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Everything posted by PaulRB

  1. It mean's someone has just said something ugly and a bit disgusting (like "WHITE MELBOURNE POLICY"), and in the awkward silence that follows, a tool like me says "Oh Dear".
  2. Don't we all. Yet to thank my old man for the "inheritance"...
  3. Now there is someone deserving of a nut punch and bone pointing.Wasn't upset he left. Much.
  4. Especially your kids. Misery loves company. And you never know, they may thank you for it one day.
  5. Who'd I miss?Got distracted by the "nut punching" and "bone pointing"...
  6. Ahhh my first MFC punch in the balls, I remember it well. 1987 at Waverley Park. Still makes me quiver.
  7. Three players have walked out on the club in last couple of years: Wonna, Lawrence and now Liam.
  8. Reckon his manager may have failed to mention that LJ would play in Adelaide in 2014 not 2013...
  9. Mixed messages... The Age that he's keen on a Adelaide club. Port say they'd have a look. The MFC say he's hanging with his family till March court case, which implies he's not playing in 2013...
  10. For a MFC fan it's surprising that you put so little faith and have so little respect for the fact Mark Neeld won a competitive job interview to have the privilege of coaching the MFC. The fact he got the job, means he is to be respected. As in, the MFC gave him respect and acknowledged his credentials and worthiness of respect, by appointing him to be the coach. No riddles or rhymes, he joins a respected list of other coaches of the MFC. Like i said, clueless.
  11. The coach decides. The coach is sacked if he makes the wrong decision.
  12. You probably ment to say "...Coached an "A" Grade midfield to win an AFL premiership". Worked for 20 odd years (after he finished playing) to accumulate the skills and credentials to be appointed the coach of the MFC... So clueless! Picket
  13. In retrospect, perhaps this is why Collingwood passed on Liam in the first place.
  14. To me it says Neeld inherited a culture where certain players were given a lot of latitude without necessarily having earned it.I'm happy Neeld expects AFL players to be professional, driven and hungry to play. I'm happy that Neeld expects player to take the field when their recovery is complete... Aren't you?
  15. Are Collingwood moving to Adelaide? I hope so.
  16. I remember an interview Neeld gave earlier in the year, and he was saying how Liam had just told him he wasn't ready to play yet (despite being given the all clear). Neeld related this "news" with raised eyebrows as if to say it was not the way he'd expect a professional player to act.
  17. Those that are leaving or rumoured to be leaving are unable to buy in (Moloney, Jurrah) , or lift their game (Gysberts, Strauss) or prepared to wait (Rivers, Green)... Harsh to say this but if these boy are unable to lift to what Neeld and co require, we should trade, delisted etc... every one of them. Bring in players who are sold on the vision, solid and hungry (like Mitch Clark, Sellar, etc...) from day One.
  18. We just need Adelaide to indicate that they too may be interested... ;-)
  19. I'd be surprised if the MFC were not well aware of and on top of Liam's Adelaide needs/move. Although some kind of statement would be reassuring.
  20. Love that the Port press release on Liam has a video of his 2010 mark of the year (over Port players)... Quite bizarre. Port - Statement re: Liam Jurrah
  21. Wasn't the club burning the bridges.
  22. Melb will be very muted with it's statement, don't want to further reduce his trade value. Yet don't want to make out there was an issue with the club...
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