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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Finally got paid, so am very happy to help. God knows I would get so much more work done without Demonland, and that would be such a disaster
  2. The speeding is probably a very minor offense in the big scheme of things (mind you, I don't know how quickly he was driving), but when you have a couple of other incidents hanging over your head, all you need it one tiny straw to break the camel's back. I support Bailey and his approach to discipline. Yes, it might seem harsh, but someone has to pay the price in order for the whole team to understand clearly what is expected of them. If you give them an inch, they'll want to take the whole mile. Having said that, may this be the most serious incident McLean ever finds himself in!
  3. It's a ground, it has grass and goal posts... what more do we need?
  4. I saw it on the news, and when they said he was 'in trouble' I thought he was horribly injured.... so phew. :D Silly thing to do on top of everything else. Maybe what he really needed is this reality check to make him understand that he can be a great player, but that does not make him invincible. I think we all expect more from him, and now is the time to show us what he is made of. I'll watch with interest his next move. Very pleased to see how well Bailey has handled everything since he has arrived at the club. He obviously feels no obligation to anyone, and good on him.
  5. Yes we're screwed. I suggest you don't waste your time and just give up now, and save us all your whinging I love the MFC but our supporters are embarrassing. We haven't played a single H&A match yet and already people are rubbishing the team. P.S.- At this stage only Whelan is unlikely to play in Round 1, but don't let facts get in the way of your meltdown. /rant over
  6. What part of Davey, Bate, Jones and Sylvia being BOG did not register? Or are they not considered young blokes anymore? For the love of all that is red and blue, please nobody start with the wrist slashing already.
  7. That was an exhausting two hours of messaging and frustration. I'm thinking it's time to open that bottle of wine I got in the fridge. Here's to the start of some meaningful games, and to Robbo getting off his report charge.
  8. The game has been called off. Diablo's best: Davey, Bate, Jones, Sylvia Special mentions: Miller and Carroll who battled hard. White and Meesen were good around the ground at times.
  9. Looks like the game might be called off. We're currently losing by 30 points. God only knows how the margin blew up so much so quickly.
  10. A bit of a melee is happening now. If we're getting smashed by the umpires, we might as well do something to deserve it
  11. We have to kick a few this quarter because the Dogs will have the wind in the last. (I'm getting good updates but you keep getting in first faultydet... so all I have left is lame commentary. I'm like the Stephen Silvagni of Demonland )
  12. Our pressure is improving (the umpires are not), but we just hit the post twice, so wasted two opportunities to get back the lead.
  13. Jones was off for the second half of that quarter, and a rusty Brock was in the middle. We played well for most of that half, and about 3 Dogs' goals were a result of ridiculous 50m penalties. Umpires are apperantly in rare form Neita kicked a good goal early and has had a few decent efforts as well, for those who are wondering.
  14. Half Time Melb 6.6.42 Dogs 8.4.52 Our pressure has disappeared. Welcome back the Melbourne I know :D
  15. Umps are killing us.... who's surprised? Edit: Meesen doing well in the ruck.
  16. Dogs kick another (apperantly another gift from the umps). 6.5.41 to 3.4.22 Miller having a good game in defence (Diablo said 'good-ish', I'm saying good :D). Carroll doing his job. Jones killing it. Dammit, I blink and someone gets in first
  17. Get in line! Diablo is telling me that the run and carry game plan has been really good tonight and has directly led to Jones' last goal. 6.4.40 to 2.3.15
  18. Yes he is and he set up Bate's goal with some 'great hands'.
  19. Tis quarter time now. Both of the Dogs' goals were a result of a free kick. We're also tackling hard. *With thanks to Diablo*
  20. Miller is playing on Johnson and Bell is apperantly playing really well *With thanks to Diablo*
  21. Nobody is claiming that singing on national TV is going to improve his performance, but I certainly don't see how you can find the evidence to suggest that media commitments interfere with football. If Robbo is passionate about music, which he is, and he wants to pursue it, which he does, than good on him for doing the show. He isn't harming anyone, and until you can prove otherwise, he isn't harming his form either. Also, I know you don't watch the show, however if you did you would realise that Robbo gets a lot less practice hours than most other contestants because his football commitments come first. I doubt he'll miss training or forget how to mark if he spend a few hours a week learning a song and performing it on TV.
  22. What stuff is that? I'm pretty sure I've signed both myself and my dad up to the Red and Blue army but we haven't received anything. Are we meant to?
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