Maybe the "Mitchell special" 8-10 metre passes being paid as marks is part of the same thing. Avoid a congested stoppage.
Or, maybe, just crap umpiring and leaning towards a top team.
Pretty pathetic effort by Clarkson trying to blame umpiring for what was a heavy loss after relinquishing a four goal lead.
Still, typical. They are after all not used to not getting a free ride from the maggots.
Those two frees against Cyrrrrrrrilllllll in a couple of minutes must have broken their hearts - it did to Bruce.
Hulett needs to step up fast. Could be, if he can become the forward Rick we need, a silver lining for us.
His heart has not looked to be at MFC this year......good luck playing under boring Lyon.
And of course the MRP will ignore Breust's high contact in a marking contest. Chose to bump, eyes off the ball. Head high. Nothing to answer. Dirty mongrels.