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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. Exactly, but apparently this view makes me a fat kid attempting a dive. Guess you cant make someone see sense, especiallly when there is none there to draw from in the first place.
  2. Typical, senseless RR response. An attempt at being witty falling flat once again.
  3. I just watched the clip of Silvagni. and for the life of me can see no smoking gun there. For one, he wasn't quite matter of fact at all, but stuttered and stammered as he spat it out. Secondly, he mentioned that without a doubt an approach had been made, but then added the bit about last October as an afterthought. Far as I'm concerned, all that was confirmed through all of this was that an approach had been made, and to avoid criticism about making such an approach mid season, he added the bit about last October as a bit of a safeguard. As Grandson of a Gun alluded to, there is a fair bit here in the semantics. An "approach" to the letter of the law, would include even asking the manager if he woud be interested in a chat. On the other hand, I don't think it is at all outrageous to believe that by "approach" TS was referring to the offer of a contract. Some people want to see the bad side of Tom, and others want to see the good side. We may be naive, and you may be jumping at shadows. But I still see no smoking gun that proves Tom to be a liar, only a kid sticking to a set timeline.
  4. I agree, and would be quite surprised if he didn't. As I said, and you originally brought up, it may come down to semantics. If it is related to "emblem" as opposed to "logo" then it would appear he has recieved what the contract stipulates and is being treated in such a way, separate to the fact he is a long time supporter of the club. Fact is that none of us have read the contract, all we know is that the deal has soured. And we heard this from DLR himself, not CS, which makes me wonder a little. A number of people seem to take a rather dim view of DLR in a business sense, perhaps this may have more to do with the breakdown of the relationship.
  5. Watts for me, followed closely by Beamer, the Nude Nut, Trenners and then either Martin or Chip. Watts started slow in the first few games, but since then has regularly been the player on field wh makes me smile the most. Beamer has been great, but really gone missing recently when it has counted (perhaps due to a dip in TBR's form), Jonesy has just been mister consistent, Trenners has worked his guts out all year, but for mine not "shone" quite as much as Watts, and I really can't decide between Martin and Chip. That said, I would probably like to see Stef in there, just to give him some reward for the outstanding effort and progression he has shown this year.
  6. Perhaps some boffins in a lab came up with that assertion (who paid for said boffins?? De La Rue??) but until I read about all this hoohaa, I had not really even noticed our logo there. If anyone thinks that the Hankook logo is detracted from in any way shape or form, they must surely be kidding. I remember the first time the boys took the field with it on the guernseys, I shuddered. The damn thing overpowers our own emblem and the AFL logo. They may as well have just printed it right across the chest. Now as to whether CS "dudded" DLR on the deal, that may come down to semantics and integrity, but all in all I believe DLR got a good deal, and if he's not happy with it, then I will be more than happy to see another logo on the MFC jumper next season. Hopefully this time it is one that actually fits in with the jumper instead of dragging the jumper along with it. Now to the point of this thread, congrats to all the supporters and everyone at the club for organising what sounded like a great night. It is good to see that there are people out there who care so much for the club. It is nice to see that there is still depply running love for our club out there. Wish I could have been there, but glad to be able to hear a bit about it on here. Well done all.
  7. Love it! I flat out expected him to re-sign e, but at this time next year, after media rumours he is leaving have plagued us all year, not now. It is a massive, and public, vote of confidence in our club that these boys have put pen to paper when it wasn't required. And the fact that it comes in the midst of one of the more trying times for club and fans means that there is definitely some scope for celebration. This does not mean we are weak or don't expect these things to happen, it means that we are human and like to enjoy the good things that happen in our day to day lives. God I hope so. Would be interested to know how much has been thrown at Trenners. Despite all the talk of him not holding the club to ransom, it would not surprise me at all if he has been offered an amount somewhere in the vicinity of TS offer. He would be deserving of such an offer, and it may be a move by the club to avoid more destability next year. Well done to all you boys, glad to see each on of you in MFC jumpers for years to come
  8. My sentiments exactly rpfc. I see absolutely no point in everyone getting their knickers in a twist over this. A timeframe has been laid out, it is being adhered to, in a month or so we will find out. Then I will either be very happy about (what I consider to be) a wise decision made, or very disappointed that (what I consider to be) a very short sighted decision has been made. Either way, no amount of postulating on here is going to make a lick of difference, either to the result or my comfort levels about the whole saga.
