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Everything posted by binman

  1. You did what? As a dare? As a challenge on i'm a celebrity get me out of here? Because you are into S&M? kudos I think
  2. I thought that was a really weird choice of words too jay. Is it meant to be a quote or is an interpretation ie they said they were angry but were chuckling at the time. I mean mildly andgray? Wouldn't they be livid?
  3. Agree. I find it interesting the range of stuff they do in the gym.
  4. It makes me wonder if a Mfc media person reads Demonland and is trolling in response to the critique about needing more inner sanctum and behind the scenes content. Funny.
  5. I don't mind the threads that start with a link to a dees media story as a rule. But I reckon we should ban using anything Cornes says as a topic starter.. I don't mind string opinions but his MO is so transparently click bait rubbish that we do footy journalism a disservice even reading him.
  6. Agree there is more than enough rubbish, stock standard media BB. Media filtered through old media platform like like TV and radio. But young people simply do not use those platforms or engage with talking head scripted player and coach interviews. If we want to be build our support base and remain relevant as football club we need to engage with young people - not you and i. Simple as that. We're dead in the water if we don't. And young people want interesting, engaging content. There is a reason Morgon Stanley has valued youtube at $160 billion. It has the content young people and kids demand. Its not about not being enough media. It's about there not being enough right type of media.
  7. No its not. But i agree with Bob. The sort of scripted interview that is the standard AFL fare is dead boring. If for no other reason than the answers are cliche ridden and are designed to avoid providing any real insight. And whilst most demonlanders might watch post match pressers and 5 minute media interviews with players most young people won't. They want something more interesting. And different. It surely is not hard. Look at the fly on the wall stuff from the draft night. Dead easy, cheap and interesting. My 17 year old son (who will watch lo fi grainy clips of high school basketball from the states and videos of a TV showing video) who is basically lost to footy because he has lost interest, even watched and enjoyed those two videos. The key focus of an AFL clubs media strategy is surely fan engagement. And so their content should be engaging.
  8. Quite a long response by me to a joke then!
  9. The kids don't care about spelling either. Just getting with the times (ps bloody smart phones and rushing)
  10. Not sure what your point is LN. For one thing there is not an amorphous dees fan that holds multiple, contradictory views. The dichotomy you express is likely held by two distinct fans, not one. As an example i don't hold to the view they should stop talking, And have long been of the view that they don't talk enough in terms providing interesting, engaging content to supporters. But in any case the the content i'm suggesting there be more of is the opposite to the bog standard, cliche ridden interview that is the norm in the AFL. That sort of meaningless, script based talking i could do with less off, albeit acknowledging it has its place and is what the media demands. Here is an example of what i mean about cheap, easy to produce content that brings fans closer to their team and builds engagement: Brett Brown talking to his team after their first playoff win last season (the 76ers post this sort of stuff regularly to their twitter feed and club website) https://www.nbcsports.com/philadelphia/video/brett-brown-ring-bell
  11. The thing that is frustrating is that there is no need for all of the video content to be of a professional production standard. And whilst tbe the standard player interview had its place they are usually pretty boring and dont give much insight about the player himself (boys are up and about, tge new giuys ate settling in but can't cook, a hood chance to bond yada yada yada) Post somw smart phone clips giving an insight into who tbe players are and some inner sanctum behind tbe scenes stuff . Quality doesnt matter. Kids wstch hundrrds iof ow quality clips on their various platforms. Rhey could care less about quality. Easy, cheap and fans, particularly ypung people love it. Nba clubs do it all the time. No excuse for us not to be doing so also.
  12. Yes, you might be right that with the second paragraph. But I think he has significant scope for improvement where's frost doesn't. As I noted I just reckon he has something. Also as an elite basketball his decision making should be pretty good. If we have fit, good list to choose 22 from each week and Smith is in that 22 it will be an indication he is up to it not a sign we are in trouble. Time will tell.
  13. Channelling joeboy: Not good enough.
  14. You make some good points. I was one who thought his best position was forward and I was sure he would be played forward. That does not appear to be the case. Agree that it is hard to see where he fits in down back. I can also understand why you dont rate him that highly. All that said I really reckon he has something. And i expect him to play most games.
  15. Luxury, sheer luxury. Try getting in a tram down near the tennis center back into into town! Or walking back to the botantical gardens side of the river now that the flipping foot bridge is closed (until 2023 or some such)!
  16. Yes, that is what doc demons indicated.
  17. Spot on. And let's say there are 'other issues' at play. So what? Mental health and 'other issues' go hand in hand. It is well established that a very high proportion of people experiencing mental health issues also experience substance abuse issues (often alcohol but others too). To be clear i'm not suggesting Jessie is experiencing those issues, simply naming the innuendo. But it certainly wouldn't shock me if he was struggling with such issues. In many ways it would be logical as drugs and alcohol are used by many people to mask, deal with emotional and physical pain and to self medicate. Indeed this can often be a symptom and warning of an underlying mental health issue. Jessie being seen out 'partying' does not reduce the likelihood mental health is the reason he is stepping away from football (as has been insinuated by some eg he is using mental health as a convenient 'cover'). The opposite is true. And it shouldn't impact at all on the sympathy one might feel for him. Again the opposite is true. Being out partying is not a solution for his mental health issues and will likely negatively impact on any treatment. Making it harder for the young fella to get well. Which you'd hope everyone hopes he does.
  18. Harley Benell aka the phoenix: triumph over injury
  19. Has a MFC player ever had to answer more questions from someone who evidently know nothing about the AFL? Kudos to hibbo for keeping a straight face
  20. Has a MFC player ever had to answer more questions from someone who evidently know nothing about the AFL? https://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/559178/-unbelievable-camp-to-set-dees-up-hibberd Kudos to hibbo for keeping a straight face
  21. Different players of course. And different stages of their respective careers. But Langdon's recruitment reminds me of bringing in Steven icke. Icke filled a need and was a super consistent and reliable player for us. Bit undeunderrated too.
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