be upset about TMac or Harmes being dropped. They have been [censored] all year. I am just confused by some of the changes against a fast team, after we got burnt by a fast team 6 days ago. That’s all.
  10. You mean more than the usual garbage? What have you heard? Shall I grab popcorn?
  11. No idea what Lockhart did wrong to be dropped. Agree that we need an extra tall down back given Saints are quite top heavy up forward. Brown can’t do worse than Tmac and Harmes, well maybe if they played him in a correct position he may perform. Overall a big meh and god help us if we get smashed, as I suspect we will.
  12. My thoughts exactly ?‍♀️ 2020 can get [censored]. Playing twice on my birthday week so twice as many chances to ruin what is already a sad lockdown occasion.
  13. According to channel 7 Gawn no certainty and Max King is going to be rested.
  14. Humans are trash. If anyone watched the 7:30 report last week they would have seen a young doctor, my friend, who almost died from Covid. 2020 has brought out the absolute worse in people. Racist, civil libertarians, morons... all with a huge platform and millions of bored people at home as their audience.
  15. I love how people struggle with basic comprehension so make up whatever insane theory they want. Nobody, and I mean nobody has ever once come out and said we will be in forced lockdown for another 12 months. We will have to operate under certain Covid safe guidelines such as social distancing, probably mask wearing and businesses will have to follow a Covid safe set of instructions to protect staff and customers for the next 12 months, or until a vaccine is widely administered. That is NOT the same as being in lockdown.
  16. Pathetic flogs will continue to be pathetic flogs. Embarrassing look for the AFL but nobody puts the AFL’s love child in the corner apparently.
  17. Never forget that Geelong have the biggest and best home ground advantage in the competition. They make finals on the back of their guaranteed wins at Cardinia Park, or whatever that [censored] is called these days.
  18. Melksham has been woeful in all but one game this year. He keeps getting games seemingly because he’s mate with Goodwin. He needs to be dropped. If it’s good enough for Hibbo, Jones and Jetta it’s good enough for Melksham.
  19. Love it. Would add out Harmes in Jetta.
  20. Horrible at half back. Adds nothing on the attacking side and can’t defend. We tried. We failed. Time for a change.
  21. Not for the first or last time, a smart coach with a similar quality list has destroyed ours. It’s a bloody rinse and repeat story.
  22. When will we stop accepting this “they are a good team we can’t match them” mantra? They were below us on the ladder. They are roughly similar in age and experience. I can accept losing to much better sides but we shouldn’t accept losing to every team that is having a good day out. We should be a lot further ahead than this, two years after making a prelim.
  23. Death, taxes and Melbourne being found under pressure. Nothing more certain in life. When the heat is on we fall apart. That is players and that is coaching. I don’t mind wanting to go head to head, but when that very very clearly was not working, did anyone in the box think to make a change? I am fed up being downhill skiers. This is yet another wasted season. Even if we make finals, we are no chance to beat anyone in the 8, so what is the point? Sadly Hibbo, Melksham, Pickett, Hannan, Spargo, Harmes and McDonald are just not good enough to be in the 22 right now for a variety of reasons. We got nothing from our star mids, which is an ongoing issue in tough games. And our structure is an absolute joke that falls apart quicker than a house of cards in a tornado.
  24. Hibbo has been atrocious today. His worst game in red and blue.
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