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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. The revolution part 1 started with 186 and the sacking of Bailey. Many changes were made to the Footy Dept, who in turn realised that our on-field LG and game style needed a complete overhaul. Revolution part 2 is where we now sit, enduring a losing streak as we sit tight and see what the impact the FD's changes will have. To those moaning "0 - 11 sack the ..." the reality is we were only a reasonable chance of winning a couple of the 11 if we have played this season (Tigers, Lions and Saints/Dogs) as we played last year (as some would prefer). So the headline is more like "0 - 3 of the games we had a chance in.". Hardly worth the self flagellation some would like ... The on-field fortunes will change soon and the off field changes will mean we'll be able to maintain any onfield momentum and capitalise on success when it comes. Next year I'd hope to see Strauss free Grimes to move into the midfield, Gysberts there as well, along side Jack Viney. The team to have gotten over the hump of shifting gears up to elite level fitness and defensive/contested ball winning capacity. Then add a couple of killer trades or draft picks... Suddenly Cam will be seen as the Messiah...
  2. With a likely pick 4 (compo) available, if Boak comes home we are in a good position to offer Port the best deal or snaffle him if he rolls the dice on the draft... Boak and Cloke has a nice ring to it.
  3. Saw the pic in the Age today of Beamer handballing. But what made me smile was that the two players pressuring him were Viney and Gysberts. While this year is bleak, I am looking forward to those two and Strauss featuring next year.
  4. Seaman is sticking fat. "Staying true" and worse if read backwards.
  5. We'd be running short of players...
  6. Should have run left and use his left foot. Too much of a show pony. Not enough skill. Made me squirm
  7. I'd say an "aberration" rather than a "fluke". Like Woey winning the Brownlow in 2000...
  8. http://www.sen.com.au/audioplayer/Audio/Cameron-Mooney/4738
  9. Thats Optimistic. I'd have thought "ROCK BOTTOM" would have to include losing to GWS and GC...
  10. Maybe I am giving our boys too much credit. However, we are a better team playing badly as we absorb a new game style. We need to gain more positives from the next couple of weeks (quarters won, structures held for longer) and go into the bye building belief that the hard work is starting to pay off. Carlton was a step in the right direction (esp after Swans fiasco) They are a worse team. We play them after our bye (they'll have just played Tigers) and will be able to approach the second half season refreshed.
  11. We will belt the Bejesus out of them. Then go in for half time, come out ... ... and belt them again. Sheesh GW f..king S! OK re-read the topic. A why? We will belt them because we have been humiliated for 3 months, torn shreds off by the press, had our beloved President die and prior to that our NO# 1 draft pick sold us out to go to GWS. That be why. Footy is an emotional game and unlike most teams playing GWS, who are cruising through to get a easy win, we will be finally able to vent our spleen and impose ourselves on a team.
  12. No change except to replace injured players Davis for Frawley Petterd for Green Make Sylvia, Davey and Morton play for Casey until their form warrants their inclusion.
  13. Clubs sack coaches when things go wrong with the teams performance and the board lose faith in the incumbent to resolve the issues. A new coach is appointed amid much fanfare. The fans, desperate to move on from the previous years pain, buy into the new dream with gusto. The new coach gets a honeymoon, he rides the hope while saying "lot of work to be done", etc... we expect to rise. The coach knowing he's got a honeymoon with players and fans alike launches into the changes that he believes will bear fruit in his time. This is the cycle and half smart coach is aiming for, to peak when his contract is up for review. So Neeld, is laying the foundations for finals footy, he knows that in 2014, the last of his current contract he needs the team to be heading up the ladder and into September to be certain that his tenure at Melbourne will continue. So the plan is plain... Year 1 - Drive change hard and deep, teach and test all the players under the desired game plan. Move on those who won't help, recruit those who will. Recruit young Midfielders Year 2 - Maintain standards, teach, develop and stabilise the group in the desired structure, roles and plays. Target recruitment at immediate needs to fill unexpected gaps in list. Year 3 - Repeat year 2 with greater results. Target to peak toward the end of the season. Get contract extended by two years in July when Melb sit 11 - 3 in third spot on the ladder... Thoughts? (aside from the obvious wishful thinking)
  14. Hey Dee Man, I agree with what you're saying about taking the best of what Bailey taught the players. I thought there were several times we moved the ball fast and with purpose (Bailey), while also congesting, pressuring and limiting Carlton's ability to easily counter attack (Neeld) when we fumbled or Carlton won it off us. Several time the Blues had no idea how to easily move forward. Interesting that several players who featured in Baileys time and benefited from his approach (Davey, Sylvia, Green, Jurrah, Petterd) were all absent (albet Green and Jurrah injured). I reckon the balance between these to styles will settle and improve after the bye when we can develop it with less pressure against lesser teams than we have met so far this season. I also think Bailey deserves his due for his efforts in implementing his philosophies in an environment that in retrospect was harder than we realised at the time. I suspect that as his kids grew bigger their defensive pressure / contested ball winning capacity would have been focused upon...
  15. In years past the four outs would have been devastating to our chances, this year I have no idea. I'm finding it hard to generate any enthusiasm for our chances on Sunday. Which maybe a good sign. or not.
  16. Golly that's a tough question. Like this one... Lets suppose thes is one club, the MFC MFC - short term contract till November. Which would you take?
  17. Not only Craig, but our "recruitment manager" Todd Viney worked with Rendell for a couple of years too. Maybe he could "consult" to us for this year.
  18. Hate then all. But at the moment it has got to be Carlton, simply because if we knocked them off they would go into a frenzy of finger pointing and self loathing that may de-rail their coach...
  19. I never said they were wrong, or the criticisms were not justified, or that I hate the media, blah blah blah as you've extrapolated. And it's obvious to anyone who can read the AFL Ladder that the MFC is crap at the moment. My point is that, as a long term supporter with limited capacity to change the club myself, it hurts every time my teams failings and future are dissected and put in bold on the back pages of the various papers. Like a parent would whose son is making the news for all the wrong reasons it hurts, it's discouraging and depressing. And as a result I am sick of it...
  20. So over my team being belted in the media every day.
  21. A Carlton mate refers to this game as "the bye"... would so love to knock them off. Am going, but fully expecting to be belted. To state the obvious, we need to start strong. I thought against the Swans we were toe to toe for the first 10 min but could only score 2 points while they responded with 2 goals, and our confidence faded to zero. Blues have their own ghosts swirling around them this week and a loss to the Mighty Dees would whip their fans into a frenzy. Please Footy Gods let it click on Sunday.
  22. True on the record loss being in 1988. Was happy when Geelong demolished Port to set us in second place.
  23. I disagree. The current lack of senior leaders at Melbourne is a direct result of the Daniher years. Those players who were "raised" by Daniher who are still on our list appear to be at the core of our current problems. Getting us into a GF which we lost by a (then) record margin was "great", but does not hide the legacy that Daniher left behind for Bailey and Neeld to clean up.
  24. and the good news is we have hit rock bottom, and it's all up from here. Go Dees
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