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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. 12 SAM DOCHERTY (Gippsland Power, 18, 185cm, 83kg) A half-back who seems made for the modern game with his ability to read the play well, get into good spots and make his disposals count. Smart, quick player who never seems to lose his head. Read more: http://www.theage.co...l#ixzz1xupqNEV7 Yet to play his first game for Brissie.
  2. Assuming that we shall take Viney where we are forced to, we need to make the cost to GC and GWS as high as possible. They are about to invest a large amount of cash, development, club pride and future hope their 1st pick and 2nd picks in the draft. We need to make it clear that they'll be tarnishing the brand of the kid they pick if they claim they would have taken JackViney before him. Neeld and Cam in the lead up to the F/S selection should publically say good the likely 1 and 2nd pick are and how insulting it would be to them if GC or GWS actually would prefer someone else. If they are going to burn us by saying they'll take Jack at 1 or 2 when they had no real intention to pick him (i.e. they don't believe him to be 1st or 2nd pick and/0r assume we will be forced to pick him with pick 3) then lets make them realise there is a cost. And the cost is the tarnished brand of their No 1 or No 2 pick...
  3. Not about calling their bluff. We have to make them publically say "Jack Viney is a better player than Lauchie Whitfield and we will use the first pick of the draft on him if Melbourne let us!" and then "Jack Viney is a better player than Brodie Grundy and we will use the second pick of the draft on him if Melbourne let us!" Love it.
  4. The thing is that who ever gets the 1st pick in the draft WON'T pick Viney as they'll pick Whitfield and no sully it with games on Viney. So it's really about the 2nd pick who (according to Knightmare) is likely to be Brodie Grundy (a monster ruck type...). The question is, would MFC take Brodie Grundy if we could. If the team with the Second pick reckons we need a ruck then they are less likely to fox for Jack Viney...
  5. It has been almost been 4 weeks now, Liam is listed as 2 - 4 weeks off in the injury list. Is there any word on his progress, on his court case and on his general state of mind?
  6. I like that we have the Bye this weekend so the coach and FD can watch the two tier 1 U18 games this weekend. No way Viney will slip to Round 2. that would result in the MFC picking up 3 top 5 players in this "super draft", the rest of the AFL would squeal like stuck pigs...
  7. I was contemplating earlier this week about Viney (3), Stringer (4), and either Vlastuin/Menzel (12). Not a fan of trading early picks for established players although if we can pickup another Clark win for pick 12...
  8. Always enjoy sitting near the Tigers cheer squad for their chants. Cracks me up some of their songs...
  9. Tom Scully's over paid, doo da do da His dad is fat and over paid oh do da day Tom Scully he can't play do da do da Tom Scully's gone away hip hip hurrah
  10. I think your are objecting to a practice (loose Journalism) that has always gone on. The difference is now we can track their "journalistic" sources via the internet, where previously they'd be getting quotes and ideas over a beer at their local. The internet and time pressure on journos to produce more with less time, make the shift in sources and journalistic practices inevitable. Not sure it equates to s decline (it may), but it is also more transparent...
  11. I think a journo using a club discussion board to get the pulse of what the collective of Melb obsessed fans think is wise and more likely to reflect some truth (if such a thing exists) than alot of the traditional alternative sources, even former players, etc ... There is alot of research that collaborative groups generate superior results to individuals in most circumstances.
  12. Did James play on the weekend? Keen to see him back and making his way back into the team.
  13. I think Cale and Jack are being developed as our rebounding/switch/ kick to boundary line contest/ kick long options and Cale muffed it. The sting of humiliation is a more powerful teacher than a private video correction exercise two days later... Cale will grow or wither, I hope the former.
  14. I was at the game and when Morton turned it over, approx 30,000 MFC fan collectively howled/cried/moaned. Cale knew he'd just humiliated himself. Being pulled and having the coach give him one is about Neeld clearly establishing standards and Cale dealing with failing to live up to these standards. Standards that every successful elite sporting team has. Babying him or having a go at MN for being too tough on him is OK for boys, but not for men, and certainly not for an experienced professional man as Cale is aspiring to be.
  15. I think the reality bus passed the point where we could consider this year anything but "less than a success" about 6 rounds ago.At this point we are looking for morsels and glimmers of hope for next season. Sorry to be a kill joy.
  16. Not being a Collingwood supporter is a fine form of descrimination (discernment).
  17. PaulRB

    It's Time!

    I reckon when we're winning and teams start to fear the Dees at the G again, the bugler will annoy the opposition fans and grate far less...
  18. Half the entertainment involved in following footy comes from aligning with and supporting one team (lets say they're Red and Blue) and mocking, deriding and laughing at the flaws of the other team (lets say they're Black and White). Gotta descriminate if you want to support, and so some forms of descrimination seem just fine, even essential... That said I'm not into segregation and being too precious about non-Demon fans sitting too close... and upsetting me with their wicked words..
  19. Next time we play the Bombers, sneak into their members area and go off! It is seriously funny. Winners are grinners, the Pie's time in the sun will end.
  20. Cale was not alone in costly turnovers, Jack Grimes had a patch too. I liked Cale's game up to the clanger. I think he is developing well under Neeld. However, he still has a way to travel to fulfil his potential.
  21. Love Cale, he's the barometer. If I'm yelling "Moiton" like one of the stooges in the last we are in for a good day.
  22. hmmmmm '87. A fine vintage, all upside and the monumental game at the Western Oval to top off the home and away. Crowd cheering every Hawks goal... And the iconic tragic irony a month later when the Hawks... Glory days Beat the Dons in Round 10 that year too.
  23. I'd prefer us to name our thirteenth Premiership cup after him.
  24. If we can get Cloak with cash. Attracting a 22-24 yr quality mid (Boak or ...) becomes easier because the MFC would have demonstrated (via a Cloke deal) that we are seriously striving to win flag asap, and we have good draft picks to use in any trade. In addition, it would also provide a reason for Jamar and Moloney to stick around because we'd have just brought the window forward a year or two.
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