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Everything posted by Kento80

  1. That actually does [censored] me off. Normally I don't mind the players being the kids that they are, but timing is the key, and that really pisses me off. I wasn't jovial. I was sitting on my couch shellshocked. Not a fan of Morton anyway, so it just reinforces in me I don't care if he goes or not, but Gawn, show a bit of care FCS.
  2. I want to see him with that angry look on his face, stealing the ball off blokes. I love it when he does that B)
  3. Yep, and thankfully it seems he will get the help he needs
  4. If they don't show that clip, they are failures from day one. I would expect that anything they can show to fire this apathetic mob up would be there, and the clip of Robinson would have to be at the top of the list.
  5. Agreed regarding him staying President, and I can't imagine there would be many that woud disagree. As to the second part of your post, I think you will find that everyone would have tried to do it for him, but can't see him letting enyone do it for him. I can only imagine how his poor wife feels, seeing him pushing himself when he needs to be looking after himself. Hopefully he can step back and concentrate on the things that really matter like his health and his family. The MFC will be ok, there's a few kinks to iron out, but it will be ok.
  6. I couldn't agree more with everything you said here Maldonboy. Absolutely fantastic to read a well balanced post in these times.
  7. Agreed RR, but pangs of guilt aside, I would love to see Jnr back at the club. A respected, level head bloke, who could continue to have the great influence he used to have, from a different role. Good idea IMO.
  8. I'm with the intent of your OP striker, however I'd prefer we don't lose players, but to see the boys playing with real [censored] would make me smile. We know Bull can run blokes down, we know Dunn can be a right pain in the arse, and we know Trenners and Jordie can drive a bloke into the earth with a great tackle. I'll accept all of that, but there's no reason for us to be scumbags like the mob we're about to play.
  9. Me get with the programme, are you kidding??? I've never come across a poster more all over the place than you hangon, and I am certain there would be plenty lining up to agree. As for your criticism of my post, you obviously didn't understand it. I was not saying sack everybody, because I don't believe it is required, but instead that maybe the reason they didn't is because they know more about the truth of the situation than we do from the rumours that we have heard. If it is true that they changed their minds on a whim then we are [censored], because that would be one of the worst, most juvenile things our board could do.
  10. People need to remember that all we know of what has gone on behind closed doors is rumour and innuendo (sense a theme). The MFC has not confirmed any of these rumours flying about, and some of the charges are so outrrageous that I just cannot believe them. - Allegedly the MFC had decided to sack Schwab, and then changed their mind, sacking Bailey. This is a pretty outlandish statement, I must say. I have about 1/100th the amount of business experience as Jim Stynes, Don McLardy and their board, but it is plainly obvious that if there is an issue within an organisation that is festering, you remove said issue from the equation assuming there is no other suitable course of action left (mediation etc). So IF this happened, I would assume that it is because they have spoken at length with those concerned and found a solution to the issues that keeps everyone happy. I really struggle to believe this part of the reports flying around because it just makes no sense whatsoever. - Allegedly the players went to Don McLardy, and then Jim Stynes to voice their concerns last week. How many of you can actually believe that this happened, but their concerns were ignored? I can't. Schwab is a valuable corporate asset to the MFC, and is extremely passionate about the success of the organisation. I can only assume that if there are issues relating to his position, there has been mediation and they have found a way to appease both sides of the issue, for the good of the club. If I am wrong, then we are all on a road to nowhere, because if the people running our club are so stupid as to change their mind in such a sensational way, then their mission is doomed to failure.
  11. We can only hope that in the short time he is there, he undergoes a severe change of heart, or someone gets in his ear and make it clear to him that the time is now for him to help his club..... long term, not just for a few months.
  12. This is why I really think that Presidents etc, should not be allowed to work in the Footy media. It is the most perfect example of a conflict of interest. James Brayshaw manages to balance his media with his club position quite well, which only goes to show that he has lots of integrity. The lack of balance from Eddie only goes to show the exact opposite. But no matter how well others do it, I would prefer it not be allowed to try and limit such conflicts. It is wrong and unethical on so many levels. I can't stad the bloke, but I agree that he has been great for the Filth. This doesn't change my thoughts above though. There are myriad people on here saying we need a [censored] of a coach, well maybe we need a [censored] of a Prez as well. Patrick Smith on SEN yesterday, was saying how we are a blob of a club, and recruit people with no personality. Now I think that is not true, but I do think that there are places in life (and footy) for nice blokes, and there are places that need people who aren't afraid to step on lots of toes to achieve what needs to be achieved. And this is one of them.
  13. Think you're bang on there Ascobar. IMO Jimmy today said a couple things which I reckon were alluding to him stepping down in the near future, and as much as I hate it, I think he should. He needs to be selfish for the first goddam time in his life. He can take a step back knowing that he has succeeded generally up until this point, giving his successor the best possible chance of taking the next step for the good of the club. If they gave Matthew Knights the job, THEN, and only then, would I hand back my scarf Smith is a d!ckhead, there can be no doubt!
