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Everything posted by binman

  1. Which aligns with goody's comments more or less. The ones the hun bizarrely made into a headline saying more bad news for Harley.
  2. I was the opposite end of the ground. The ball was nowhere them. A masterstroke by barrassi. Smith was towelling Matthews up. Lost all respect for Matthews that day. Thug.
  3. I hope they have their very best side in. And realise half way through the first quarter they made an error rushing players back as some key players struggle, others get hamstring tightness and have to sit out and still others both. We win easily and the only annoying thing is having to listen to the commentators talk about how unprepared the eagles were not how fit and fierce we were. Oh and the umpires are woeful so that is annoying, albeit expected. But given they are down to 15 fit men we are not too worried.
  4. I'm looking forward to frost ball bingo
  5. In the Twitter video on the harley thread of him joining in a kicking drill after kicking a beatiful drop punt he runs to the drills starting point where maxy makes a point of going to him and giving a high five. Love it.
  6. Chromecast works for Kayo. Use it all the time
  7. If viney and VDB gets going it will be a
  8. I boycotted the Napier many years ago. Lived in the area and it was one of my (nany) haunts. At one point they banned footy jumpers. Around that time a group of mates and I rocked up after a final win (night game) and we were pretty boisterous, but no problems. We were in the back bar playing pool, singing the dees song and generally having a whale of a time. A bar staff came and warned us patrons in the front bar were complaining about the noise and told us to be quiet or leave. We left. Imagine that a front bar in old worrying about good natured post footy hub bub. Have not been back since. I was a regular at the rose when Dave owned it. Huge tigets fan. There were regular lock ins. Matty Richardson worked tbere for a while as a young fella. Nice bloke. Rubbish barman.
  9. I rarely listen to podcasts but listened to one those (i think) on the recommendation of poster on DL. Maybe it was you doc. It was really interesting.
  10. Not quite sure what your point(s) are DS. Mine is that people watch this sort of content. I just did. A few times. And the other clips that fell has put out (i'm not sure who he is by the way) The club should be firing off exactly this sort of video content as a cheap, easy way to engage fans. It's a no brainer. On sponsors the players are wearing new balance gear and their training jumpers have the sponsors logos on them. Sponsor would be more than happy with the exposure. That's what they pay for.
  11. A couw of thoughts from those clips. Firstly combined in less than 8 hours they have had over 1000 views. Given they are in no way notable, it shows the demand for video content. And quality is not a worry. Secondly the jackson v may clip shows msgs strength but also highlights how quick jackson is to recover. He will be tough match up up forward. If you don't out mark him and the ball hits the ground he is likely to get to it first.
  12. I listened to that track, all 22 mins of it , a couple of days ago. Good cooking song.
  13. I think he was referring to the legends of German music, Kraftwerk
  14. Agree with this. Also i reckon this is the first uninterrupted preseason he has had. So he'll be fully fit and raring to go.
  15. Hard to argue with that. At point he was a best 22 lock. That is no longer the case.
  16. Yes Salem too. Complete forgot him. Jeez it is going to be hard to crack a position in the back six.
  17. Harmes back there (wirh jetts hibberd jones, Lockhart all in the mix for sonar roles )makes it nigh on impossible for hunt to play in the backline.
  18. A great spot for him. Good in the air so can impact aerial contests. Prepared to play roles assigned to him. His best footy has been as a shut down tagger so defensively minded and can be sit on a dangerous medium forward if required. Excellent tackle and a generally accurate long kick. Good move.
  19. Agree. Just woke up one morning and thought 'heck why don't I play harmsey at hb?' Sheesh.
  20. Agree. I think the ability to do so is one reason experience (age and games played) is such an important factor.
  21. Also shows how important a really good pre Xmas training block is. That base means a small, albeit frustrating interruption, doesn't become something bigger.
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