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Everything posted by bjDee

  1. So Oscar plays a coupla minutes in the 2s last week before concussion, plays no minutes this weekend, and gets into the ones next week? He's here tonight and looks fine and even said he's fine but I didn't see a halo around his head or wings on his back.
  2. Weeds very strong standing mark on the goal line! And goal! After watching him for 3 weeks I'm starting to think that Weeds has a bit more strength and solidarity in his body than first appears. He's not a strong build but often with him in a clash you hear a solid thump or slap as he connects really solidly with an opponent. Heard it again for that mark and goal. I wanted to keep him for next year before getting a look in the seniors but may have to reconsider.
  3. We are finding it very hard to get it off half back and past the centre. Willy applying huge pressure.
  4. So we've stopped the double posts but now I'm getting triple emoticons.....
  5. And the radio guys have now picked up on Trenners name after I had a go at the boundary rider.
  6. First bacon burger down before qtr time. Beef bacon onion coleslaw sauce. I opted not to include the egg this time. Yum.
  7. Very even game so far. If anything, Scorps have had more control, but Willy have had more breakaway goals on the run. I'd rather have our form than theirs for the 1st qtr.
  8. But I wish they could pronounce Trenners name properly.
  9. It's being broadcast again this week on Casey radio 97.7. Get onto it. Saves us having to comment so much and we can watch the game. On my way down they announced ANB is being held over as the emergency for tomorrow.
  10. Well said. Sentiments same as mine (and name as well). But let me offer you some free full stops '.........' - I ran out of breath reading your post.
  11. Steph Chiocci was very impressive for the Dogs last year, both on and off the field. I heard her speak at a Fitzroy ammos function then watched her play against the Dees. Daisy is my 'first love' (evidence includes selfie with her at the B&F) but don't write off the other talented women players going around. And agree with others re the Daisy speech. Brought a chill to the spine and a tear to the eye, all in one short moment.
  12. I'll see you there. Big news on the catering front last time was the deluxe burger - an egg and bacon roll with premium beef burger patter thrown in. I'm not eating between now and Sat night.
  13. He's on the extended bench. Same as Pedo, ANB, Trac and 4 others. They are always dual-named until the AFL team bench is finalised.
  14. Going this week Angry? Kids in bed before 7 this week? Rum or brandy and milk at 6:00? And some for the kids as well?
  15. Keilty and Max King. Keilty copped a head knock last week so we were short of a ruckman occasionally. I saw Hulett shape up to ruck at one stage before being relieved by Keilty returning to the fray with head in a bandage.
  16. So, that means sit a week totally on the sidelines, yeah? Not having a go at you, but let's be clear - if head injury is an issue, we wouldn't want anyone to play at any level for the next week, AFL, VFL, or suburban 5ths at Packenham Upper. Right?
  17. Come on dc. That's non-sequitur.
  18. Didn't hear Hamish say it but heard it from one of the family members I sat with at the game to watch Jayden's debut.
  19. One thing bugs me. We all say 'player x' needs a rest. Then we expect them to play their arse off in the 2s and bang the door down to get back in the 1s. If we (you) are serious about granting someone a rest, then why have them play at all at Casey? That's not a rest. That's just another pressure game in a different jumper. Why not give them a weekend off fully to help in their recovery? Just a little pet hate of mine. If you want them to rest, make it a proper REST.
  20. Haven't been a M Jones fan but I didn't see him do much wrong today. Lots of running and no stuffed up passes by foot.
  21. This is too hard. Too many worthy players have to miss out on votes.
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