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Little Richard

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Everything posted by Little Richard

  1. Good riddance mate, I sure will miss your arrogance and self righteousness. I feel like you might have been better suited to pre-revolutionary Russia, though they might have just shot you instead of kicking you off an Internet forum. Ciao
  2. Nothing like a bonding session over a few too many 'sherbets', 'frothies' or 'jars', whatever your choice of terminology..
  3. I'll be extremely pumped if it has a franchise option like Madden of Fifa.
  4. I wonder if any of this was Range Rovers doing?
  5. Wouldn't mind him staying on in some kind of Financial Advising capacity, if the financial success was actually his doing. Good to see a change in administration though.
  6. Sylvia should have been traded a long time ago when he had some currency. A parasite to the culture and used to have enough 'promise' to entice another club to spend something on him, no longer
  7. It's tough to deal with but personally I would much rather cop it than receive pity from other fans. Something about it just makes it feel more pathetic.
  8. But it could be a win - lose, cos we might lose...
  9. Being a Melbourne supporter is just a lose - lose scenario hey? No way out.
  10. Not by any means but one good game should not get you a promotion. Spencer should come back, due more to his strong form at the end of the year and other change will be made but promotion after one good game is not warranted imo. Wholesale changes might not be the answer.
  11. For me, Tapscott shouldn't come straight back in after one dominant performance in the twos after doing nothing in the firsts for two or three years. It's things like promoting a player on the back of one good game which breeds a bad culture of laziness and over confidence.
  12. Thought Matt Jones was solid as well. To give Neeld a bit of credit, the players that have been drafted under him haven't done anything to show that they are terrible yet and they all have a real crack. It's a start.
  13. Personally if I left the club in their darkest days and came back for the success I wouldn't be able to enjoy it having bailed on them when they needed me. But that's just me. Good luck
  14. A small consolation was that last night a Richmond supporting mate came along to the game with me. Four times late in the game and on the way home people made various references about how that wasn't as bad as Richmond used to be. My mate couldn't believe they were still copping it even though the game had nothing to do with Richmond. This put a little smile on my face. It didn't last long because I remembered that Richmond are now having some success but we can get there too, we just need the right combination of a whole lot of things and people. Hang in there guys. I know its a dream but when the next MFC captain stands up on the podium after we win the flag (whenever that might be), he'll say thanks to the fans who stuck in there through the biggest [censored] storm in the history of sport and hearing that will feel damn good.
  15. Neeld stated that he came off due to illness, not injury.
  16. As sad as it is, that is absolutely true.
  17. Super 8 was that rubbish film that came out a year or two ago about a bunch of kids and a monster.
  18. It took putting Clark in the center near the end to get a couple of clearances.
  19. A few minutes to go I went down to the race fully intending to give the boys a big spray as they came off. I've never done it before but I was so filled with rage and disappointment that I couldn't hold it in. But as they came off they looked so pathetic and helpless - I couldn't do it. The sight of people throwing scarves and jumpers at them killed me. I saw three individual fights between Essendon supporters who wouldn't stop giving it and Dees supporters who couldn't take anymore. I have never felt this bad or seen anything like it, but I won't give in ever because the club needs us more than ever.
  20. Really surprised me, looked pretty good and has that deadly disposal still. I think he's a bit leaner than the last couple of years too.
  21. The same street? That could be a bit weird. Win or lose, I'll be getting drunk.
  22. If you think boxing is the peerless in brutality, try watching mixed martial arts RR. A few of our fellas should be thrown in the ring with Hopkins, could teach them a thing or two about attitude and heart.
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