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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. My post was not directed at you. I appreciate you posting the information. CB, how about we wait to see what game plan we are going to implement during the season before you start your anti-run and carry campaign again?
  2. I never said otherwise. My point was in regards to Hards' comment that McLean should have been suspended after his speeding fine. If you do something stupid and bring the club's image into questioning, you don't deserve to be a leader. That is why he is no longer in the leadership group. But if you choose to not turn up to a recovery session because you've been out on the [censored] the night before, you clearly have little interest in playing football and you should therefore not be eligible for selection come Round 1. Playing for the MFC is a privilege, not a right.
  3. I'm sick of all this negativity. Despite some of the poor off and on field issues that have come to light during the pre-season, I still feel that this has been a very positive summer for the MFC. We finally made a move on the coaching department and we've got a whole new administration with a new CEO to come. We managed to clear our list substantially, got a good trade for an over-rated, lazy senior player, and we'll have nearly a full list to choose from come Round 1. Things could be much, much worse. I would love it if for once, Melbourne supporters weren't so hot and cold. Two months ago everyone was pumped, happy and excited about the season ahead. A couple of footballers behaving like dills and losses in insignificant practice matches, and all of a sudden the sky is falling. How about we reassess our position in the middle of the season, instead of wrist-slashing, and bridge-jumping before the season has even begun. Get behind the club and stop the constant whinging ffs!
  4. McLean has done a lot of stupid stuff, and he deserves the punishment he has received. His incidents, while bringing negative media attention to the club, did not actually impact his body or his ability to play. Not turning up to a recovery session, especially when you've been battling ongoing injuries, has an impact on your ability to compete, an impact on your body and it shows you care very little about your profession and your club. Again, I am not excusing McLean, but at least he doesn't jeopardize his performance by speeding or doing burn-outs in a car park.
  5. So you're saying that being cited for non-incidents two weeks in a row shows that Robbo is not 100% focused on footy, and that that is a result of his commitment to the show? Gees, the crap that gets posted on this forum never ceases to amaze me, and I've been here for about 6 years! We have SO many problems that we have to deal with both on and off the field, and yet people want to nit-pick over something so irrelevant. As Nasher said, storm in a teacup. By the way, if you know what's going on behind the scenes and you have some sort of information, either post it, or don't make reference to it. If you're implying that Robbo's contract states that he is allowed to participate in media activities outside of the club, than that sound very reasonable to me. After all, the club was more than happy to trade him. It was Robbo who wanted to stay, so there is no way the club would have agreed to a contract they weren't pleased with.
  6. He is actually doing very well. It's only embarrassing if you don't know what you're doing... you know, a bit like you commenting on this topic This is the best publicity we've had all summer.
  7. The difference is that McLean did not break team-rules, and he did not miss a training session. He broke the law, and the law punished him. The more I think about this whole Sylvia incident, the angrier I get. What makes someone think he has the right to dismiss team rules? Even worse, what makes a footballer who has done absolutely nothing in his 5-year career make a conscious decision not to turn up to a recovery session... a player who has battled injury his whole career too! I mean either he really wants to be an AFL player, or he figures some stupid club will keep holding on to him in the hope that one day he'll grow a brain-cell or two. All of these incidents point to players who do not respect the club, and who do not care in the least how their actions impact the team. Selfish, stupid and immature!
  8. This topic was discussed a few weeks ago. I rather he sings and raises money for charity in his spare time, than go out drinking till the early mornings. Don't see the connection between two dismissed reports, and his TV commitments. Clutching at straws here. If the club gave him the green light, that's good enough for me.
  9. Oh for the love of god! Not turning up to a recovery session... very professional
  10. MFC rocks my world, and while I wait for the premiership that is on its way, the MFC will continue to rock my world no matter what happens.
  11. Unfortunately we missed the boat with trading Yze, and we gave White too-long a contract. These are all list-management problems, and the people involved are all gone now. Come the end of the season, I think we'll see just as many retirements/delistings as we saw last year. People who complain about the list and where it is at have to put the blame squarely on past administrations and football departments, who showed a lack of bravery when it came to trading 'big name' players with ordinary records. No comment on the pre-season results. Nothing affects me unless it has 4 points/ finals/ premiership cup attached to it.
