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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. I reckon Craig told the boys how the Crows have been on their elite training path for a couple of years and that Melbourne is still way off the mark. Coaches would be focusing on prepping the team for another monster pre-season and driving the point home. Trenners was just repeating the party line... tedious and a bit offensive, but I'm glad he/they are focused on the work they need to do to close the gap.
  2. and a balloon you've blow up and on release, goes zipping around the room... Jeremy Howe.
  3. gliders need to be released at height. Jets require alot of fuel... Where do kites fit in? And hot air balloons? And Zeppelins !!! "The Russian" is a Zeppelin, and a mighty fine one too.
  4. "“In his time at the Club since 2008, Cameron has been at the forefront of a significant growth period, taking operating revenue from $26 million to $38 million. The Club has recorded three consecutive profits during this time, as well eradicating a debt of $5 million and establishing a net asset position of $6 million." 2008 the team finished last (16th) 2009 the team finished last (16th) 2010 the team finished 12th 2011 the team finished 13th 2012 the team finished 16th Imagine how much money he'd rake in if we could win games of footy..?
  5. Two wins in a row. Ten for season. Minimal injuries to critical players. Jamming it up the Dons (again). Hope.
  6. I think you can only push young players to either increase their stamina OR their strength. And the last pre-season focused on building the young players engines at the expense of their power/burst. I've noticed Tapscott's boom kick has dininished this year as he re-built his engine to run out games. Trengove probably on same program. Perhaps this pre-season will put some power back onto the endurance base they laid down last year...?
  7. Every player we draft is a gamble, Aussie has his pro's and con's like all. I'd risk a late pick (50+) if he demonstrated his hunger prior to draft (i.e. major fitness bootcamp)...
  8. Walker's mullet makes this scary big man seem even scarier... and he and Tippet were rotating to isolate and impose themselves. Tuning up for their tilt, little James could do given where we are at...
  9. Tough year to be a FB at Melb. Your co-leaders in back line injured or moved forward (Bartram, Garland, Rivers) and the team constantly losing. Looks low on confidence, understandably so given the year we've had. Reckon they are all looking forward to 8pm Sat 1st September. I know I am.
  10. Watching Watts Vs Walker in our back line was a tragic mismatch. Jack needs body strength, from that will come confidence to use his body. I wouldn't write him off yet.
  11. When they Isolated Watts on Walker up forward we in trouble. Even Frawley looked small next to Walker.
  12. Carlton losing to the Suns could throw a spanner in the works for him coming to Melb. I'm optimistic that his connection with Neeld and Leigh Brown could get him to us.
  13. Fitzy was great is yesterday's Casey game, the Pies got murdered by Eagles with Jolly out. One of our ruck options would be tradable.
  14. I really didn't need to see that.
  15. My mistake. He's a AAA "Almost All Australian"
  16. Aussie would need to demonstrate he's prepared to build a midfielders engine, able to run all day. Be interesting to know if he had a chat with Mark Neeld about what (if anything) he'd need to do to gain a spot back on Melbournes list. He is a pedigree talent with huge question marks about his hunger to do the hard work required to realise his talent. It would be a Cinderella story if he did come back!
  17. yes, like all of this off topic, point scoring crap...
  18. Liam will have to decide in lead up to the draft period if he is able to commit to a full pre-season. The time being "given" to Liam to spend time with his family, is for him to have the space with his family to decide this, and presumably deal with some of the non-legal issues that have made it hard for him to fully focus on footy at the moment. Many players have trained well and played with legal cases looming, it's the other stuff.
  19. Whats strange about balls on a dog? [censored] on a bull, yes.
  20. Is it compulsory for people to fill threads with irrelevant egotistical potshots that bore those that came to the thread hoping to discuss the thread topic? If so, your doing fine.
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