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Winners at last

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Everything posted by Winners at last

  1. Auskick rules apply. #4 ... free kick to you ... you haven't had a kick so far !!
  2. I'm not sure why, but I find Zeibell really annoying. Hated the way Larkey did a Duckwood to get a free/goal. Pretty low key/lack lustre match so far other than 3 x goals in 3 minutes
  3. The Bulldog player didn't protest/complain when BBB took the mark. Usually a good indication that it wasn't a free. cf. JJ mark. Both Bowey and Gawn complained to the umpire.
  4. The situation with TMac and ANB was different. They were 'shopped around' but no other Club was interested in them.
  5. I think there were quite a few of us who thought that! Hmm, my memory isn't great, so I'm not sure whether I actually posted that!
  6. It's a bit of a cliche, but Smith doesn't appear to have "footy smarts".
  7. As my good mate, Omar Khayyám used to say ... “The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it.”
  8. No surprises there. I predicted a 2 year extension some time ago.
  9. I always thought that the club felt it had to pander to him. I don't share the love others have for him. I do however wish him no harm ...
  10. I live in Northcote too. Nice day for it !! Have one (or several) for me.
  11. So much discussion about Hunt, Smith, Weid, Tomlinson, Dunstan et al and whom they would/could replace. It's unrealistic to think that the Club could have another dream run with injuries and, of course, covid in 2022, so these players will get their chances this season.
  12. Agree. He is targeted* more than any other Demons' player. *assaulted
  13. #Fun fact. I'm not sure that it's directly on topic, but I just saw that the name of the Queensland Education Minister is Grace Grace. I'm currently in that state. I think the humidity is getting to me.
  14. I got a framed WegArt poster. It's great. I also bought a few Knight posters. Not so keen on them. Won't bother getting one framed.
  15. He used to drive me crazy when he grabbed the ball, took on the tackler* and got caught. He took that out of his repertoire in 2021 and, as they say in the classics, the rest is history !! *invariably to get on his left side
  16. As Graeme Kennedy used to say to Rosie Sturgess in "The Wilsons" sketch on In Melbourne Tonight "it's a joke Joyce" !!
  17. I'm predicting he'll sign a 2 year extension. Same as Clarry. They, or their managers, like to keep their options open. Having said that, hopefully the flag (or hopefully) 2 ... or more would make a difference. Like Jee-long and Richmond players who signed on for 'unders'.
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