  14. Is it possible to watch it in NSW?????
  15. The other thing important to remember is that even though there is talk of player discontent, these were (according to media) issues that were raised as part of the buried Andrews Report (why was it buried), and had not been rectified. Now if that is the case, then I feel a bit better about them, because the AR would have been asking the players about issues. If the club then proceeded to sweep said issues under the carpet, then I can understand them feeling a little miffed about it. The next question is that since the AR has been buried, all this talk is just speculation, however for some reason, I am inclined to feel that there is legs to this story. I hope like hell it is all a media beat-up, but am afraid that it isn't.
  16. What I took from the word about Garry was about him being the next Pres, at the very least much more involved, and visually so. And then, in answer to you Nasher, I take that back to the Presser when Jim said that his condition means that he isn't capable of doing the job he should be doing, and that is why he apportions part of the blame from Saturday to himself as well. Now we all know that talk of this being Jimmys fault is absolute BS, but one can understand where a proud and selfles man who loves this club so much can come up with such a thought. Perhaps him saying that has something to do with softening the blow for all of us if he stands down. I don't think too many people would be sad to see Garry as Pres, but replacing Jimmy is a different thing. At the end of the day though, if Jimmy isn't able to do the job that he wants and expects to do, then for his own sake he must step down, as he doesn't need the stress of feeling like he is failing in what he is trying to achieve. These are interesting times, and will only get more so over the coming days and weeks, but as Dean said today, the best clubs and players go through some terrible adversity on their way to the top, but how they deal with it and what they learn from it help to make them stronger and more resilient when their career starts coming to a head.
  17. Thanks guys. Why couldn't they do it at 10, I've gotta start TAFE at 12 I'm expecting same bulltish too Choko, but hoping that the gravity of the situation might cause a bit of transparency and honesty to leak through.
  18. Does anyone out there know what time they are holding the presser this morning, and if so, where I can listen/watch it?? Hoping to hear more than just "The board decided that Deans position was untenable" etc. We need real explanations here, not just the usual sanitised media speak.
  19. I find it interesting that there is a lot of talk re CS. From everything I understand about the club he seems to be very good at his job, and really cares about the club. Perhaps he sticks his nose in areas it is not wanted, but surely the good outweighs the bad and he can just be instructed to pull his head in. Maybe this is me showing how little I know, but I've personally seen, nor been told of much that would lead me to any other conclusion.
  20. I agree Striker. For me he was done when he had a go at Bater after that messed up attempt at a mark last week. Really bad leadership that. Inexcusable in fact. Follow it up the next week having a go at a kid who is at least having a go, and I've had enough. I love ya Greeny, but not as Captain. Some blokes have it and you don't.
  21. Where did you hear that CS and CC have also been sacked? I have looked about, and come up with nothing. Very good and reasoned post WJ. Personally, I have no hard feelings for Dean, and feel sorry for him due to how humiliating this must all be, but at the end of the day it is the world in which he lives. By no means will I excuse the players though, and whoever is in charge as of now needs to read the riot act, and not mince words. Yesterday was the worst day of my football loving life, and a day which I would like to consign to the darkest recesses of my mind. However I feel that this episode is not done yet. I only hope that the people who have made all the right moves for the club recently, will now not falter in what is probably the most important period of our clubs modern history. I couldn't give a hoot if the coach they recruit is a topliner, a newbie or a seasoned assistant, but for christs sakes they better pick THE RIGHT BLOKE! I don't care if he is the nicest bloke in the world, he needs to have the balls to give a bake when a bake is required, but know how to make that bake motivational, not humiliating. It is no longer about MM, PR, RE, LM or AC. All that matters anymore is finding the right bloody person. Someone who fits our club. Someone who is willing to be ruthless in making our players play how they need to. Someone who will embrace our club and make sure that the kids who play for our beloved red and blue are jumping out of their skin to take the field and stand up. No more hangers on, no more excuses and nowhere to hide anymore! We will come through this, and I believe we will be stronger for the pain. Dean I wish you well, and thank you for your dedication. GO DEES!
  22. Lucky you, I bloody don't!
  23. Kento80


    That's not a real punishment. A real punishment would be being forced to watch it. God I'm mad at them.
  24. What "word" is that??? Please indulge us of your "impeccable source"?? He feels embarrassed? How does he bloody think that we feel. At least he hasn't loved the club all his life. At least the club pays him rather that he paying them like we do. FFS, I couldn't give a [censored] if he feels worse than anyone has felt "ever", because I won't buy it that he feels as bad about it as you or I. As for all of them being on notice, well pull the other one mate. I thought they were on notice after the WC game, or any other time they have put in a shizen effort. There is no more "on notice" or "lines in the sand", I just cant hear it anymore. No more words, because the only thing that has any chance of redeeming this rabble is actions, not words.
  25. I don't think the "good lord" comes into it at all QueenC, cause I reckon it is fair to say that he has forsaken the supporters of the MFC
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