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Everything posted by binman

  1. Loving watching an elimination final and nor caring in the least about the result in terms of its impact on our premiership chances
  2. I don't have the numbers, but I suspect the overwhelming majority of goals kicked against us have been my mid sized forwards. Definitely our weakest area defensively. That said it is skewed a bit because opposition big forwards don't mark it inside 50, and the ball almost always come to ground, so ground ball get goals are basically the only way teams can scoring goals against us. Last night was the perfect example of thst phenomenon. The bottom line is goody is not going to be too fussed if a player like Cameron kicks 5 if the opposition only kicks 8 or 9 in total
  3. Fair points. Loved him, moved a bit like Robbie, and like many dees fans was desperate for him to come to the dees. From memory he was close to doing so at one point.
  4. They will take a squad to Adelaide, on the assumption that they will go straight to Perth. Every player that goes to Adelaide will be a chance to get a gig. I've been thinking about the chance of Jonesy being a medi sub in finals. In terms of selection, Goody is a funny mix of pragmatism, sticking with winning teams and left field selections. Who can forget the decision to bring Smith in for fritter in the 2018 prelim. And that was after bringing in vanders late in the season, which was made more curious because viney had come into the team late in the season too and so there was a risk with two players returning from injury. Goody can be hard nosed, as Fritter and now Jordon know all too well, but he loves loyalty too, and has a dash of romanticism about him. So I could see goody making Jones a medi sub in this game and/or the prelim. Would bring his energy and spirit into the group, and a heart and soul intangible. And in many ways he would be the perfect sub to come into a high pressure finals game. He is obviously very experienced. I assume has played in more finals than any other dees player. Coming in fresh, say in the last quarter, he can impact with his strength and physicality. and can play in multiple positions, including as a defensive forward on Rich (though he might be a touch slow for that job). When do they announce the med i sub?
  5. Genuinely surprised jj is not in for Captain Jack.
  6. Absolutely. I didn't pick that up live, but if lever had made any move to play on it had to be 50 metres. He was basically directly in front of lever
  7. 100% agree about incentives being more effective. And I'm not suggesting we should, or even could, go down the legal route. But we are certainly about to head into very murky areas in terms of Vax v non Vax - work place mandates are the obvious ones. But there is a million other less obvious ones. On changing young people's minds. And some oldies like me, if they were clever they would pumping up things like the outdoor music festival summer circuit. I go to golden plains every (non covid) year. Not much chance of social distancing there. Those sort of events will surely be double Vax only. So they should be telling you gunston, if you want to go to merideth, splendour, falls, rainbow serpent etc etc, get bloody vaxed. And maybe even offer a discount to tickets to such events. Or a ticket guarantee.
  8. All good points. However there a couple of interesting considerations with two of your examples. Whilst we don't restrict health care for those who fail to wear a seatbelt, or whose BAC is over .05 an nor should we - we do apply very serious penalties. Both are illegal, so whilst you can choose not to wear seatbelt or drive when over .05, you will be charged with an offence and penalized if caught doing so. And in the event of driving over.05 there are a range of other possible non direct penalties. If you crash your car when over the limit your insurance will not cover you, limiting your health treatment options and exposing you to some pretty serious financial ram(pardon the pun)ifications. And if you hurt or kill someone whilst driving over the limit you will be charged with serious criminals offences. Could there be similar non direct ramifications for someone who got hospitalized because they chose not to get vaccinated? For example their employer might decide they are not going to give them sick leave.
  9. But they are not superiors to us at winning contested ball and around the ground stoppage clearances. Their numbers might be touch better at around the ground stoppage clearances, but that is because we have one less players at stoppages then they do. Its a problem for them becuase t if they don't win contested ball and around the ground stoppage clearances they don't win. It is their one wood. We are likely to match, or beat them in both areas on Saturday night. But as we have shown many times this year, particularly in regard to clearances, even if we don't we are likely still going to win. Because we don't rely on winning in these areas to win games. Our one wood is our relentlessly effective defensive system. Much harder to negate an offensive strength (eg clearances) than a defensive one. Which is key reason why the dogs have fallen in a heap.
