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Good Times Grimes

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Everything posted by Good Times Grimes

  1. The Cubs really need a win today to get back in the series. They're back in Chicago for the next three, so hopefully they can string a couple of wins together and make it interesting. The Jays had a good win last night, absolutely clobbering Cueto, who proved that he can't handle the crowd getting into him. I was thrilled to see that he was pitching in the first game in Toronto, as he's struggled on the road in the playoffs previously: He got pulled from the game last night in the 3rd inning after giving up 8 runs on 4 walks and 6 hits. The all important game 4 starts in a couple of hours. Jays win and the series is tied, KC wins and they have 3 chances to clinch a World Series berth.
  2. Everybody always forgets how good Trengove was in his first few years. As much as I love Brayshaw and think he'll be a great player for us, Trengove's first season was better than Angus's. He played in a much worse team, found a lot more of the footy, and really looked like he had all the makings of a future superstar. I really hope that he can get back on the park in 2015 and prove all his doubters wrong, because he definitely has the ability. It is sad, but this again brings up the whole Nature vs. Nurture debate. It seems the general consensus that we stuffed up both our drafting and development, and you have to wonder how our failed picks would have gone at a club like Geelong, Sydney or Hawthorn.
  3. The other difference is that the Pies wanted to hang on to Beams, whereas I suspect we were keen to get rid of Howe.
  4. I absolutely agree. Sports can be very emotional, and I think celebrations like Bautista's make them even more exciting to watch. When the players get excited, the fans do too. Anyway, KC won game 2 to take a commanding lead yesterday. Poor David Price pitched a gem, but some painful defensive errors in the 7th inning cost the Jays the game. Very important stretch of home games coming up, starting tomorrow. Mets go up 1-0 in New York, with game 2 happening later this evening. Hope the Cubbies can get on the board and head home with the series on even terms.
  5. I'm sure we could trade out Hogan, Salem and Brayshaw to liven things up, if you like.
  6. I don't think the plane ticket is the issue...
  7. That would make him the only player under the age of 30 down at Arden Street, no?
  8. Me three. I believe that Mahoney said the ball is in Jimmy's court. If he says he wants to stay, we're happy to keep him. If he wants to leave, we'll facilitate a trade.
  9. How about we let him play a game before making him the new whipping boy?
  10. This time next year, I think that they'll be complaining about us offloading a player to them, knowing full well that he's mediocre at best.
  11. He's definitely capable of doing it IF his brain doesn't get in the way.
  12. How long can you keep an under-performing player on your list? You have to draw the line somewhere, and I think Fitzpatrick's six seasons provided him with more than enough time to earn a place, which he failed to do. Next.
  13. And it's ridiculous. Clubs should be allowed to trade players without their permission. It's unfair that players that have given very little to a club hold all the chips.
  14. Has he said anywhere that he doesn't want to go to GC? Sure, Collingwood may be his preferred club, but is he prepared to go to the GC if a deal can't be brokered with the Magpies?
  15. I don't mind the idea of Bugg, but struggle to see the purpose of Kennedy. I'll back the decisions that Roos & Co make, but at this stage I'm not too sure what part of the recruiting blueprint Jesse Hogan is so impressed by.
  16. Good luck to him, I hope he succeeds. He was never going to be more than a fringe player for us.
  17. What a game! That goes very close to being the best sporting event I've witnessed. Very disappointed by the way some fans carried on, and some have been arrested and charged for throwing things. Here are the two defining moments from the game. Texas' go-ahead run: I have no issue with the rule and agree that Odor should have been able to score, however I believe that once the umpire calls the play dead it shouldn't count. Granted, he made a mistake, but you can't continue playing once a ball is dead. What sort of precedent does that set? Should players continue playing every time the umpire calls the play dead just in case he's made a mistake? Bautista's home-run and bat flip (which has caused a lot of controversy in itself):
  18. It seems like he's based his judgements purely off players reputations in the media. Doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.
  19. It's what us Demons supporters usually look forward to from round one at half time onwards. This year the anticipation began after round two, so it should reach fever pitch early next week.
  20. Sounds like just the player we need to complete our list. We should take him.
  21. Absolutely, but you can't use this argument until it happens.
  22. Happy to see the Cubs advance...their fans have suffered as badly as we have.
  23. Like I said, I'm probably a bit biased having followed teams that trading future picks has worked terribly for. We'll see how the Cats go.
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