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Everything posted by binman

  1. You do understand these are not vaccines. They are treatments.
  2. Musicians, roadies, tour managers, booking agents, venues etc will decimated by all of this
  3. Not six months. Agree that would not work> Six weeks is what DJ proposed. You could stretch it to say 8 weeks at a pinch. Not ideal but with zoom and facetime etc etc families could cope with that i reckon. Particularly if the alternative is very little income. Plenty of jobs have such requirements (eg touring musicians, actors, mining etc).F Families could perhaps even come and stay for the period - or part of it? No one comes in without a clear test. Like a gated small city In six weeks you could probably have each team play 8 games, in 8 weeks maybe ten. ll your TV infrastructure is kept set up and ready to roll. Commentators and crew come in for 2 weeks blocks. Film the whole thing (eg training etc etc) and provide it on pay per view. Little flight costs. All games played in perfect conditions. Systems all controlled. It could work
  4. That is not such crazy idea actually. Play one game a day on the beautiful surface of Traeger park. And train and live in a sealed (or as close to it as possible) environment. If not an army base take over a hotel (who will be desperate for business). before going in all staff, players etc tested and anyone positive can't come. Players bused to the ground and back. No families or partners Could probably have two such facilities, perhaps one n country Victoria or South Australia Games go on. TV rights are paid. Players get paid (which they won't if there are no games). Money into Alice Springs (or wherever)
  5. Its good to also reflect that there are people like your good self who are more empathetic. It may not seem like it but you'e in the majority. On a related note if age is risk factor 75% of regular demonland posters are in trouble!
  6. Some salient and accurate points here TGR (i'm not being facetious by the way). Perhaps you should focus your posts on social commentary rather than footy (i'm being a bit facetious here) .
  7. You operate a different plane MFM. On a related note did you take much acid in your younger days?
  8. Cunningham has been woeful. So many perfect one on one chances. And Newman should have given the ball off or kept running. Two goal turnaround
  9. Spot on. One of the most overrated players in the league. His kicking and decision making is rubbish.
  10. On the above collectively we were never fit enough last season to do the work required at the end of quarters and games to make opposition teams have to chip it around to get out of our front half. Which is one reason why teams moved it forward so easily and it appeared we were one man down.
  11. Perhaps. But I think the message is more do with the fact that the big gap in disposals was an indicator of how well they constructed and held the shape of their defensive zone in our front half. The roos struggled to clear the ball from our front half and were forced to chip it back and forth until giving that up and kicking long to a contest. Interestingly tmac in commentary noted a big emphasis had been placed this preseason on ensuring there was maximum pressure on the outlet kick. And after a number of short kicks ended in a long attempted clearing kick, praised Gus for working really hard to get to the contest and force the ball to ground.
  12. Agree. Then how does the AFL not challenge Christian's ridiculous decision to only fine couch for his hit on Oliver. Chose to bump Oliver to stop his run at the ball. Hit him flush on the chin. Olicer didn't even have the ball. Two weeks minimum. The AFL should have appealed and take it to the tribunal as is their right. Make the message that the head sacrosanct crystal clear. And if necessary change the rules making suspension mandatory where a player has anorher option and elects to bump and hits rhe opposition plsyer in the head. And sack Christian. The melksham incident is different though. It was a complete accident, with neither player being reckless or negligent. I have to look at it again but I can't recall him running over the b a 'll as suggested by rjay. If he did (And i assume rjay has watched it a few times) then perhaps a fine is warranted. But eirher way a fine in this incident just shows how ridiculous the crouch penalty was.
  13. I had thought jackson was a real chance of playing round 1. But agree with chook that he needs some time at Casey and I think that will happen. Kozzie on the other hand.......
  14. Agree. Helicopters. Looks fitter but lost some penetration on his kicks.
  15. ANB not bad either dazzler. Covers some ground......
  16. Our kicking is poor. As usual. Lucky omac can hit a target.
  17. See this is what i don't get. Of all our defenders only jetts come close in terms of hitting targets, and jetts can only do so up to 40 metres. I understand the knocks on his game, in particular that he can be a bit reactive and is slow off the mark. But it is just not true that he semi regularly makes uncontested skill errors. I find it strange that a dees fan could watch us play regularly and thinks he does. Hore, lever and hibbo do but omac doesn't. And frost most certainly made any number of skill errors, uncontested and contested. Which is why we low balled him. The fact that omac hits targets and makes few skill errors is a key reason that, much to the chagrin of many it seems, he is in the side.
  18. Maybe dazzler. But I don't think you can underestimate the importance of a player playing the role assigned by goody. And i reckon ANB does, most particularly in the distance he covers. I understand the knock on his game but my gut tells me plays round one.
  19. We got one win away from a GF appearance with him in the team
  20. Like tmac said in the commentary box his role is to be the last line of defence. Move across and back as required to force the opposition to consider the kick inside 50. Said rhe work he does is hard to see. As you say he will also take the opposition big in a man on man, almost traditional full back role allowing may and lever to intercept and be attacking defenders. A very specific role that means he will not get many disposals or kudos for that matter. Lots of one percenters and not much razzle dazzle. Key is he plays the role coach asks him to the letter. I sudpect unlike frost.
  21. His comments bout his brother were also interesting i thought, which in summary were: Has bulked up, putting on 4-5 kgs of muscle Much stronger through the hips and core Has had a great preseason His (important) role is playing the deep last line If you are watching on TV or if live not watching him closely, easy to miss his positioning not grasp his role Would like to see him be more offensively minded
  22. Last year, sure. I'm not sure about that this year.
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