  12. Is it possible that Bailey is instructing the players to play run and carry during the pre-season to prove to them just how poorly they execute this style, and come Round 1 we'll switch to a whole new, much improved game plan? <_<
  13. Rivers is more a match winner than Bruce. Our midfield holds up fine without Bruce, but our backline is quite frankly shite without Rivers.
  14. I wonder if Morton is not playing in an effort to give his body a rest before his debut in Round 1?
  15. My suggestion would be to have the Melbourne logo on the front, and a bit higher up (never put a busy print over the stomach area, it will make anyone look 17 months pregnant) and the Red and Blue Army thing on the back. I would also make the t-shirts navy and the writing in white, with a splash of red. This sort of t-shirt, given it's a blend of cotton and polyester, should cost no more than $15. That still gives the club ample profit and makes it affordable to almost anyone. I would wear that to the footy, especially if there was a long-sleeve version available for winter. You could go all out and print the t-shirt in a red and navy army print, to really convey the whole 'Army' message.
  16. I don't want to get too excited for fear of horrible disappointment when they don't play, or worse, re-injure themselves, but hooray! Rivers is our most important defender, and the way our backline crapped itself without him last year, he could almost be our most important player. And for all the doom and gloom of Bartram's condition, any game time we can get into him this early is an absolute bonus. All the players taking the field for Sandy this week have had horrible runs with injury, and all of them deserve a change of luck, so fingers and toes crossed... and keep em crossed!
  17. I've been out of the business for a while now, so definitely no chance I'll be able to brainwash them again! Just tell Jack that if he ever wants to watch TV/ play on the computer/ see daylight again, that he must immediately decease all support of that revolting club St.Kilda. It's a simple choice really, suffer with your football team and enjoy life They're probably too young for you to try the whole motherly guilt thing....
  18. If you need a car to impress a chick, you have some serious issues. Likewise if you're a female and you are attracted to a guy because he drives some fuel-guzzling monster then good luck to you Honestly, can someone explain to me why so many footballers drive utes? Do their training boots require special transport or something? Utes are for tradies, I bet most footballers have never nailed any inanimate objects in their lives.
  19. Just make sure they keep wearing those Melbourne jumpers wherever they go. You never know when a Melbourne supporter might be giving them preferential care
  20. The number one priority for the new CEO has to be getting the membership department right. It is not possible that a professional organisation cannot handle 20,000 orders. These are amature numbers for such a large company, and to have so many stuff-ups is completely unacceptable. Memberships keep us alive, and our numbers are so poor already, that we really can't afford to lose anymore members through poor handling. Not only that, but every mistake costs money, money that we really can't afford to be losing. I understand that the membership department had a few issues with staff members changing or leaving recently, but what they need to do is set up a full-proof system whereby anyone can take over at any time and get orders processed. Setting up a database of some sort can't be that hard, if an IT-idiot like myself can do it, surely they can too! BTW, with all of their new China connections, there is no doubt the club can offer better merchandise along with the membership package. It would cost only a fraction more to give kids a t-shirt, instead of a plastic pen that breaks after you use it twice.
  21. It clearly wasn't a matter of going a few kms over the speed limit, because he lost his license as a result. And yes while it does happen to a lot of people, that does not make it ok to speed. People lose their lives in road accidents every week because they speed, or because other drivers speed. It is a stupid and irresponsible thing to do, especially if the speed you are traveling at is completely excessive (which in Brock's case it must have been or he would still be allowed to drive). If this was his first offense, I doubt the club would have booted him out of the leadership group. But better to get to him early, than let his stupid behaviour fester to the point where he does more than lose his license or his right to lead the club. He needs to learn and he needs to learn quickly before he completely blows his chance at being this club's captain.
  22. Quite honestly I normally have the show on mute while I do some work, and only turn it off mute when Robbo is performing, but I've got this week off uni and I'm sick, so yes I did watch the whole thing tonight, and let me tell you I definitely need to double my medication after that. Now away with the attitude <_<
  23. Equal first again tonight, and straight through to next week. Sang an Elton John classic and did a very good job. Neita, Yze, Bruce and Rivers were in the audience cheering him on. The good news is that Rivers is looking huge. The bad news is that the show is still horrendous
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