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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. The AFL for ignoring the request of the advisory committee that 2nd year players be out of reach of GWS. Had they taken that recommendation, there would be no issue about losing a number 1 draft pick at the end of their first contract, therefor no issue regarding compensation value for such a player.
  2. Sd thing is HT, that I can actually believe that conversation could've taken place LOL, nice one.
  3. Exactly WM. I hadn't come across that article before though, cheers. I noticed through the preseason that there were loads of mentions from Jonesy on Twitter about training with the "Sculldog". I know Jonesy is a pretty fervent trainer too, but the more of them the better for everyone I reckon.
  4. I'm well aware it wont happen, but that doesn't stop it being BS. Or making me angry either
  5. Totally agree Grandson. His work ethic is almost unrivalled from everything I have heard, and surely must rub off on those around him. As he gets older, that would be such a great influence to have around the club. Oh Lord, please! I think it has to be borderline illegal the meddling and railroading of MFC going on at the moment. I can understand 2 1st rd picks for Ablett because he had contributed to the club that developed and paid him. He owed them nothing, and they equally owed him nothing. Scully on the other hand is the result of us using pick number one, which we had to endure severe pain to receive, and he has barely been able to give anything back to the club yet. How is it possible that they think in any form it is ok to stiff us like this. It absolutely beggars belief. It should be pick 1 for pick one, plus mid 1st rd for the development we have put in. Nothing less. I know it is fanciful to think that is the way it should work, but it's really getting up my nose. Between that and the third party deal debacle, I just feel like tearing my hair out.
  6. You can frame your responses how you like, but don't go getting your knickers in a twist if someone takes affront at it. I too have followed this club a long time, all my life actually, and am glad that we now have an administration which I can now put my trust in. As for my posts, well I post on things that interest me, and reply to any replies made to anything I say. I have a life, I work, I surf everyday, I go 4wdriving, I go out with my mates, I watch footy and I use this forum. My apologies if I have offended you by posting a little too much for your liking, I'll try keep it to a minimum from now on, starting with ignoring the rubbish spewed forth by your good self.
  7. While it may only be one small point, I reckon there could be a bit to waiting to see how the coaching situation plays out. If he absolutely loves Bailey, he may not want to be there without him, or may want to make sure that the next coach is going to give him a chance of the success he desires. Or perhaps he can't wait to see the back of Bailey and wants to make sure he is gone before making a decision. I know this has been done before, but you asked why, and I see that as a very plausible reason. These things could have an effect over the success a player achieves in their career.
  8. While the fact that you think that annoys the hell out of me, at least you are man enough to admit it. As opposed to all the others who go as close as possible to saying that but don't have the balls to admit it.
  9. Hooray for Beamer, and here's to plenty more.
  10. Agreed IWAP. I love Wonna, and hope like hell he comes back, but unless he can say for certain he will be back for the preseason, or at a stretch next season, it has to be rookie list. I hope the club continue to handle this situation as well as they have and may Wonna be booting goals again soon.
  11. If it is your opinion, state that by saying "I reckon it will have a profound effect on the players". As I said, there is a big difference between making a statement or an assumption. It is interesting to note that even though you claim to have "tipped a [censored] load of money in when the club looked like foundering?" you seem to have a very low opinion of the management of said club, if you think they would go around offering contracts that they know will destabilise the playing group, or if you think they didn't even realise it would have this effect. And you are free to assume whatever the hell you want about me mate. My assumption and guesswork is currently sitting at 575, yours at 1381, interesting that. 90% of what is uttered on this site is assumption, opinion and guesswork, so get over yourself. Well said Nutbean.