  9. What makes you presume I don't? I've looked back over your posts again, and despite your talk in response about our "so-called leaders", Jones was the only one you singled out for criticism. I watched Jones very closely as I always do, because I always feel that he needs some support from all the [censored] he cops on here. And those who watch closely realise that his poor disposal is almost exclusively due to terrible delivery. I agree completely with your last line, but can't see that sentiment in any of your previous posts.
  10. Poor bastard. I watched that once, couldn't watch it again, and felt sick every time they had to show it on tele. Hope for his sake that he can battle it out and make it back into the squad.
  11. Sounds like your family are a pack of marshmallows. Toughen up a bit, or just leave at halftime, cause it's more of an indictment on you than the players. Exactly KOD. The boys played hard today, and kicked sh!zen. But they tried and after last weeks pathetic game, I am willing to be happy with an effort. You have to be kidding about Jones. Watch the bloody game again, and then say that with any seriousness. The bloke only got caught over and over by copping handpasses when he had a player sitting square on his arse. Another bit of softness here from heartbeatstrue, or should that be heartbeatssoftly? A sensible voice from WYL. I'm spewing about the result today, but let's have a bit of a think about this. We went from playing like witches hats, and that wasn't an unfair assessment, to playing "bruise" footy. The boys tried, and all didn't work out as we would've liked, but who can honestly say that after last week they aren't willing to accept a tough effort? Jack Watts was a shining light, so was Howe. But we should all feel happy with the fact that today they tried, and tried hard. It was far from the result we wanted, but a marked improvement from last week, which I am willing to accept. More than anything though, if you must go on a witchhunt, at least go after blokes who didn't do bugger all, instead of someone like Jones, who as usual gave his all and copped sh!zen delivery.
  12. I too reckon that was a really good article, one of the best I've read about us all year. I would question trading Ricky Petterd, Jamie Bennell and maybe Joel Mac, but other than that there is pretty much nothing else there I could disagree with.
  13. Love it Nasher. I'd happily see them all go. Obviously Bailey is the head coach, but I only see decline not improvement through all parts of our game, and that to me says that the assistants aren't doing a very good job. Quite obviously I may be well wrong, but that is what I take from my observations, and if I'm correct then they all have to go.
  14. Fantastic OP Redleg! To be fair to Eddie my arse. Any job he has in the media is what is most commonly known as a conflict of interest, and by choosing to do his job in the way he does, he makes said COI even worse. As Redleg says, James Brayshaw seems to be perfectly capable of fullfilling media and club duties without crossing the wires too much, even to the point of not putting in a tip on TFS for Roos games, because he has a bit of self respect and integrity. Eddie has no integrity whatsoever, and therefore has no issue with not only having, but also exacerbating his conflict of interest at every opportunity.
  15. Love Gazza, and so glad to see him back at the club. Did well on the show tonight, and hopefully he can do equally well at the MFC.
  16. That is the point that is lost with a lot of people. We didn't "tank" as such, because that would mean the players were told not to win. We developed players, tried people out in different positions to see how they would cope. What is wrong with that when it is a dead rubber. Won't matter if priority picks are removed, why not test players out when you have nothing to win, but may gain something from experimentation. Only cause it benefits the MFC B)
  17. No idea, but I would like to think that if he has been dropped we would have the nuts to say so.
  18. LOL, thanks Jaded, I needed that laugh. Dangerfield eh? That fella with the eggshell scone. Give me Walker over him anyday. He'll be out of the league in 5 yrs with a rattled brain how soft his head is.
  19. If I had the power I would happily give up the premiership I so want to see, just to see Jimmy get better. Well said Strawbs.
  20. Absolutely heartbreaking news today. I guess we all know the direction this horrible story is taking, but don't want to see the truth. All of us, our thoughts and our prayers are with you big man. Be selfish for once in your life and look after yourself and your family first.
  21. I think obviously we will aim for the best available (MM, AC etc), but to have DL as a back up is not too horrid a situation to be in. He would not be my absolute ideal, but there is fair chance my absolute ideal will not be available on a few levels.
  22. Very good idea re sub on Judd in 4th, as long as it is a player with genuine leg speed. As to who should have him early up, I would feel ok about Col getting the job, but what about the special Jordie MacKenzie? Would look good hanging off Judds waist all night.
  23. For me, Trengove ©, Moloney (VC), Jones (VC), Frawley, Watts, MacKenzie. I love Grimes, but he cannot stay on the park to save himself. Until he can play out a season, I feel he shouldn't be in it.
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