My thinking is that in list management it was decided to see what Oliver was worth. Rather than go through his manager Pert rings Lyon (this happened) to test the water. This course was taken as they played together and it was just an informal call. The Saints had interest last year and now have two top ten picks. Why wouldn't you ask? So in my view Oliver's manager wouldn't have known, only Ross Lyon and our LM team.
I believe Tim Lamb when he says clubs ring each other about players all the time, it just doesn't get out. I've asked real estate agents about the value of my house on multiple occasions over the 30 years I've lived in it. I've never had the slightest intention of selling but it's important to know the value of things. It's important in list management too.
I don't think Lyon had any incentive to leak the call so I think it came from us. But I'm just speculating. Why would we tell Oliver's manager? Unless of course it just a continuation of the appalling management we've seen for some time now.