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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. More so if Cloke pulls the pies butts out of the fire on Saturday night. Go Trav, Go Weagles. Suck it up Eddie.
  2. That you even read this thread is a good sign that even the most jaded of fans are being drawn to the optimistic dreaming of future success. If you can be reformed OD there is hope yet for the MFC. Nice work.
  3. Collingwood Collingwood Collingwood
  4. I used to tant them by repeating the immortal lines spoken by the Pipe in HR Puffinstuff "Save me jimmy!" Unfortunately, he often did.
  5. My two bros barrack for the Don's, so I'm blinded by my hatred for them.
  6. I too was confused if it was Dean Bailey we were fked. But Damien Barret... yawn.
  7. Don has done well given the circumstances of his assent to the presidency. We've overhauled the footy Dept, bringing in talented and experienced heads in Neeld, Misson and Craig. These men have acted ruthlessly to cut former captain Green, move on former B&F Moloney and put faith in the young onfield leaders rather then inferior but older ones. The wheel is turning and team ruthlessness and hardness come from the decisions the new FD are making. We're on the ride for the foreseeable so why is everyone fascinated with the 324th episode of the "Grass is always greener" coaching/president/GM/etc... debate?
  8. Aaron is a proud one club player who needs to get over his injuries so he can have a clean injury free run at re-establishing himself in the MFC team.
  9. Davey going nowhere Bring it on Aaron! Rock and roll in 2013.
  10. I agree WYL. And I believe Neeld has positioned us to be in the best position possible for the upcoming draft and FA period. We have identified the stayers and those that need to go, we have a heap of good draft picks and a bucketload of cash to spend. Come November we should know if 2013 is the start of the rise or just another "development" year. I strongly believe it will be the former.
  11. A new coach is judged on anticipated success, an experienced coach is judged on their record. If we'd recruited Lyon or Malthouse instead of Neeld, would they have been prepared to sacrifice their record/ego etc for the longer term gain of the MFC in the way Neeld has (i.e. strip the game plan, culture, etc... bare and start again)? Experienced coaches are canny enough and, if successful, able to jump into teams that have already been renovated and just require a "coat of paint" to play finals (i.e. Freo and Blues). So it's no surprise that we didn't get Lyon and Malthouse, and the fact they avoided us implys they are not prepared to carry out the full renovation that the MFC required. That is, they are not the right coaches for the MFC at this stage. I'm happy with Mark and don't rue not getting Mick, Ross, Paul, Lethal, etc... as while all of those have taken a team from the bottom of the ladder to the top (or near), they don't appear to want to do it again, prefering to get on a team halfway up the climb. And that indicates a hubris and lack of hunger that we already have plenty of at Melbourne.
  12. Gysberts through lack of pre-season fitness and then injury has fallen a year behind his peers at the MFC and exposed himself to Neeld's Knife. As a result he is under scrutiny. Hard thing to judge from afar is to what extent has he bought into and been prepared to do everything the FD ask of him. And more. If not he's on thin ice.
  13. So you're taking on the role of Jaded's daddy Belzebub? So sweet ;-)
  14. I think Jaded can say what she wants, despite the fact others may disagree. You've told her it's ok to express you venom toward Carlton, but you are not allowed to express your venom towards Melbourne. Who appointed you "controller of the venom"? The state of Melb these past couple of years is more worthy of a Melbourne supporters Venom than anything the Blues have done recently. And if Jaded want to have a swing at the MFC good luck to her. The club [censored] deserves it on recent performnces.
  15. It has been a long time since a "hatchet job" coach has come into a club and had instant success. Recent premiership coaches were at their clubs for 5+ years prior to success with the only exception be Scott last year, and Scott wasn't a hatchet job (i.e. Thompson Walked). So when was the last time sacking a coach mid contract paid off with a premiership soon after?
  16. Makes me want Trav to come to Melb more than ever, so we can screw both Pies and Blues simultaneously... Oh to dream that lill Old Melbourne could snare the big Trav...
  17. I'd pass on Caddy for the sole reason that he wanted to go ONLY to the Dons last year and made too big a fuss about it all for a player with few credits in the AFL player bank... Over valued and we'd be likely to pay too much if we tried to out muscle other clubs ... for a so-so midfielder whose value has diminished since he was drafted, i.e Drafted at pick 7 & now struggling to justify pick 13.
  18. An alternative slogan for the Jaded Demon in us all. [media=]http://youtu.be/CxVKtNkQAtw
  19. Hold on. Gold Coast get Tippet for pick 13 and a second rounder, and we get Caddy for pick 13 (and some change). I'd prefer GC's deal for Tippet.
  20. To use a PK line, Caddy is "all tip and no iceberg".
  21. I like Mick, but I reckon it's one bridge too far.
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