  10. The problem for the lions is their game plan relies on winning contested ball and around the ground stoppage clearances. Given the strength of their midfield even numbers at those contests works against most teams. Not so well against us, given we have viney, tracc and Oliver - three contested ball bulls who have the advantage of feeding off maxy. The other problem for the lions is the more they look to negate our strengths by moving players around, the more they have to adjust their own game plan. This is one of our key advantages over other teams this year. We might tag the occasional mid, but by in large we make minimal positional changes. And whilst we might make the occasional tactical tweak, by in large we stick with our system. It means we are proactive, dont waste energy worrying about opposition plans and remain predictable so our players alwas know what is happening. Whereas we force other teams to be reactive and focus on us.
  11. Ha, just saw this. No wins from 4th in 26 years is remarkable.
  12. Yes they have. Which is no knock on Petty, he's no Steve may. His go is to out read and use his body to out manoeuvre. And of course use his pace to zone off ans take intercept marks. We don't want him in a wrestle with McStay. May on McStay is the go, and has the benefit of rhyming. I could actually see Smith take Daniher. One on one Daniher has his measure but he is not a stay at home forward and takes most of his marks up around half forward. So Smith would likely not get isolated against him very often and has the leap to negate his height. Daniher gets up the ground, which suits Smith because he can easily go with him. And daniher is over rated and not fit enough. Smith could expose that lack of fitness by running off him at every opportunity and pressing up high to help trap the ball inside our 50. That would leave Petty with their third tall and Lever to float as the intercept player.
  13. I have exercised my demons. My demons is the name of my poodle.
  14. Let's say it was cats we beat in the gf. We could cos play with the equivalent cats footy forum. Though they may be less keen in the event of a loss. Wimps. Maybe Andy should put the challenge out prior to the gf.
  15. Kozzie has finals performer written all over him. And to add to that he will be playing at home,in front of friends and family. And just like he did against Port he give them a show. Pitt he can't stay and spend some time with family this time as that port game was no doubt tbe last time he was allowed to stay in Adelaide.
  16. Rivers yes, Salem no at this stage in his career. And there is a good chance bowey will end up as a mid, given that’s where he played as a junior. And we have captain Jack sparrow and Jordan in rhe mix too
  17. No, i don't think so. Hunt has taken SFA intercept marks this season, which is ok as it is not really his go. And Hibberd might take some in one on one situations where he out marks his direct opponent, but is pretty slow, so struggles to zone off and cover ground to the marking contest, and has no leap so is not really an intercept marking threat in the way Petty and even Smith is. And both are way shorter than Smith, so that doesn't help the intercept marking cause - or impacting aerial contests for that matter
  18. This is my take too. Creates real dilemma for the opposition i think. When we played the Lions they basically tagged Salem and Lever. Which makes sense given their importance, particularly in terms of how we transition the ball from defence and create scoring opportunities form the back half. But lets say they do that this week. Bowey gives us the option to play through him instead. Like Salem he is a brilliant kick, has good spatial awareness so doesn't get pinged often and probably has more toe than Salem. And a defensive forward on Salem is not a great offensive threat. So another win for us. Same goes for Lever. The Lions tagged him too, and that was pretty effective, in the first half at least. But again it is another forward looking to defend first, score second. So another win for us. And in Lever's case we had Petty to take intercept marks. And this week we will likely have Smith too. So sure negate lever, but what about petty, Smith and May? Clever selections i reckon.
  19. I see the logic of Hibberd in for Smith, both in terms of hibberd's experience and the fact he is way, way better one on one than Smith. But i think they will keep Smith in. Against the cats, at various times Smith took Rohan, Cameron and even Dangerfield. May was free to lock onto Hawkins (who he struggled a bit against in the first half it must be said) and Petty took the third tall. So i think Smith gives them some real flexibility to cover one of the Lions talls, meaning Lever does not have to. That said i had in my mind that the Lions had replaced Hipwood with another tall, to join Daniher and McStay and make three talls. But now that i think about it i'm not sure they have.
  20. Though we did very poorly after the lightning
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