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Winners at last

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Everything posted by Winners at last

  1. No doubt a ripping bloke with great attitude. But I agree with you AD.
  2. They have different names and titles. Other than that, no.
  3. Bit early to call that? Johnny Northey anyone???
  4. Most amusing post I've read for a while. Good work. On a totally unrelated topic, that film Red Dog was on TV tonight. Worst film I've seen since Herbie Rides Again.
  5. No thanks. Did anyone see the Youtube clip of his "altercation" outside a hotel some years ago? I've tried to find it recently without success.
  6. I've hated them both (Wallis & Long) since then.
  7. There seems to a misconception amongst a few that the Club let Scott Thompson go. Or didn't try to keep him. MFC certainly tried to keep him, but he was adamant that he was going home. As if he wasn't going to be a star!! But had he stayed at MFC he wouldn't have had the same development opportunities.
  8. Not much of a player but probably a good bloke. Thanks for everything Rohan. Don't slam the door on the way out.
  9. I totally agree OD. It was even worse when people would point to Hawthorn as an example. Look where they were 7 -8 years ago!! In response I say, where are the potential Franklin, Hodge, Rioli, Mitchell, Roughead, Lewis (well, maybe Jones?) et al on the Melbourne list?
  10. Spot on guys. Turnovers are murder. I don't know what the stats are, but I'd be surprised if Melbourne didn't lead the competition from goals conceded from turnovers. I do agree that, at times, the player with the ball turns it over because he has no-one to kick/handball to, so has to kick/handball to someone under pressure. Of course, poor disposal - slow/looping kicks/handballs/missing targets - doesn't help. Particularly when moving forward. Freo reminded me a bit of the Demons in this regard. The forward structure was non existent at times. A Freo player would get the ball, look forward and see no-one there. Or a player outnumbered. Lake had an absolute picnic. I was at the GF yesterday. It was a very poor game/spectacle. I hate the way Freo play. FWIW I don't agree that Morton's disposal was good, or even OK. Please excuse my assorted ramblings.
  11. I'm fearful of Mitch's ability to get back on the ground. I'm far from convinced that he'll play too many more games. I sincerely hope I'm wrong.
  12. A real success story. I thought his foot injury would end his career (like Mitch Clarke). Thankfully I was wrong.
  13. I always find it amusing when posters suggest trading players like Strauss. He has no currency.
  14. He was the most exciting player I've seen at MFC in years. But he's done. Hopefully he makes something of his life.
  15. I met him years ago when our sons played in the same junior football team. A top bloke and a thorough gentleman. Hope he recovers.
  16. They spent the season playing like them though.
  17. Even MFC wouldn't be so stupid to take him back. No AFL club would.
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