  12. It does not, in fact, confirm dollar amounts of either contract. The amounts being bandied around are best guesses put forward by Mike Sheahan and run with by everyone else. For all we know GWS have offered him 1.5 and MFC 1.4. I doubt that is the case but this is not something we know for certain. The difference between the two after tax has been shown to be about 200k, imagine if the GWS offer wasn't quite as large as reported, that would mean the gap would be even smaller. There is much more to play out here, and none of us can know anything, other than that Contracts have been put forward and Tom has not signed yet. Everything else is rumour and innuendo. Yep, they're the ones I mean. Finally after all this time though, you have admitted what I was trying to say all along. Your use of the words "it will have a profound effect on the rest of the players at the club, mark my words" is you trying to say with certainty. It is a statement, not an assumption. I on the other hand have maintained all along that I do not know what effect it will have, but have faith that the club have done their due diligence on this matter, and have done everything within their power to make sure it won't have a detrimental effect. So you can stop trying to make me out as a know all, because I have always claimed I do not know all. As to your opinion that he will go to GWS, I disagree, but as neither of us know it is a non issue here.
  13. I still have Darling, but reckon he's gotta go as his output has gone from brilliant for a 1st yr player, to just average. Howe has been a bit better, whilst Tappy had tapered off a little preinjury too. Not sure how Tappy will return, but I'm quite happy with Howe so far.
  14. Hehehehe. you're gonna catch a few fish with that one RR
  15. It is definitely an issue akin to trying to use petrol to put out a bushfire, that's for sure AdamFarr
  16. Velocity, if they are still advising him to wait, are mad, yes. But if it is what he wants, then it has nothing to do with Velocity at all. They can jump up and down and bang their fists on the desk etc, but if he wants to do something his way, then that is the way. IF he has lied, you are right, he should tell all now. If not (which is our belief) then he is more than welcome to take his time, no matter how much I wish he would end this now.
  17. Scully has, and his management have. I will concede that it is possible they are lying, however I don't think so, and therefore it is a definitive statement because it is from the horses mouth.
  18. I believe that is more likely than Tom lying. Did you see Hutchy having a go at Kennett on TFS a month or so ago? Hutchy was made a fool of by Kennett due to his allegations, didn't seem to mind risking his journalistic "integrity" there.
  19. Yes, you're right. I did mean contact and sign, but neglected to say that. If true the only conclusion is that Tom lied through his teeth, and I will not have that come hell or high water. If it proves to be the case, I will be devastated and angry, but I will deal with that at such time that it happens. I reckon he will re-sign, and if I'm wrong, so be it, MFC will live on.
  20. How many times you used this quote from the Ox on this thread RR. I know he said that, but without proof it is just hearsay and no level of fact whatsoever. He needs to name a source, produce a photo of the signed document or it means nothing until Tom says "I have signed with [insert club here]. I am not trying to reduce emotional attachment at all, I just happen to think Trenners is better. I do think it is worth it to keep Tom, and I got your point, I just think his talents get overstated a little bit. Not saying his hands are useles, but not elite yet is all.
  21. They had a window to make contact with players prior (I think) to the end of October last year, so it is definitely possible that Damien Barrett is telling the truth. I just prefer to believe that Tom would not lie about such a thing.
  22. Yes, exactly. Most of the merry-go-round conversations on this thread are based around semantics. Use of words such as "believe", "possibly", "word is" etc do not go any distance at all to creating a picture of fact because they are not words designed to portray fact, only conjecture. In legal terms circumstantial evidence is not enough to prosecute. Now I know there is not going to be any definites in all of this, but the only people who have given dead set, straight up, quotes from the horses mouth are Tom himself and his management. Whether you believe them or not is up to you, but they are the only people willing to go on record with quotes from the horses mouth, so they are realistically, at the moment, the only ones we can listen to. It may come to light in 8-10 wks time (hopefully longer ) that he decides to go, but until then he deserves to be given the benefit of the doubt.
  23. I would remove Elite from #3, not there yet. And for #5, you really don't think Trenners is ahead of Scully atm?
  24. The issue here is "3 possibly 4". So convoluted, and noncommittal. If he "knows" then what is with the possibly? More rubbish I'm afraid.
  25. Funny thing that hardtack. Seems the 19 yr old players are much more mature about this than a bunch of middle aged people hiding behind computer screens. Who'd have thought
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