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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. There is just so much wrong with this post! Firstly, he is no certainty to win the B&F. Secondly, he never plays a bad game? He plays plenty of bad games. The last two weeks for example. On the stat sheet he never plays a bad game, but in reality, his kicking and decision making has been letting him down for a while now. Then there is the comparison with Judd... laughable! Also, I never suggested trading him for an unknown, I'd only trade him for a top 10 pick or an established player. He is 27, by the time we'll challenge for a flag, he'll most likely be 30... maybe older. Capitalise on his market price now, before it drops dramatically. And if gut running makes you untouchable, please be sure to ring Simon Godfrey and let him know. I agree to a certain extent. TJ wouldn't be top of my list either, but I wouldn't hesitate too much if the right deal came along. The bottom line is, he won't ever reach his full potential, he is prone to bouts of laziness, and his body is hit and miss. He is also not getting any younger. The players I would least like to trade, are those under 23 who have shown really good signs. And I'm not just talking about the obvious ones like McLean and Rivers. I'm talking about Bartram, Bate, Sylvia, Petterd, Frawley etc... They are the future and we now need to build a team around them, not around the likes of Bruce, Green or TJ.
  2. PG said on radio that with our season now over, they will have to consider resting some of our players until next year. He specifically mentioned Bartram. I'm happy with that, and more importantly I hope we rest Rivers and Moloney as well.
  3. Maybe it was written by a Melbourne supporter having an aneurism while trying to write about the horrors of Friday night?
  4. Yeah, and Adem Yze was killing them out there... (Well he was killing me with his lazy kicks off the ground. Without a doubt the most infuriating player on our list! :angry: :angry: :angry: )
  5. GO JONESY! I'm sure they won't get anywhere near the top 3 in the B&F, but wouldn't it be good to see a top 3 of Jones, Brock and Bell? Bell is a chance, but Brock has missed too much footy and Jonesy doesn't get enough possessions
  6. He still seems kind of irritated about spending half a game on the bench: http://melbournefc.com.au/Season2007/News/...px?newsId=45857 "I sat on the bench for the whole of the quarter and for half of the second quarter. It was pretty frustrating. "During the warm-up I felt really good and really bouncy. I knew I was starting on the bench but wasn't really sure how long I was going to stay there. But that's for the team and whatever we need." I love this kid!
  7. Don't think this list is right at all. I'm pretty sure Rivers and McLean signed up last year. If not, they along with Jones, Bartram and Sylvia should be top priority to be re-signed before the vultures attack!
  8. We talk about a lack of leadership, one that has been a problem at this club for a long time. We look at guys like Bruce, Green, Yze, White, Robbo and they are all poor on-field leaders despite them being experienced senior players. But what about our head leaders, the guys who not only direct the troops while they are playing, but while they are off the ground too. During the week and during the pre-season. What about the leadership that Daniher has shown us over the years? When was the last time he came out and taken any accountability for the side's performance? After all, he is the leader of this club, and he has remained the only constant over the past 10 years. A loss is never only the coaches' fault, but when you are getting spanked tactically, then the coach is probably one of the first people who should cop the blame. Why hasn't he admitted that the run-and-carry style has been a failure, in the same way Gardner has? I don't mind trying new things and failing, but to try, fail and not even acknowledge it, is what bugs me. He didn't take any blame for not sending extra players back against the Dogs, nor for the tactical errors against the Roos, and yet he was happy to leave an unmanned Richmond defender for a full half of footy, play an unfit Yze, and revert to tempo footy while we were 60 points down in the third quarter!
  9. As much as I hate what is happening at the club, and as much as I will never ever accept performances like last night, I think that this year is one that we had to have. We needed a really poor season for everyone to wake up and realise that we need a new coach, that we need a change of attitude and leadership and that we have to be tough and trade those players who play like millionaires one week, but fail to turn up the next. Bruce, Green, TJ... they are all in the same boat because they are now our core senior players and yet none of them have reached the level that we expected them to reach. 2003 was a shocking season, and yet if it wasn't for that miserable year, we never would have gotten Brock McLean. If we look back on 2007 and mark is as the year that we finally made some big tough decisions and managed to pick up a few good players in the draft, than we'll probably begin to forget the night we got smashed by the Tigers. But while it is happening, it's very hard to see the positive light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. True, but then why did he say that he'll take the opinions of the players into consideration? He said that it is very important to him that the players get on with the coach, which in my opinion is absolute crap. They don't need to like him, they need to respect him and work for him and listen to him. He needs to demand all that from them. And isn't it funny that the only players who have come out in the media and stated that they want Daniher to coach us next year, are those senior players who have had a sweet ride under Daniher and who will no doubt continue to have a sweet and easy ride to retirement as long as Daniher is there! They don't want Daniher gone, because they know that when a new coach comes in, their position in the side or even at the club, will no longer be secure. I was happy with the interview, and very glad to see someone in a senior position at the club come out and take some sort of responsibility and show accountability for what is going on. I wish we got that from our coaches, but we can't have everything.
  11. The only reason we looked better was because we manned-up. If we had 4 forwards and Richmond had 4 defenders, we would have played better, kicked more goals and mounted a better comeback. Instead, we had 2 giants who are not much chop, Robbo with 3 defenders all to himself, Sylvia being ignored, Bate leading 80m out, Davey getting lost in the traffic and we kicked a few thanks to BEN HOLLAND. Christ that is not even something to rest your hat against, let alone on.
  12. But in the second half we had 9 forwards, because Daniher didn't want to leave anyone unmanned. Did that help at all? We kicked a few, yes, but we were never going to get enough opportunities in such a crowded forward line. The problem is not with the number of forwards, or even with the style of footy we play, it's with the fact that we can't use the footy, we can't get the footy, and we don't seem to want to chase after it either.
