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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Not to panic anyone, but Clarry just posted a photo on his Instagram and he has a giant compression bandage on his knee. Someone said in the comments “sorry to hear you’ll be missing this Friday”
  2. Well if we make the grand final it’ll be his 200th and final game. I reckon he won’t leave a single thing on the field that day. Not that he ever did!
  3. This is a political issue. Laura Kane intervened because she knows full well what the [censored] is going down and how fast the league will be on its knees if they don’t practice what they preach about protecting the head. Apparently there are up to 25 unnamed current players who are part of the class action against the league. Gus could well be one of them.
  4. The game is not stuffed if he gets suspended because we see 100 smother attempts a week and not one of them ends in a guy laying unconscious on the turf. Plenty of ways to smother a ball, including by leaving the ground, that don’t end up with a player fighting for his career. See Kosi on Hoskin Elliot later in the game. Anyone who sees that side on vision and see Maynard turn his body, which is exactly the position from which I saw it happen sitting on the wing, will know Maynard went in with the intention to hurt Gus once it was obvious the ball went past him. To suggest anything else is deluded and naive.
  5. Same. When you have a full time job, and a family and other financial responsibilities, spending hundreds and organizing to get to the football two weeks running on a work day, is bloody hard. I hope I feel excited in the lead up to the game. I’m sure I will. But for now it’s total media ban in this house.
  6. Maybe Clarry is on a midfield program post hammy. He could have a new recovery plan post games to get him thru the season. It seems like today was a PR exercise for fans much more than it was a training session.
  7. No it clearly says he will retire after the 2023 finals. We are still playing finals hence so is he. Unless he’s injured obviously.
  8. As flat as I’ve felt about football in a very long time. I have contemplated not bothering with Friday’s game, but I know I’ll be raging at Ticketek tomorrow morning, despite losing all hope in this season and football in general.
  9. Exactly. We love what Gus brings to the club and we know what a great player he is. We also know that if he retires we lose a top 10 gun player for absolutely nothing. It hurts to think about because it makes us a weaker side. But we are all selfish, and the bottom line is that he is 27 years old. He has 50+ years of life left to live. He is incredibly smart and will be successful in many other things outside of football. He is about to get married. Maybe have a family of his own. To put all that at risk for football would be a brave move but a dumb one. I said the same thing about Paddy McCartin, football is a season of life, it’s not your whole life. To still have a brain that fully functions 30 years from now trumps any football achievement and any success he could possibly have.
  10. Gus won’t pursue legal action, but you can bet your bottom dollar that if Maynard isn’t suspended, his MIL will be using that in her own legal action against the AFL. You did nothing to help my husband, and you’re doing nothing to prevent these concussions now that my son in law is playing 3 decades later.
  11. I have loved watching him play in red and blue. He gave you everything he had every contest, every week. Left nothing on the field and took nothing for granted. Was an enormous part of our 2021 flag. Thank you for all the wonderful years you’ve given to our club. I hope you enjoy life after footy!
  12. At least GWS supporters won’t be jamming the system
  13. He also got to take much needed rests when JVR went into the ruck. Say he gets knocked out in the first 10 minutes of Friday night like Gus did. Who goes in and rucks? Kosi?
  14. Even if you don’t think what Maynard did was calculated or callus or careless, you should still care about the welfare of the player who lost consciousness and is in a bad way. Yet very few in the media have expressed any concern for him at all. They are at pains to paint Maynard as a saint for bringing Gus a bottle of wine. How about instead of bin diving to support the perpetrator, you find out how the victim is doing. And what gets me the most, is if the situation was reversed and a Melbourne player such as May or Kosi or Viney did that to say a Daicos, they would be coming for them with pitchforks. It is pathetic.
  15. For those saying Grundy doesn’t play, who gives Max a much needed break in the ruck, and what, heaven forbid, would we do if Gawn gets injured during the game?
  16. For a very long time I’ve felt like AFL is becoming harder and harder to enjoy. This incident and the follow up from the media and fans has really solidified for me just how little I like or enjoy football beyond watching Melbourne. The sheer lack of empathy for a man who is potentially never going to play again, is mind boggling. While in the same breath the media is defending and protecting a known thug who has form. It is despicable to hear and read and I’ve had just about enough of it. A part of me wants this season to be over for us ASAP so I can just stop caring about football and take a much needed break from the steaming pile of trash that the AFL, the media and the general fans have become.
  17. Getting difficult to remain upbeat. Feels like things are falling apart yet again at the pointy end of the season. We’ve had no luck since 2021.
  18. Can anyone else who went confirm Clarry wasn’t out there?
  19. Wtf is wrong with Clarry? Surely not yet another injury
  20. Anyone who doesn’t think losing Gus 5 minutes into the game didn’t cost us is crazy. Not only is he in very good form, his concussion had a roll on effect 1- Trac couldn’t play forward much 2- Reduced overall midfield rotations 3- Laurie played a full game for little impact 4- No flexibility to push Gus onto a wing to curtail the influence Sidebottom was having We lost by 7 points. Gus absolutely would have made a difference. Not saying we win if he plays, but it’s a distinct possibility.
  21. If anyone going can find out how Gus is doing, that would be greatly appreciated.
  22. It makes it worse if it’s a PR exercise, which given the media found out about it, seems highly likely.
  23. How do you know they’re friends? They played together as juniors but I don’t think they’re friends. They know each other through Corey no doubt, but to suggest they’re friends without material evidence is a bit of a stretch. Although if they are friends, what he did is even worse. If they’re friends he’d intimately know the struggles Gus and his family have been through with head trauma. He’d know how close Gus was to walking away previously due to concussions. He’d know that trying to take him out could be career ending. And yes Gus is a wine man. Not sure he can drink it anytime soon tho, given he’s recovering from concussion. Then again Maynard doesn’t come across as a brain surgeon.
  24. Well Blues aren’t full strength. They’ll be without McKay and Martin (pending a lawyer miracle). Our issue is that virtually all our injuries bar Gus are in the one area of the ground. We have lost Petty, Melksham and now JVR up forward. Our forwardline is suspect at best and unable to kick a score at worse. We are lucky that we have the game and the defense to keep scores low and make games a slog, so we are always a chance. If we take our chances in front of goal we can absolutely beat Carlton. The bigger issue is how do we get over Brisbane who we conceded over 100 points at the G last time we met.
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