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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. Caddy hits me as a young player who has done little more than others of his year, but generated enough headlines that he is known to all and thus assumed to be better than he is. Bit like our Tom.
  2. Classic. Very funny. Perhaps next year's slogan?
  3. With Neeld recruit of Clark last year he's demonstrated the ability to unearth and capture players that will excell in the environment he's building at Melbourne. Not convinced we need to go for proven older players with character etc (i.e. Chappy), but inevitably on the decline. I'd prefer them to identify and target 23 - 27 yr olds who are unappreciated at their club and will flourish at ours. More the Swans model, for that age group.
  4. He may be OOC but not a FA so he goes where GC trade him to.
  5. not active - http://www.afl.com.au/tabid/208/default.aspx?newsid=131093 Yet still tradable.
  6. I've heard that we did get Mark Neeld's astrological chart done, prior to appointing him. It revealed that 2014 looks very auspicious, hence the three year deal. And you say the MFC board didn't do their due diligence. Shame on you.
  7. To do the trade you gotta have the picks and the Cats (pick 15+) and Bombers (pick 30+) don't. So who are they sending to GC in exchange for Caddy?
  8. Geelong Vs Hawks prelim would be one to savour as well.
  9. I loved watching the game last night. Tough, creative and team oriented footy. Agree watching Melb has sucked this year, but to paraphrase the great and wise RR, "We'll be back".
  10. Top 5 from the year before (i.e top 5 in 2012)... Prefer to celebrate the present (as bleak as it is) than wallow in our mediocre past 45 years...
  11. phonetic or poetic. Gonna miss Liam.
  12. Are your sure it's not wiyarroffto-portadelaidee?
  13. Gumby and Hogan would be my preference. Mainly because I'd laugh at yelling "GUMBY!!!" and doing a Col Klink impression "Hogan!".
  14. 2000 Qualifying final Vs Carlton, come back from 30+ behind, Uze kicked it off the ground through the goal to put us in front. Ball sails through the goals and onto my chest, pure ecstasy!
  15. Make a great step ladder for Jumping Jeremy Howe! Actually wouldn't mind Morefrees
  16. My guess would be Shannon Byrnes as the small forward.
  17. Shannon Byrnes would be the "small forward" mentioned but unable to be announced?
  18. I saw him close dancing with demoniod a couple of nights ago. Foot looked fine.
  19. I doubt the doggies or Port would trade for the MD pick, they need kids now, not in a years time, they will take pick 4 as the alternative would be 6+ and maybe higher.
  20. Why wouldn't we offer pick 4 to the GWS for Hogan and keep pick 3 for Toumpas? Assuming JV goes second round. Scenario 4?; Pick 3 (Toumpas) Pick 4 (Hogan) Pick 12ish (Garlett) Pick 20ish (Viney)
  21. And all this in a year when our beloved President passed on, and our top goal kicker from the previous year, had "family issues" resulting him playing one game, and our B&F winner from the previous year had a season long tanty etc... Neeld has shown amazing focus and resilience.
  22. I think coaching us to pick 3 and 4 without generating the ire of the vultures in the meda, while also sorting the wheat from the chaff, and establishing a new higher performance standard, and bedding down the FD, while redirecting the players to a more contested defencive game plan... Ticks a number of coaching boxes for me...
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