  13. He is just about the only reason I can still watch Melbourne games and not throw up. If it wasn't for him, and another small group of youngsters, I would seriously consider giving up on this season. As it is, I go out of my way every single week to watch them, and so if McLean is not there, or if Ricky is wasted on the bench for half the match, I quite seriously flip out. The Melbourne Football Club has taken years off my life already.
  14. Speaking of players getting ignored, should Colin Sylvia stick a giant neon sign above his head saying "I'm open"? He gets ignored time and time again by his teammates, despite always leading to the right position. Thought he was one of our better players last night, and it's good to see him slowly creeping into the midfield.
  15. Apperantly Buckley has a fair bit of pace. Why isn't he getting a game? He was emergency two weeks ago, so he must be getting close. Davey's pace is wasted in the middle of the ground because he hardly gets the ball and he doesn't know how to position himself. The only time he gets the ball is out wide on the flanks. Either play him as a loose man in defence, or play him deep in the forward line. A midfielder he ain't.
  16. Don't think he played in the first half. Definitely not in the first quarter, then maybe only for a short period in the second. At least they tried different things with Frawley. I know he wasn't brilliant, but he does some really nice things with the ball in close. One of his handballs in a pack directly created a goal.
  17. He was getting molested at the centre bounces, without a doubt. Saw him being held a dozen times, BUT that is just the way things go when you are your team's most influential player. Any half decent coach would know that if you stop Brock McLean, you are 75% closer to beating Melbourne. He was tagged heavily, not for the first time, but he really couldn't shake it last night. Maybe he was trying too hard to prove that he should captain us, that he really badly wants the job. I still believe that he is head and shoulders above anyone else (obviously not taking Neita into consideration) in the leadership stakes, and I hope that he gets another chance to redeem himself. Maybe even next week if Neita is still not right. I'm sure he'll be hurting so bad at the fact that he failed himself and the club last night. But he is one of those rare players who will probably feed on that hurt for breakfast and come out breathing fire next week. God I hope so!
  18. I see your point, but they should not have taken him off in the last. He was our most productive forward at that late stage, and he was still running around giving his all. Taking him off was stupid and he had every right to be [censored] off. If they punish him for that, or they drop him for next week, I swear to god I will personally kill someone. At least he showed some passion, while everyone else dropped their heads. I agree that guys like Brock, Jones, Ricky etc... will either walk away or lose their soul to this club if something drastic doesn't happen. There is just so much to be upset, hurt and angry about right now, but Ricky's passion is not one of those things. I'm happy that he's unhappy, it shows he is a true competitor and that he cares. I'll take whatever little positive I can from last night, like the fact that despite his performance, Brock did the truly humble, focused thing and didn't celebrate his late goal. Like the fact that Ricky threw himself at every contest even late in the match. Hell, if we don't look at these kids and at least see the future in them, we might as well shut up shop and move to the Gold Coast with the Roos.
  19. Only if instead of Holland (he's great, I love him, but he's just a bloody ordinary footballer), Yze, Ward, Brown, Godfrey etc etc... we play guys like Dunn, Newton, CJ, Buckley. If we keep playing the same side and let our future rot at Sandy, we might as well not turn up at all. This is precisely why I don't care if Petterd or Frawley or Jones or McLean stuff up 100 times and have shocking games. They will improve, while 30 year olds who were never any good to begin with, won't. And if they don't improve, we'll find out sooner instead of later, and we'll act. There is so much dead wood on our list, and sadly, so many highly-paid players who don't give a stuff about this club and who put in pathetic performances on a regular basis. They should be the ones punished this week. Go on Daniher, I dare you to make a statement and drop Bruce or Green or Davey. Hell, drop Brock McLean if it teaches our players a lesson. (Note: PLEASE DON'T DROP BROCK MCLEAN!)
  20. He saw the writing on the wall 10 minutes into the game, yet made no tactical changes until half time. The mind boggles.
  21. Hey, I agree completely. Why the hell did they drag him when he was playing his guts out? He was just about the most couragous Melbourne player out there. And where was he in the first half? He has every right to be [censored] off. He isn't getting used, despite doing everything right when he is out there. This is exactly why CJ is going nowhere. He gets no opportunity from the coaching staff, even when he does get a game, and it deflates him no doubt. Luckily, Petterd strikes me as a much more spirited, tough guy who won't take it lying down.
  22. I'll sum it up for you in one sentence, we are never accountable, be it on or off the field. Nobody takes responsibility when it counts. We are all talk and no action.
  23. Brock will bounce back and be a very successful player for this football club. Tonight was his first truly poor match and it is very unfortunate that it happened on the same night that he debuted as captain. Can't say the same for everyone else you mentioned, including the coach.
  24. Here is it: Tell someone who cares. I don't apologies for having a sense of humour, and I suggest you go find yours where you left it. Also, if you have a personal problem with me, or the way I moderate, send me a PM and we'll sort it out. Don't resort to the tactics of some other posters who try to serve their own anti-mod agenda with their posts.
  25. They did play Holland up forward and he kicked 3. FFS he was our leading goal kicker.... how bloody disgraceful is that? Miller and Dunn would give us options. Miller could have played down back, and Dunn could have played on the wing. That is two more positions than Yze can play. His selection was completely inappropriate given his fitness. If he was 100% fit, I couldn't have blamed Daniher for wanting to go short on a very damp night. But he is clearly injured, so why play him? He is hardly useful when fit, let alone when he can't run out a game. But what does it matter anyways? Neither a fit Yze, nor Dunn, nor Miller nor Newton could make up for the passionless crap that was served up tonight.
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