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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. We simply imply to GWS that we'd be far more likely to trade pick 3 or 4 for the U17 if we didn't have to use it on Viney.
  2. Been a month at Casey, named emergency in a team decimated with injuries, gets few touches against a crap team with players struggling to stand... I simply had higher hopes for the boy this year. And so are disappointed...
  3. Colin sylvia - interupted pre-season, worked back into form, Kudos to Colin. Luke Tapscot - Interupted pre-season, worked back into team on form, Kudos to Luke. Jordan Gysberts - Interupted pre-season, yet to do so, No kudos for Jordan. Professional football.
  4. His pre-season sounded average, reports of him and Blease in the slowest distance run group?... He can be salvaged if he decides he wants it.
  5. He has the talent. Just needs to build the engine, and the drive to fulfil his potential.
  6. Be good for Gys to get a solid taste of top level footy so he knows what he has to do in the preseason to compete at this level. Sounds and seems under done. Back to Casey if a couple of others are fit.
  7. A "slump buster" A "c#ck ruster" A "dead rubber"
  8. Book myself into the MCC's new Crying Room for all of 2013, 2014, 2015...
  9. Couldn't complete the poll as structure forced me to a "logic point" that doesn't represent my view. I.e see above
  10. I have a problem with the poll as it is too black or white. Do you think 'tanking' involves - Sending players for early season ending surgeries? Yes or no Well it may or it may not. Clubs out of final contention send players for early surgery, but may not be looking to improve their draft picks... but some may send them off early because they are looking to improve their draft picks. As was said above, it depends on the motive, and without knowing the motive of those involved it's impossible to know the answer...
  11. Jurrah a chance for VFL next week Whooo Hooo
  12. So humorously predictable Old Dee. I love it. With the dream, with Ben's dream team and the footy gods appeased (see 2007 - 2012) we would be contenders for the top half of the ladder.
  13. To quote yogi bear (Berra)"It's déjà vu all over again". Bailey opened this can when he was sacked, and the AFL ... ...did nothing.
  14. The AFL are not naive and oblivious to teams with no chance of top 8 deciding to play kids and get established players in for early surgery. Been happening for a long time and will continue to happen. Looking at this behaviour from a certain point of view some would call it "tanking", others "list management", others "prudent preparation for the draft of next year... They don't like the stigma of the term "Tanking" or the ethos of teams playing for anything other than an immediate win. Brock will be told that his shouting of the dreaded "T" word on TV was not appreciated by the AFL. Brock is a [censored] for not realising this.
  15. The AFL are not naive and oblivious to teams with no chance of top 8 deciding to play kids and get established players in for early surgery. Been happening for a long time and will continue to happen. Looking at this behaviour from a certain point of view some would call it "tanking", others "list management", others "prudent preparation for the draft of next year... They don't like the stigma of the term "Tanking" or the ethos of teams playing for anything other than an immediate win. Brock will be told that his shouting of the dreaded "T" word on TV was not appreciated by the AFL. Brock is a [censored] for not realising this.
  16. I'm not sure what to call the stage I'm at, its that feeling after your go on a nauseating, spinning ride and just before you throw up, you think "why do I do this to myself?". Getting that feeling every week and want it to end.
  17. Surely the FD wouldn't be sacrificing his form this year to get him cherry ripe for next year!
  18. Culture, like character, is forged by adversity. MFC must stick with Liam through this, and will be a stronger and wiser club for it.
  19. Hey Ben Much as I would love to consult a footy forum for the latest on the science of climate change, i figure this might be a bit more useful... The CSIRO and Bureau of Meteorology State of the Climate 2012 reports that: Australian annual average daily mean temperatures have increased by 0.9 °C since 1910. Global average mean sea level for 2011 was 210 mm above the level in 1880. Sea surface temperatures have increased by about 0.8 °C since 1910. The main cause of the observed increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere is the combustion of fossil fuels since the industrial revolution. Australian average temperatures are projected to rise by 1.0 to 5.0 °C by 2070 when compared with the climate of recent decades. Apologies for derailing this tread. My last word too.
  20. On Jack, I have faith in the FD to sort out getting him second round or honestly assessing if we should take him at pick 3 should we have to. Too hard for me to assess him versus the other choices available at pick 3. Tough call for his dad to have to make/be involved in.
  21. Fundamental misunderstanding of both the science of climate change and economics as a driver of change in the economy, if you think the carbon tax is a "do nothing tax". I'd stick to footy if I were you.
  22. Cloke's performance will improve from here and almost lift the Pies to the flag. Then to the Dees... Cloke and Clark hmmm
  23. Problem is the challenge of finding/trading in mature men who are talented. Adding three more 22-24 yr old "honest toilers" from the VFL, SAFL, WAFL, etc won't win us a flag. That said, it may stop us winning another spoon, which would be a start.
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