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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. Lookout Picket! Whitey has been in a couple of plays. Just marked a ball coming out of Frankys defence. Set shot. 40m. 50 degree angle. GOAL.
  2. Game is being broadcast on SER Casey Radio. 97.7 FM.
  3. And Terlich gets caught running out of defence. Turnover free. Goal.
  4. The flight of a thousand miles starts with the pilot grasping the joystick, young grasshopper.
  5. Tempted to agree but trying to resist MFCSS so soon in the season. I succumbed to it for a few days earlier in the week but must..keep..holding..on....
  6. Bit of rum in their warm milk might help make sure you get there in time for Q3.
  7. Sailing in on the train. Anyone hear the Coodabeens this morning? A few funny ditties, with a repeat of a phrase overhead in the members last week:. "Get involved number 1" . The main tunes were Puppy Love, and Fortunate Son. Hoping our numbers are all jumping today from the bounce.
  8. Did you make it down to the Bluesfest over the weekend Red?
  9. Thanks very much to all for the match reports. Feel like I've just watched the game on fast forward without missing any good bits.
  10. Bike ride for me before my old (now folded) cricket club has its AGM at a Richmond pub. Annual excuse for a mighty pi55 up. Numbers are usually pretty good because of the aversion therapy - if you're not there by mid arvo you get a barrage of texts saying 'soft co*k'.
  11. Took me a while to put my finger on what was different from Sunday evening onwards. Than I realised - it felt strange to walk away from a game NOT feeling disappointed.
  12. I much prefer his later incarnation, Alice Cooper.
  13. I'm on the way in. Will that get us to double figures?
  14. Fear not Earl. I can put you in touch with helpers who can take your wine for a far lower annual wage. I can have them drain the contents and return the bottles with an appropriate substitute. Might even do it myself.
  15. Some of the best grappa I ever tasted was from a jam jar. And after it stripped my tonsils out I had a handy place to store them.
  16. On the Hawks Landcruiser I think Fitzy might be those antler horns that you stick on the front driver and passenger Windows around Xmas.
  17. Well, a banana bender has to bend the bananas. That's his purpose in life. The question is whether the bending changes the taste and culinary performance of said bananas. If there's no impact, bring Bananaby on!
  18. So OD, is there any trick to your recipe? Do you serve it cold, or maybe microwave first? What toppings? Please share.
  19. Change of profile pic featuring a few tees that my kids Santa got me for Xmas.
  20. Just dropped in after about 17 pages of absence. Looks to me like a shiPload of electrons have been sent flying around the Internet and made absolutely no impact on their targets. Back in another 17 pages or so.
  21. Not speaking from experience, but I wouldn't be sitting anyone on Santa's knee at the Gatt!
  22. I liked the double line space after 'enter' cause I do it anyway. But it makes sense to give users the choice and make the default a single line. And on the Win 10 upgrade, early days and only problem so far is Norton doesn't like the new browser in Win 10 so I have to go back to using IE11 or Chrome for now.
  23. Upgrading from 8.1. It was a big leap previously from XP to 8, but the promo for 10 wasn't suggesting a whole lot of changes vs 8.
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